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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


they are giving free flu shots at my work right now. i'm trying to decide if i should get one. i'm scared of needles and never get the flu shot anyway, but it's free.......


fuck the flu shot. You're not a granny nor are you a baby, and the flu virus is constantly evolving. The shot they give you may not even be the virus of the season.


Flu shot is on some X-Files shit.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Anybody else get this retarded random ass PM?





I'm new here, how's it going?


"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things as a meaningful unity" - Albert Einstein





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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


haha...i just need to vent...here goes...


wake up with heart burn from the late night nacho run.

one of my seeds doesn't want to go to school so i wrestle with him to go.

then, i couldn't find my house keys.

never found them so i will have to get my spare from pops later.

i stop at seeds school and when i get back to my car, it doesnt want to start. left the lights on!

so i manage to flag someone down, who luckily had some cables for a jumpstart.

get to work super late, boss gives me the look.

i spill hot coffee on myself upon arrival...great!


to top shit off i had to cancel lunch plans with a lady friend

because we are having a meeting today for lunch.

normally we get a good week's notice but since theres a lot of people

griping about things, a meeting was called last minute.

the reason it sucks is because i went out with this girl once awhile back

and we finally find time to kick it again and i have to cancel.

i feel like a shit head jerk born loser motherfucker right about now.


beer me!!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


haha...i just need to vent...here goes...


wake up with heart burn from the late night nacho run.

one of my seeds doesn't want to go to school so i wrestle with him to go.

then, i couldn't find my house keys.

never found them so i will have to get my spare from pops later.

i stop at seeds school and when i get back to my car, it doesnt want to start. left the lights on!

so i manage to flag someone down, who luckily had some cables for a jumpstart.

get to work super late, boss gives me the look.

i spill hot coffee on myself upon arrival...great!


to top shit off i had to cancel lunch plans with a lady friend

because we are having a meeting today for lunch.

normally we get a good week's notice but since theres a lot of people

griping about things, a meeting was called last minute.

the reason it sucks is because i went out with this girl once awhile back

and we finally find time to kick it again and i have to cancel.

i feel like a shit head jerk born loser motherfucker right about now.


beer me!!


aww sorry. i'll have a beer for you after work, and i think i'll pick up some nachos from 7-eleven for lunch. peace doggy dog

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