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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I dont like you^^^...You have made two posts in graffiti related topics...Yes I checked...



You ever date a girl your really into love the smell they wear. Then after your done dating them you smell some other girl who wears the same thing and get mildly attracted to them...Happened a couple times to me...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


It solves all problems


but yours is a special case....alien lizards need to be irradiated off the face of our plant! Bastards!


he is serious vaj, dont mess with the alien lizards. genocide is not just the best solution, its the only solution.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Your girlfriend loves her fried chicken more than she loves you, her parents, life, or the limitless freedom to excel and prosper granted to every citizen of this great country.


“Fried chicken beats all that shit,” she likes to say. In fact, right before she rips the lid off of another bucket (which she has no intention of sharing) she says a little prayer of Grace, listing all of the things that she thinks are far less important than a good hot bucket of fried chicken.


“A child’s laughter. Kittens playing with an apple in a baby’s crib. Being asked out by a guy who’s rich. It’s all shit compared to my next bucket of chicken.”


You love this woman and you want her to marry you. You’ve given the girls behind the counter at Kleinfeldts’ Fried Chicken Cabana your engagement ring and you’ve asked them to deposit it at the bottom of the next bucket of chicken your girlfriend orders. You’ll be sitting across from her after she finishes her fifth piece of chicken and finds that shiny diamond ring sparkling up at her from the bottom of the bucket.


You’ll say, “Will you marr—“


Before you can get your proposal out, she’ll smack you across the head with a wing, screaming about how you fucked up her bucket of chicken. Apparently, she likes to keep her buckets pure of foreign objects, no matter how expensive they might be or how deep the love they represent.


“We’re through!” she’ll shout. Then she’ll run through the plate glass window of the Kleinfeldts’ and take off sprinting down the street. The Kleinfeldts’ assistant manager on duty will tell you that you’re gonna have to pay for that window, and that it just wasn’t meant to be for you two.


“But at least you put yourself out there,” he’ll say. “There’s always a chance you’re gonna find out you matter less than a bucket of chicken, and it’ll hurt, but you’ll never know for sure if you don’t take that risk. The window’s 800 dollars.”

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Brother Pele's in the back, sweet Zina's in the front

Cruisin' down the freeway in the hot, hot sun

Suddenly red-blue lights flash us from behind

Loud voice booming, "Please step out onto the line"

Pele preaches words of comfort, Zina just hides her eyes

Policeman taps his shades, "Is that a Chevy '69?"


How bizarre

How bizarre, how bizarre


Destination unknown, as we pull in for some gas

Freshly pasted poster reveals a smile from the past

Elephants and acrobats, lions snakes monkey

Pele speaks "righteous," Sister Zina says "funky"


How bizarre

How bizarre, how bizarre


Ooh, baby (Ooh, baby)

It's making me crazy (It's making me crazy)

Everytime I look around

Everytime I look around (Everytime I look around)

Everytime I look around

It's in my face


Ring master steps out and says "the elephants left town"

People jump and jive, but the clowns have stuck around

TV news and camera, there's choppers in the sky

Marines, police, reporters ask where, for and why

Pele yells, "We're outta here," Zina says, "Right on"

We're making moves and starting grooves before they knew we were gone

Jumped into the Chevy and headed for big lights

Wanna know the rest? Hey, buy the rights...


How bizarre

How bizarre, how bizarre


Ooh, baby (Ooh, baby)

It's making me crazy (It's making me crazy)

Everytime I look around

Everytime I look around (Everytime I look around)

Everytime I look around

It's in my face

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


The puppy keeps terrorizing the pug.



I dont think the pug likes it.



The puppy will learn after the pug gets fed up. Its just something that happens when you bring to dogs together for the first time. I have owned many dogs in my experience older dogs don't demonstrate their dominance straight off the bat if you bring a puppy into the picture. It knows that its just a puppy and will usually tolerate alot before it goes ENOUGH and nips at the puppy to tell it to chill. Usually thats all it takes just gotta let it happen but make sure the dog doesnt good ape shit and eat the thing which shouldnt happen if you have a good dog.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Letting your Ex know exactly what you want.


I got this via myspace this afternoon. This is the girl that just up and left me to move in with some dude in SC. Cried to come home I bought a plane ticket then the like 20 hours before I am supposed to leave she calls and is gonna work it out with the dude. Then she comes home 2 months later and tries talking to you and like shits gravy...



----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: ThisTrickRightChea

Date: Mar 22, 2007 9:09 AM



just sayin hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Psalm Juan

Date: Mar 22, 2007 10:31 AM



hey how are you.


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: ThisTrickRightChea

Date: Mar 22, 2007 10:42 AM



goooooooood. had an interview yesterday in downtown. went well, but was a little turned off by their health insurance coverage. had another one today at ***** global resources for a recruiter position. very interested in this one, hope they hire me. have another one tomorrow at ****** for a management trainee position, so we will see! hopefully soon someone will call and say, "you are hired!" because i'm losing my damn mind doing nothing all day. internet surfing has become way too repetitive for me.


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Psalm Juan

Date: Mar 22, 2007 10:46 AM



Well good! I wish you good luck with all of that. Sitting around on the internet is to much for me too. I do it all day at work cant stand to do it at home. You could always go and run my errands for me if you have nothing to do...Just a thought...



From: ThisTrickRightChea

Date: Mar 22, 2007 10:52 AM



umm, i didn't say i was looking to be Some1's bitch. i'm looking for a sales position. goshhhhhhhhhhhh!


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From:Psalm Juan

Date: Mar 22, 2007 10:55 AM


Damn, its not "Some1's Bitch" the title is "Some1's Servant" certainly a more respectable title worth adding on a resume'. Or instead we could have a little rendezvous around lunch time for a little...uh well...you know...




I am now waiting for a response she prolly wont give me one. Who cares I don't want to waste my time with a girl who fucked me over unless its for sex that I have to do nothing for. She was very good in bed...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I dont want to go to work today. I have $20 in my bank account till tomorrow evening. I am sitting in my room naked trying to figure out what I should wear to work...I think this moment is going to pretty much sum up how my whole day will be...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Hahaha at Some1s last post.


Man you shouldn't waste your time even talking to your ex, as you should be focusing all your energy on the singer!! Well, that is the advice I keep getting given about my ex.


Speaking of which, my ex is coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Fuck what everyone advises me to do about her, I could care less.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Pfffffft. Way to live by your own morals...ahhahaa Dude so this I am no longer in the nude I got my chaps sweater and jeans casual fridays. However when I said it was gonna be an odd day. I get to work....






Now I just gotta come up with $750 for my half of the first month and security dep.

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