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profit: you need to break the handie down to simple, straight letters. The extensions make no sense here. You have to master the letter structure and make small changes over time to develop that kind of shit.


Please stop with the wild handies and work on simple ones.

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So I filled up the rest of the page like I said I would. The part where I put the shitload of handies... I had a sketch there but it turned out really bad so I just covered it with handies haha. The K and the S are sideways so yeah...





A ninja charak my friend asked me to do for him... He's asian so yeah... Not done. I'm not sure if I want to do something a little special with the body, like add a little V-neck thing or something... Help?



...Aaaaaaaaaaand, I've been digging these rollers ever since I took a trip to SF a couple weeks ago. So I tried my hand and some... Not too shabby if I do say so myself...


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BOUNCING!!! wana do a trade. you would make me happy! And if your into a bit of a challange, Ive been told the name i write it hard for some to try their hand at..give it a try.


Shoot skipper. I write knews


...There was someone else I was supposed to exchange with but I forget...

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These all took like 5 - 10 minutes each.

First one I was thinking of a new name that combines chi and ark(my current names)

Archive or Achieve seems like a good idea to me. But is it taken allready? Crits would be nice but if not meh.




By the Way i'm not emo. The kids in my school think that Slug and Murs and Aesop Rock is emo Trash and 50 cent is good music




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'kendoner' i got you on that exchange, what you write?




'CRYSTALmethod' yeah i'll ink yours...




'war' you have no idea how much BETTER that looks, do it on something that's not graphing paper though, so you have to proportion the letters yourself.and like whoever said, make sure your negative spaces in th leters have the same style. the "c" threw it off.




'fiks' it's all about form and cantroll man, two thing you don't have right now. get your letters down before you go out and make a mess out of walls.






uh yea...i write AOKAY or AOKAE...watever suits you...sorry im so late on the

response, my computer was being a homo...and if it takes me a while...

dont trip...im probly the laziest graffiti writer you'll ever meet who doesnt

feel like gettin up to walk 5 feet to fetch the camera...so yea...it'll show

up soon...K BAIYE(inside joke)

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thats fresh man i like it overall just a bit of wobble and inconsistency in the width and straightness of the letters. I dunno about the 3 random realy thin lines though.. cos they're so thin u notice the wobble much much more and they dont blend into the style at all. make em thicker and straighter if u really wanna keep em but i suggest just cuttin em out. otherwise sick style.


p.s maybe if squeezed it a bit more to get rid of too much negative space it wud be tighter???

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By the Way i'm not emo. The kids in my school think that Slug and Murs and Aesop Rock is emo Trash and 50 cent is good music


Atmosphere and Aesop rock or fucking played out. I am going to make this abundantly clear to all those who think they're tight ass indie hip hop kids. If you listen solely to Aesop, Atmosphere, Felt and Murs, you are NOT a hiphop kid, you're a mainstream statistic...

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Atmosphere and Aesop rock or fucking played out. I am going to make this abundantly clear to all those who think they're tight ass indie hip hop kids. If you listen solely to Aesop, Atmosphere, Felt and Murs, you are NOT a hiphop kid, you're a mainstream statistic...



and not listening to them makes u a hip hop god.

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