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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


You never gave me advice about growing a mullet and beard...


And isn't the same old lady from that Aphex Twin video??



First step Check this site for the Mullet




Then check here for the beard



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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


yeah i only got 3 days this week too...

but still.... iss sucks u sit in a little ass room

and you cant talk or do anything the whole day...

but i got that cause i got 35 tardies....

i wont be surprised if i have more by tomorrow...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


sometimes i wake up late and get there by mid 1st period....

but alot of those they marked when i wasnt tardy...

but when im in the office they dont care what i have to say

unless i call my administrator a faggot again...

35 aint bad though...

last year i had like 47...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


when im going to class i just walk

and say wussup to everyone i see...

by the time the bell rings im like fuck it

and keep on walking the same pace...

if i actually think about it i think im late to class

at least 3 times a day no joke....

im gonna have to start being on time.... fuck....

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


at my school you get 8 free tardy passes a semester... when you use them all up you get detention every time you're late


i used up all of mine last week but didn't even know it, cause if you're late on wednesdays (we start an hour later on wednesday) it's 2 passes. so i had a detention i didn't even know about it and missed it.


so i spent my friday in TWO hour detention.. sorting papers and folders for open house

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