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All crits and opinions appreciated, seriously, be as harsh as you like. (and constructive)




not bad, but i'm gonna say some shit that i see, take it or leave it, looks pretty good man.

anyways, the I is kinda wack, can't really tell it's an I, The bottom bar has more weight than the middle bar, detracts from the structure.

The fill needs another dimension, that's a cool backgrond, but there should be more interaction between teh fill colors. Or maybe just more technique used in the fill.

The color scheme is good, but the 3d could definitely be cleaner.

handstyle needs some flow and simplficatiion, just do it simple and over and over and over and it will get style.

I wouldn't get this detailed with a crit if i didn't see serious potential in something, not nto wasting my time on most kids these days, but you def got a style goin there that could look real dope with some refining.

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Yokai, you o looks like an a with that arrow, even when I know what it said right off the bat I was like y, a k, a, I like an idiot lol. Your k seems to be the dominant letter, just saying not a bad thing. Your A looks somewhat hidden behind the k. And same as what redeye said about the I 3d, and fill. I think its a strait fill but it coiuld be better.


Saon in your first sketch the o has a nice shape and extention it just isn't obviously an o you gotta look at it twice before your liike ahhh. The red coin effect in the 3d doesn't help nor hurt the overall piece as a whole. Not that its a bad idea I love coin just that you damn near have a 1:1 ratio of red to black so its not as appealing as it can be. In your throwy I just don't like the s. I mean its nice but that extention on the left and the little curves in the bottom curve making points or whatever were first done by SACE and SNUF respectivly. If they weren't whatever idc, I'm just sayin two big names use those things in their letters and I've seen a ton of other people use em too. If those guys were the firsts for their liittle s effect shit then you don't really wanna use something they use and a lot of other people use not because its bad just go make your own s and then everyone can bite yo shit. Just my opinion. Anywho back to letters I feel the A in the black and white pattern piece has too much flow to match the other letters fully. Make it more like RADEs first A with the bar and curve off it or something like that with a strait bar. The set of black straight letters are somewhat each inconsistent in cleanliness. Same goes for the blue highligh and 3d, but that 3d is a bitch when its all freehand outlining! And finally the extended bar off the E I don't like that much.

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lots of work to do on mine. just thought i would try arrows, havent done them in like a year.



the R is big as haha, then the other letters ran out of room. Just rip the shit out of it if you like, there is def. an imbalence, but i blame that on my sizing and arrows.

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