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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


so today at work i made my coworker feel hella stupid, heres the story:


we're at a construction site working on a million dollar house in the bay area. i look to the sky and there's an airplane with the trail of clouds they leave, it was taking off miles away. at the anlge its at it looks like its going straight to outer space.


my coworker walks up and im like

"hey check it out joey, Apollo 25 taking off" (all i could think of was appolo 13 and i fuiguered by this time they are up to like 25)


joey: oh is that what that is?


me: yeah i saw it all over the news yesterday they were launching today.


joey walks off to the jobsite foreman and tells him


joey: hey paul, check it out. Nasa is launching Apollo 25 into space.


paul: oh shit is that what that is?


at this time im fighting back laughter and the mexican guys all start looking up at the sky and drop their shuvels, they start asking questions and joey tells them all its apollo 25.

i also hear someone in the background say it was god.


this guy Ian walks out of the office and he's like "thats not a space ship, its a plane. i can see the wings"


ian: joey get back to work.


at this time joey is walking back towards me and i bust out laughing, and ask him what kinda shit is he smoking.


me: nigga when the fuck have you heard of nasa launching space ships from cali?


i made fun of him for the rest of the day and he later confessed he felt like hitting me.


classic material.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


so yesterday me and 2 of my homies went behind this retirment home

where one of them works at to smoke like 2 blunts...

were chilling and see a car pull up...

next thing i know my boy is like, "yo what the fuck is that?"

we turn around and dude is parked right next to some car looking around it,

he checked the windows and went to the drivers side, spit on the car,

and pulled out a "jimmy" and tried to steal some car..

my boy was like "shit yo hes tryin to steal it! put your seatbelt on yo put it on!"

they both hurry and put on their seatbelts and sink reeeal low in their seats like

"oh shit did he see us did he see us??"

i was just laughing the whole time... i guess dude saw us and dipped quick as hell..

they were like "shiiiit if he woulda came over here i woulda knocked his ass out"..

so at first they were scary as hell and as soon as he left they were talking mad shit..

i just thought it was funny as hell.. i didnt care if he came by our car or not,

i was just gonna let him be and do his thing really...

that right there made my day... :lol:

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