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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


^^thats fucking nuts...


i once saw a car accident before the ambulance got there...so we pulled over and just watched..

both people in the car had died cause the driver fell asleep behind the wheel...shit was sad....and morbid.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


i got stuck on about a mile of freeway today for two hours because someone got ran over on the freeway. i saw an arm and hella blood, my brother saw chunks of meat. shit was crazy son.


samething happened to me earlier this year,

saw the body covered on the side of the road

and the girls friends sitting there in shock on the railing

they were on drugs running out of some motel

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


there were also 4 kids from my neighborhood who

lured a gay black man from the internet

to some spot next to a parkway, he came they

jumped out to beat him up and rob him and he

ran into the park way and got killed by a car, they

are all in jail now, 3 of them are geting 25

one is also caliming to be gay, he aint but he deserves to die

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


this girl i worked with got killed on the freeway 3 yrs ago. she crashed and tried to run across the freeway and got hit by an old lady.


anybody watch those movies called "red asphault" while in drivers ed in high school?

shits gross...the movies are supposed to scare you from drinking and driving...


in one scene of red asphault #3 (taped here in sacramento on highway 99) they show the highway patrol scooping some guys brains off the ground and putting them into a paper bag...

fucking nasty.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Tonight was pretty dope. Smoked some nugs out of my buddy Whoopie Bowlberg..ate a buncha Percs..won a poker tourny at my buddie's house which paid for all of my night and then some..and now I am eating chicken parmesan with butter noodles and broccoli with cheez wiz accompanied by tea cooler. Chyeaaaaa

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


so i seen some CRAZY shit yesterday...


i was driving down the street bumping my cali agents cd really loud, when i pull up next to these two "brothas" bumping some hyphy music at the red light next to me (they were in a ghetto ass car).


they had theyre music on blast and i had mine turned up too...so the light turns green and i take off fast to speed up and turn in front of them to get into the better lane with less traffic in it...


as they see me speed up to get ahead of them, they speed up too...were both doing about 30 mph at this point when i look to my left and notice they arent there anymore...


i look in my side view mirror and see that one of their tires has completely come off of the rim and is rolling into oncomming traffic at about 30mph and they have put on their hazard lights and stopped..


the tire starts to bouce....hits an oncomming car and shoots up about 25-30 feet (maybe more into the air).....at that point i was gone....but when the tire was comming down...it looked like it was about to land on this green crystler that was making a turn....


i didnt stick around to see what happened next...but that was the craziest shit ive seen in a minute....i mean the tire was literally higher than the street lights...


as i drove off i was thinking....damn.....i wish i coulda flicked that and put it on 12oz!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


i have to go to the social security office tomorow and probably wait in line for two hours.


someone got a hold of my social security number somehow and i still dont even know if theyve actually done anything with it yet. but i have to get a paper stating that IS my social security number. FUCK.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


some shit happened last night, i was going home on 80, and when i get to el cerrito there's some huge backup, so i was gonna exit and take 580 instead. so when i was exiting, the light turned yellow right when i was about to go across the intersection, so i stopped, and this stupid bitch behind me honked cause i didn't go.

so i got hella pissed, and when the light turned green i stepped on the gas and peeled out a little and honked my horn and flipped her dumbass off. so then i'm turning left to get to 580, and this fucking cunt tried passing me up on the left and got in front of me and shit and i almost rear ended her.

so then she's in front of me right at the entrance to 580, and she's stopped there because i'm right behind her fucking stupid ass, and doesnt move for at least 2 minutes while i'm fucking honking my horn wishing i had a gun to shoot her in the back of the head.

anyway she finally went and drove hella slow on the freeway and wouldn't let me pass her, every time i changed lanes she cut right in front of me. so i pulled up at least 2 inches behind her and then floored it and cut out on her left and she tried doing the same but i was too quick and i saw her swerving behind me after i passed the stupid bitch. i wish her ass had lost it and crashed.


it wasn't that crazy, but man was i fucking pissed. i swear to god if i had a gun i would have pulled up beside her and shot her straight in the fucking face. stupid fucking bitch.

i didn't get her plates either. if i did then i would be at her house right now throwing a stone through her front windshield with a note attached saying "learn how to fucking drive you stupid fucking whore."


man was i heated.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


from wiki..


Ned Arnel Mencía was born the seventeenth of eighteen children. At the time of his birth, his mother, Magdelena Mencía from Mexico, was engaged in a domestic dispute with his father, Honduran Roberto Holness, and declined to give her son his biological father's last name.[1] The name appearing on his birth certificate is "Ned Arnel Mencía", although Mencia has said that out of respect for his biological father he went by the Holness name anyway, and was known as "Ned Holness" until he was eighteen years old

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


some shit happened last night, i was going home on 80, and when i get to el cerrito there's some huge backup, so i was gonna exit and take 580 instead. so when i was exiting, the light turned yellow right when i was about to go across the intersection, so i stopped, and this stupid bitch behind me honked cause i didn't go.

so i got hella pissed, and when the light turned green i stepped on the gas and peeled out a little and honked my horn and flipped her dumbass off. so then i'm turning left to get to 580, and this fucking cunt tried passing me up on the left and got in front of me and shit and i almost rear ended her.

so then she's in front of me right at the entrance to 580, and she's stopped there because i'm right behind her fucking stupid ass, and doesnt move for at least 2 minutes while i'm fucking honking my horn wishing i had a gun to shoot her in the back of the head.

anyway she finally went and drove hella slow on the freeway and wouldn't let me pass her, every time i changed lanes she cut right in front of me. so i pulled up at least 2 inches behind her and then floored it and cut out on her left and she tried doing the same but i was too quick and i saw her swerving behind me after i passed the stupid bitch. i wish her ass had lost it and crashed.


it wasn't that crazy, but man was i fucking pissed. i swear to god if i had a gun i would have pulled up beside her and shot her straight in the fucking face. stupid fucking bitch.

i didn't get her plates either. if i did then i would be at her house right now throwing a stone through her front windshield with a note attached saying "learn how to fucking drive you stupid fucking whore."


man was i heated.


damn nigga you got smashed on by a female driver? hahaha

and calm down man, sometimes you got to let some small shit like that go.

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