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The Great Photography Superthread

H. Lecter

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Re: Great Pictures~


Anyone interested in blowing their fucking mind, have a read about the hubble ultra deep field photograghs. The universe ruins my concentration.






Every one of those coloured dots is a galaxy similiar to our own. If you research it you can see close ups of areas of the photograph that appear blank, they are also full of batrillions of galaxys.

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Re: Great Pictures~


Just to let you guys know, this thread is for mind blowing photos not shit you think is cool or funny.


edit: not directed at anyone in particular, just a gen statement, this thread has been kinda weak

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Re: Great Pictures~


It shouldn't be depressing, if anything it should make you realize how little your problems are. In turn letting you appreciate more of your life and not be bogged down by the social circus that has been created to convince us all that this is our purpose. You can finally step outside it all and just breathe. The only other way to realize how amazing existence is in all it's infinite splendor is probably seeing your death and living through it. Makes me feel all warm inside. Maybe that’s just the booze. But as an atheist, this is were I find my spirituality. Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics.

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Re: Great Pictures~


It shouldn't be depressing, if anything it should make you realize how little your problems are. In turn letting you appreciate more of your life and not be bogged down by the social circus that has been created to convince us all that this is our purpose. You can finally step outside it all and just breathe. The only other way to realize how amazing existence is in all it's infinite splendor is probably seeing your death and living through it. Makes me feel all warm inside. Maybe that’s just the booze. But as an atheist, this is were I find my spirituality. Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics.


That's an interesting view you have on it. Though it has always depressed me (since i was like 11/12). It saddens me greatly that i will never be able to experience what the universe has in store for us, or see those things with my own eyes in my life time. I want more than anything to be able to rise above this shit fake society and live throughout the universe, in all its splendor. It's like, why should I go to school today? Work? Go hang out? Worry about this or that? That shit doesn't mean ANYTHING compared to any on of those pictures.

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Re: Great Pictures~


It's like, why should I go to school today? Work? Go hang out? Worry about this or that? That shit doesn't mean ANYTHING compared to any on of those pictures.


Your right, but then again, once you stop looking at that picture you go back to living your life, just because you can zoom out and see something very different doesn't mean existence changes at all. You are literally the center of the universe so long as you are alive.


Its just an issue of scale, if you are an ant a drop of water looks like a beach ball made out of clear jelly, we know that but it doesn't change OUR relationship to water.


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Re: Great Pictures~


It's like, why should I go to school today? Work? Go hang out? Worry about this or that? That shit doesn't mean ANYTHING compared to any on of those pictures.



You really don't have to do anything. at all. But to function within the peramaters of any game, there are a set rules, credits, and expences. You have to do the things you do to be able to function because the rules were here before you. I wish I could explain just how frustrating it for me just to open my eyes sometimes. The world we have built up around ourselves has set us on a path we can never stray from. Text is not discriptive enough and I am starting to ramble.so.......


You just do. The human drama is not something you can escape. But being able to step outside of it every now and then is what keeps you focused. It allows you to see through the bullshit and finally have somthing no one has. A true sense of self....kinda.


I have been drinking so I must stop now. This kind of conversation only works in person.


stop and smell the roses. think about that very hard. then do it. rambling...

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Re: Great Pictures~


You are literally the center of the universe so long as you are alive.




Fucking FINALLY somebody who understands/agrees. I have tried to explain this notion to people so many times. Everybody just thinks I'm a lunatic.


When I try to explain how and why I am god, that usually seals the deal.

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