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Guest pb4life

Does anyone have "journey into darkness" zine, if someone does it'd be awesome of them to scan the pictures and post them if you're feeling ambitious. I would but it's sold out...

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Word Arkady and Big Dork! let it be known, you cant fake style and knowledge. If your biting, the real writers will know. Trust me. Also if your biting your killing valuable time that you could of been using to better understand your letters. For when one bites he does not learn, he only mimics. I'm talking knowing your letters inside and out. This takes time, lots of sketching followed by more sketching. It should be noted that studying others work is recommended. Learn your history and you will become a stronger writer.


The number 0ne thing I see now a days that rubs me the wrong way is the lack of work put in by the newer generations. What I mean by that is: some younger writers are painting productions and famed legal walls with out working for it.


A lot about writing has change in the last 10 years. I am in a unique position to observe the changes as I dipped out of the seen in late 2003 and reenter the seen in 2010. Some of the major changes I noted is the internet. The internet has formed writing into this world wide melting pot of styles, knowledge and even techniques. Writers are coming up much faster as a direct result of this.I think this is all good, but I strongly promote the concept that new writers should try to find a mentor to help bring them up correctly. If not a single mentor at least learn from who ever is before your time. There is a lot about writing that is outside of Style and Techniques that can only be pass on by proper upbringing.


In fact I would not be where I am today if not for all of my mentors and friends over my 15+ years in this game. I am grateful to all those who helped me along my way.


AEON, KORE, BERN, ZEAL, CASE, LEARN, LES, SELF, ERN, ASEND, LERK, JURNE, SEPT, TSA, LACK, SOKA, RICH, ICH, DOME, And any others i may have forgotten to name.


Just some food for thought.

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That rusk has nothing to do with ruets, it comes more from an obsession with typography, and old letter styles. inspiration comes from writers like shoe from amsterdam, dark, retna, and faust from ny, just trying to adapt a handwritten style to a wall, no intentional bite. not trying to start beef

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First off much respect to both BD's and HappyVeg.


Second I can understand loving graff and all, but don't let it be your number one concern unless you want to die of liver failure and spend all of your time trying to prove yourself to some people that in reality don't matter. Your given one life! experience it, live it up.


I have respect for people that turn graff into a lifestyle and do it well, but I could never do it. Don't get me wrong, I will paint for the rest of my life, because the feeling I get doing it doesn't compare to anything else, but i'm not trying to be out there every night bombing or hitting cars. It's awesome and all but it's not my entire life. I want a real job, a real family, and a certain lifestyle and I won't let my hobby (no matter how amazing it is) get in the way of me achieving these things.


I just want some people to realize where i'm at, and if it puts me outside of "the cool circle" that's fine. I respect almost all of the people in the scene as writers, but not many as actual people or friends.


So keep your eye's out for the snakes in the grass, and stop worrying so much about when your going to go out and paint next. Your mind and body will let you know when it's time, and you'll feel even better about yourself when you know it's all on your terms.

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