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That piece is doo doo brown, and not that i know much about throws, but i like 'em, they are okay, but nothing special, work on your L the most. oh and the hands are ugly.


oh and work on straight letter simples, bro. For your piecing, i could critique that, but it's dookie, CRIMINAL.. <-- do it like that but with a drop down 3d n shiznit. Keep all your bars as a consistent width and height, for the individual bars and the whole letter overall.



har har har, it feels like old times saying straight letter simples every time i come to this site

Thanks for the tips, but I almost sense a bit of hate in your writing. The fact that you said you don't know much about throws proves a point that maybe you shouldn't even be giving advise. I'll take criticism from heads that know what they're talking about, thanks.


nah, big teetas knows what he's talking about. hes not hating.

what he has posted are sketches with simples and characters mostly.



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Ruck knows what he's talkin about, and i doubt he meant to be a dick.

What up ruck, long time no see...



What's up man, good to see some of you's still chillin about. Schools starting soon, so i thought i'd get back into some drawing.


And to crim, hah, i don't mean to sound like a dick. It has been a good month or two since i've done a piece, but i still remember the basics. Keyboard simples my friend, it will help you in the long run.


Edit: I only said dookie, lol.. the other things i said sounded normal to me, im sure alts, freak and anyone with some idea about structure will tell you the same thing.

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yo Ruck long time no see


biro freestyle at work



hmm, you didn't really need that extension on the top left of the A [unless the crosshatched places are things you deleted?], it's kinda just a bit too high. and that diagonal bar on the S going from North west, to south east is a little too skinny, maybe a little bit bigger to match the A's bars. hmm, kinda mistook that A for an R too, but thats not too important, work on that L it doesn't quite fit the style.



but other then that, keep doing ya thing, this isn't your best work.



and to those who think i'm being a dick to alts', your not really going to improve if people are like "yo dude that's choice" when you should be working on Keyboard simples a little longer.


and i know alts is fire at simples.

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the m is bigger than the rest thats something i need to work on



fuck me if you already know this and it was just a goof, but the thing with those type of r's, is that the little loop where the two legs meet has to line up with the part of the right leg thats kicking out, or else it looks weird. and take the hump things off the tops of the e and s, because it doesnt really make sense. you dont write regular e's and s's with spines, do you? lose the curl up on the leg of the m too. look at other peoples m's to get an idea for a better one.

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I'm good thanks Ruck just working and chilling, same old same old lol



Yee man, good stuff, same here, but replace work with 'ive been chillin,' and replace 'chillin' with 'bud, brew and bitches'.



My second year of tech is about to start next month, so can't wait to get back into that and study hard.

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Getting down to some Kool Keith, dudes raw.



oh and shake, yee man, will do, gotta de-maggot a sheep soon, haha, shit's gross.


I'll have to practice Ocean hands more, your name was the one i hadn't wrote the most.



Pharaoh Monch FTW. aint nobody touching his style. Dude had a line in this song where he says in 2010 we will be subjected to global warming. and he said that in 91... aint nobody flowing like these guys in 91, waay ahead of his time, he even recycled lines from this song for his agent orange song he released some years later, and the line still come off as fresh.




Freak, check this out




another che fu song i like.

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What's up man, good to see some of you's still chillin about. Schools starting soon, so i thought i'd get back into some drawing.


And to crim, hah, i don't mean to sound like a dick. It has been a good month or two since i've done a piece, but i still remember the basics. Keyboard simples my friend, it will help you in the long run.


Edit: I only said dookie, lol.. the other things i said sounded normal to me, im sure alts, freak and anyone with some idea about structure will tell you the same thing.


Ok, well I'm glad we settled that. I've never seen you on this thread before, so I thought you were just some random passing through, hatin'.

P.S. I'm still sticking with the name Criminl, no "A", haha!

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