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you said i was trippin when i asked you to post a sketch. seems to me youre the one trippin.


also, dont get upset because when you came in here and posted, it seemed like you were on your high horse or some shit






i should have made the R's top line go back far behind the peice..

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i wasnt on a high horse,only thing i said was to practice,which is what everyone needs to do,and then asked who was going to battle..that was it.i dont see how you equate that to me being conceited.i dont think i ever said i was better than any of you up to the point that eli tried to call me out for having no style and yet his shit is just as weak..

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"i think i remember them being halfway decent and if so i'll get down otherwise idk."

ummmmm........Yeah, that's not conceited. and sorry, but the 2 pieces you posted are completely different styles, and you are not advanced enough for both of them to be yours. if my shit is weak, at least it's clean and original. and not from april and august of last year.

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it wasnt supposed to sound like that,i honestly dont remember but i think they were pretty good and i wanted to see if they were getting down because id like to battle someone who is better than me to see where my skills were at,it wasnt supposed to be disrespectful,and i wasnt talking to you to begin with so i dont understand why you got so mad.


both those styles are mine,you act as if i cant have two styles that differentiate from eachother.if you dont believe me hit up some cats who know me from back on BS and from when i first started posting here.i stopped sketching a while back and started up not long ago.



im not gonna fight with you anymore,we'll see when that battle gets done

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im debating whether or not to join,is freak or redeye going to do it? i think i remember them being halfway decent and if so i'll get down otherwise idk..or massgraff.one of you fucks needs to get in on this battle..


id like to battle them,personally.i know those cats have skills and want to see whats up.thats all.


i think they were pretty good and i wanted to see if they were getting down because id like to battle someone who is better than me to see where my skills were at


thanks, i'll hop in.

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i should have made the R's top line go back far behind the peice..


i think your relying to heavily on making things symetrical.sometimes its great to have all the letters uniform and sharing similar structure but it can also limit yourself,the D and R flow together but the way the A and H flow with eachother is making the r come up looking off.try getting a little more loose with your letters.

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Just an outline of my throwie!

Let me know what you think of it.




Feel free to criticize my throw!


Is that a g or a Y or something?


On the reals though, you asked for criticism, here it is.


A throw up should be a simple bubbly version of your name(for the most part), with a fill in. Done quickly because you don't have time for a piece.

That is not a throw up, I'm sorry.


Keep to the books,and remember, google is your friend.

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