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The Skateboard Thread


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serious, you cant hate on old shit,

steez is steez.

and jason lee had them steady, even on huge boards.




I was in no way shape or form hating on Jason Lee.


At all.


Just sayin that nobody back then had 360 flips as good as heads are doing them nowadays.


But that's just a givein.


Jason Lee was fucking dope back then.

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I don't know about where you're from but I see random kids popping and catching the cleanest 3 flips on the regular these days. With more style and less effort than back in the day. And that's not even mentioning the shit that goes on in videos by pros. Kids doing 3 flip nose manny's on benches and shit like it's nothing.


And video days??? 360 flips were still a new trick back then. Jason Lees 360 flips in 1990 aint got shit on the kids these days bro.

Seriously... what the fuck are you talking about???


And dawgs, since you wanna bring "age and experience" into this, I been skating for 19 years.


Are you even 19 years old?


19 years and you dont appriciate style at this point yet? man thats a shocker. but hey whatevs thats your thing. id rather watch video days over any mechanical looking kid doing a tre over carlsbad. switch while wiping his ass. ill take bobbby worrest switch tre...drake regular tre carol hardflip. not hating on you at all just sayin.

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again about getz, i dont think he gets pissed.


he just likes to focus boards..if i was a pro and got stacks and stacks of free decks, i know i'd be breaking them shits like it was going out of style


im not trying to name drop or anything so dont take it that way but also took this dude around when he came to town with danny renaud and fredd gall he was prolly the most down to earth then any of the others for sure.

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a lot of that has to do with trends, and technology.

small wheels, and flat concaveless boards of the 90s prevented pop,

especially since people were just skating curbs,

so there was no need to have lofty tricks.


Actually in Jason Lee's era it was still fish tails, small noses, and steep concave.


And steep concave is just a gimmic. You can totally pop higher on flatter, smaller lighter boards than on some tank board with giant wheels and steep ass concave.

That's just a fact.

Not even up for debate.



And LMAO at you thinking we were only skating curbs in the 90's. :lol:

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19 years and you dont appriciate style at this point yet? man thats a shocker. but hey whatevs thats your thing. id rather watch video days over any mechanical looking kid doing a tre over carlsbad. switch while wiping his ass. ill take bobbby worrest switch tre...drake regular tre carol hardflip. not hating on you at all just sayin.


I'm talking about style and cleanliness you fucking dipshit.


You'd rather watch Video Days out of some false sense of nostalgia.

Video Days was fucking sick when it came out, and anyone who was around back then could fully apreciate the nostalgia of watching it again after all these years.

But dawgs... you were probably sucking on your moms tit when that video came out.

You're no different than the dudes in the mid 90's who grew dreadlocks and started rocking dagger boards and Animal Chin shirts and doing bonelesses and shit all fronting like they're oldschool all of a sudden.


But hey, not hating on you at all just sayin.

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Actually in Jason Lee's era it was still fish tails, small noses, and steep concave.


And steep concave is just a gimmic. You can totally pop higher on flatter, smaller lighter boards than on some tank board with giant wheels and steep ass concave.

That's just a fact.

Not even up for debate.



And LMAO at you thinking we were only skating curbs in the 90's. :lol:


ease up.

My statement was in general, not specific to Jlee's time.


but im going to debate your fact.

skating on 39mm wheels, and flat boards is going to have adverse effects to getting higher tricks,

than skating 55s and a concaved board.

sure you can get up to the same ledge witht he 39mm wheels,

but its going to be a lot easier with the bigger wheels.

im not talking 60mm+ or some hippy shit like that either.


also, like i said, it had to do with trends,

not everyone was trying to skate ledges and rails,

most were still filming parts skating red curbs in the 90s. [the early 90s, when smalls wheels were popular]

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I'm talking about style and cleanliness you fucking dipshit.


You'd rather watch Video Days out of some false sense of nostalgia.

Video Days was fucking sick when it came out, and anyone who was around back then could fully apreciate the nostalgia of watching it again after all these years.

But dawgs... you were probably sucking on your moms tit when that video came out.

You're no different than the dudes in the mid 90's who grew dreadlocks and started rocking dagger boards and Animal Chin shirts and doing bonelesses and shit all fronting like they're oldschool all of a sudden.


But hey, not hating on you at all just sayin.



but dawgs...i cant even try to diss you any more.

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i dont mind the flip in flip out shit..


hell, i remember watching second to none the first time and haslam doing all those boardslide kickflip out and thinking that was the craziest shit ever..now its just ridiculous.


in the next five years kids are going to be switch hardflipping quadruple sets

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ease up.

My statement was in general, not specific to Jlee's time.


but im going to debate your fact.

skating on 39mm wheels, and flat boards is going to have adverse effects to getting higher tricks,

than skating 55s and a concaved board.

sure you can get up to the same ledge witht he 39mm wheels,

but its going to be a lot easier with the bigger wheels.

im not talking 60mm+ or some hippy shit like that either.


also, like i said, it had to do with trends,

not everyone was trying to skate ledges and rails,

most were still filming parts skating red curbs in the 90s. [the early 90s, when smalls wheels were popular]


That's funny cause the highest ollie I ever did was in 1994 and best beleive I was rocking 39's and a 7.5 Powell with the airplane graphic.


Also just recently my boy who rocks the 8" boards with ginormous wheels was trying and failing to tailslide this ledge that was about knee high. I told him his wheels are too big (like I always do, just clownin and shit) and told him to try it on my board.

He did that shit like every try on my board then went back to his and still couldn't do it even once.:lol:


It's just logic bro.

How you gonna pop something that weighs twice as much that you have to kick down twice as far before the tail hits the ground as high as a regular board?


And why you think boards have evolved to what they are today?


Come on now.


And FYI, 55's are on some "hippy shit". :lol:

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the 3-different-grind/slides-on-one-ledge had obviously already been done, and i think that's why it's boring to a lot of people. i'm pretty sure the main reference is fully flared (which is a fucking insane video, nh) and i can agree... skateboarding is to the point where almost every video part is almost too much to process. maybe i'm just getting older and falling off.... but the game has definitely been stepped up over the past couple of years... i see P.Rod as one of the first of this new generation of rippers. i could watch Gallant's video parts all day and be happier than watching Mike Mo's part equally as many times. there's only so much insanity i can absorb anymore.

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