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Okay, I've been cruising this thread and decided to give graff a go. I'd never attempted anything before, and after reading the tips given to other writers this is what I came up with:



Looking at it now, I can already see there are very simple mistakes. My letters aren't the same size, and are all pretty much whack.

Please, give me some advice? :huh2:

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Originally posted by risin 519+Jun 29 2005, 02:49 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (risin 519 - Jun 29 2005, 02:49 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by CRUELone@Jun 27 2005, 01:26 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-CRUELone@Jun 27 2005, 01:19 PM

someof those letters look pretty good scribbler...

heres an experimentsal piece...tryin extensions...just testin something out...quick pen sketch..got bored and colored...

feddback pleas...i'm alos aware that my 3d is a little fucked


my 3d isn't way off...there are just a few lines that aren't perfect...like the extensions up top the U...



ill agree that maybe the 3d does need a little work but i dissagree with what earo says about the extensions... keep the extensions but perhaps spend a little more time on em, there is no such thing as a useless extension in my opinion, and i stress "MY OPINION" i just suggest spending a little more time on em cause a couple arrows are a lil crooked...



did i just hear that there is no such thing a useless extension...im not tryin to cause beef or haterism or nutin but bro cmon...if somebody has 29585845 arrows cumin outa their peice trust me...at least 395838 are useless......and something that im jus starting to undertsand is that most of the extensions people use(INCLUDING ME) are pointless..they serve no purpose in the flow, structure or anything else important....ive already talked to earo about this before with my peices which are starting to change due to the excessiveness of big penis lookin things in my peices.....sry if anyone disagrees but in MY OPINION knowin some extensions are usless is as basic knowledge as knowin CAP is gay and SEEN owns..........lol........peace

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New here, done some stuff lately, wanted some feedback, and tips on development if possible:


(3D colour is shit)



(a couple of useless extensions...)



second ever attempt at wildstyle - it didn't go as planned but it's as far as I've got:






All constructive criticism and tips appreciated


EDIT - I'm gonna change my name as I just looked at the memberlist and "SURE" is unoriginal as fuck. Should be "SURETWOHUNDRED" :haha: :dozey:

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you shoulda really read through those tips and advice some more. the lines you have are too thin, and you have a few things you dont need. like that exra bar on the F and that little thing coming out of the E. i know theyre small and insignificant, but you wanna start simple. get your letter structure down before you can add some extra bars. i can tell you to "do this" and "do that" but if you dont practice, youre not gonna know why youre "doing this" and "doing that"

make thicker and rounder letters with structure. and dont make the ends of the letters look like bones, round it out some more.


whoever beleives there's no such thing as a useless extension:


stfu please. anything that isnt found in a basic letter is an extension. these extensions ARENT NEEDED, thus: USELESS.

now dont get me wrong, just because an extension is useless doesnt mean its bad. the only bad extensions are the ones that take away flow and plain out look bad. extensions are meant to add flow and sometimes help structure. pointless extensions take away from the flow and make certain parts of the peice look awkward.

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alright, i wrtie mana, i was here a while back and left and came back, if anyone wants to see any painted work, tell me, its justr about aas god as paper shit, ill probably post it up, the first sticker says MANA up and down, the second is like my straight letter of mana and the third is a throwie that i throw up everywhere.



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we cant give you help when all youve done is 3 sketches. instead of doing 4 sketches and showing off 3, do 100 sketches and show us your best ones. you cant judge your stuff, its too fucking simple. add more letters, try more words, add color, add some 3-d, add some shaddows, TRY ANYTHING! you havent developed a style yet, keep practicing. if you think youre gonna get somewhere with 3 sketches, you can stop cuz youre not gonna get anywhere.




your shit's good, and i like the colors. the first one is fine, its little too simple to add so much color but it looks good, so who cares. 2nd one, too many extensions and too simple. nice colors though. 3rd one, good shit. i like that idea. if you keep working on that, youve got yourself an original style. 4th one, fucking awesome. the only thing that pissed me off was the R. try a lowercase R. besides that, awesome.




your shit's too good to be posting in this thread. youre not a toy, post in a better thread and do some battles. youve got a nice style.


215 hero:


keep practicing. work on letter structure. youve got potential.




try a different style man. dont get stuck on the same style. experiment.

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