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First "piece" I did, and I am only doing practice since a week or so, hope it's not to Toy, it's certainly not the best, but for a week of practice it ain't bad, IMO.


Tell me what you think!




P.s I did this one in black and white, because I don't have fancy markers and stuff yet, and I am not that good in coloring in, in overall yet. So bear with me, hmmm kay?

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Hmmm thanks for the info, but you didn't quite specify why you would suggest me to do so, let alone give me some constructive criticism about the piece.


It's no biggie though, just trying to get me some constructive criticism to find stuff for improvement, and such.


I am eager to learn, and practice, I just need some guide-lines, which I can get through being told my mistakes ;)


But I will most defo, see that thread!

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Your letters lack structure. Each letter can be broken down into a series of well ballanced bars. Your first goal shoul be to draw a straight clean line. Then turn that line into a straight clean bar/rectangle. Then add a few simple bars that will turn it into the letter E. It should look like a bold arial font E. No arrows. No bubbles. And I say e because ur peice u posted has two of them.

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Hmmmm weird, they look fine to me, but hey, it's just me... Hehe.


Thing is I used the bar technique with this, only the D is crap and the 2 E's are a bit out of proportion, but that's just because of lack of practice right now, for the rest I think it's pretty good. But you can be kinda right, as for the structuring.


I kinda need some more info, if you're willing to help me out some more. Oké here goes:


Structuring each letter through bars, that's quite easy to do. But what do you do when you've done structuring them. I mean, when you mastered the bar-structuring, and you can make nice proportioned N's, A's, and such, then you start bending stuff right.


But what's a good starting point, for bending those letters. I mean, is there any tip or trick for it, some guidelines, I dunno though, maybe it's just find out yourself, but the sooner I know this shit, the better :P

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Bending can be pretty hard ar first but its nothing. I think if you take out the arrows and redo the d it'll be a pretty decent strait letter that's not so genereic and fontish, but you should draw those too. It will help. Strait up draw NEED. Take your average rectangle and use it over and over to make the letters. All same width and height in the sketch. Once your ready for that do just so a half circle for the bend. Nothing fancy, just make sure you keep a solid thickness throughout and you can't go wrong.


Now can everyone scroll up a bit and peep my sketch, crits welcome on that and be harsh

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Thanks Spawn-of-Sham, I will practice rectangle(bar)-structuring each day, and will see if I improve in that area. Then I am going to try the Half-Circle bending, and see how that comes out, hehe.


If you got any more tips, or you just want to talk a bit more, don't be afraid to pm me, I will be glad to see more info which I can work with, or just chatter is nice, hehe.


I will look at your sketch, I think it will be much better than mine hehe.

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@ Spawn-of-Sham

I am no expert or something, so I'll just say my oppinion, which is based on eye, rather than knowledge ;)


What does it say, exactly, it's rather chaotic imo, so I can't read it well. Though as I said it may be chaotic, though it ain't bad in the least. Hehe, sometimes chaotic can be good, which is portrayed here, it has this flow, at least for me, in which chaos goes about.


Just to warn you, this may sound weird, but in my twisted world, it's logic, rather than utter crazyness :P


If you didn't really intended this, then you may very well need to practice more on de-chaozination (is that a word, I guess not, but F that...).


Oh yeah, through the chaos, I can see a R and A, other than that, my eyes fuck me up to much :P


@ Bosdj, hehe, that's awesome, though may be quite do-able, for me, in a short while, maybe, hopefully. But thanks for posting that, it seems to have gotten me alot more info, about what you were talking about. This was the simplistic style you were talking about right, so I should learn to do that, before I should start bending, hook-ups, arrows, and bubbles...?


Kudos for both of u, for helping me, hehe.


EDIT: P.s I love the cracked rock theme, aswell as the bamboo, it's Ffing awesome, simplistic, but really adds that nice touch ;)

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@ Spawn-of-Sham

I am no expert or something, so I'll just say my oppinion, which is based on eye, rather than knowledge ;)


What does it say, exactly, it's rather chaotic imo, so I can't read it well. Though as I said it may be chaotic, though it ain't bad in the least. Hehe, sometimes chaotic can be good, which is portrayed here, it has this flow, at least for me, in which chaos goes about.


Just to warn you, this may sound weird, but in my twisted world, it's logic, rather than utter crazyness :P


If you didn't really intended this, then you may very well need to practice more on de-chaozination (is that a word, I guess not, but F that...).


Oh yeah, through the chaos, I can see a R and A, other than that, my eyes fuck me up to much :P


@ Bosdj, hehe, that's awesome, though may be quite do-able, for me, in a short while, maybe, hopefully. But thanks for posting that, it seems to have gotten me alot more info, about what you were talking about. This was the simplistic style you were talking about right, so I should learn to do that, before I should start bending, hook-ups, arrows, and bubbles...?


Kudos for both of u, for helping me, hehe.


EDIT: P.s I love the cracked rock theme, aswell as the bamboo, it's Ffing awesome, simplistic, but really adds that nice touch ;)


Word.. Start simple so that when you start going wild, the letters still make sense. look through the bible thread and just search around in general. Stick to the toy threads as for posting your work.. As to avoid the negaprops.. And keep sketchin. And jump in on that toy battle thread. Its a good challenge.

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Hey I made this quick thing, inspired by your rocky theme, but I kinda failed at the outline mostly at the o and c, but I was like, meh, it's oke, I'll do more practice tomorrow, since my RSI kicked in :/ (Repeated Stress Injury), which was also the reason why the outline failed...


But the R and K seems fine to me, good proportioned, and well done, constructive crits well appreciated!



EDIT: Yeah my cam sucks some details aren't shown well at the C I did a crack thingy with the chipped of bit still attached to it on the upper part, though it doesn't show it well :/

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