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res4- the a needs to get scraped imo. and the way the bottom part of the s seperates into two parts doesn't work well with the rest of the letters. the p is dope and i like how you accentuate it, my only advice is to space it out from the s like the rest of the letters. the e and k are nice though and i have nothing to say bad about them. especially the k.




jeb- how long have you been writing?


really? i actually think the A is the best letter and the K is the worst

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eido, looking good. his hands look a little funny though. but i dig your letter style.

jeb, go simpler.

aspek, it looks dope. agree with romero about the spacing between the S and P. i like all the letters, but the K seems odd man out to me because it's without separation or overlaps the other letters have.

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rade - the letters look funny with the bars going on top of the RAD if you see what i mean..


aspek - romero said everything i was going to. i like your letters except the S. The A isnt that bad to me, maybe a little wide and that left leg may come in a little sharp but thats about it.

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im just gonna comment on the SPEAK for now. the p is not very well defined, it looks more like an i or something. make sure especially when dealing with straight letters that your letters are easily identifiable. same thing with the E. the e looks like its stuck between a cursive e and a E. make up your mind. if you want it to look like a more cusive e with loops on the nose draw it more like 3 but backwards obviously. the A has the same problem as the p. the middle bar isn't very well defined, but its still very obviously an A whick is a plus. with the K the legs connect to low on the backbone of the k. bring that up a bit.



your biggest problem is getting to bars to be evenwidthed, you don't want one bar to thicker on one side than the other.. you want it to be like this // and not like thi /\ if that makes anysense. all that will come with time though, the more you draw the better you'll get.



just practice bro, thats the only advice you need tbh.

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