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this is the answer! ;-) http://freewebpostcards.com/answer.html




OK i dont post that link. fuck you untill i get it fixed..dont click it..its a virus that automaticly posts it. i got the virus form this forums so eat me.


SECONDLY. ALL THESE FUCKING HORRIBLE TOYS. LOOK and STUDY graffiti. decide what about those specific pieces you like, and move on from there. this place isnt for your first try ever and get feedback. YOU NEED TO WORK ON IT. PUT SOME FUCING EFFORT into it before you put it on ehre

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what the fuck? i think u should maybe pick up model planes or somethin instead then.


I'm sorry if you misunderstood...I mean that under the name KESA I don't plan on doing any illegals...I'm working my can control on some wood in my yard and a big cement wall that I got some permission to paint from town hall because apparently it is still on my property (even though it is about 3-4 miles away from my house.) I just don't want to be going out and putting pieces of shit on walls just to "get my name up" so I'm going to do a lot of legal stuff that nobody is going to see and then once I get out of the toy status, both with paint and on paper, I will change my name to something that nobody in the US or nobody that's highly respected. uses..Then I'll start getting that name around...Also I'm 15 so that really limits my ability to buy/rack paint or go somewhere to paint being as I live in a place that graffiti is quickly found, quickly buffed, and the person is quickly found...I'm planning on going to an urban college so that I can paint...I like the urban environment so the fact that I'd get to paint is just an extra thing that I'm happy that I'll get to do...


Anyways I tried model planes and it's definitely not going anywhere...


P.S...Why does nobody talk in proper English...Does it really take that much longer to hold shift for half of a second to capitalize words and press the period every once in a while? It makes everything a lot easier to read when your post is in proper English...Think about it for a while because it's a lot easier if everybody typed as well as possible instead of trying to be "1337 and pwn n00bz" Some things that some people post just make no freaking sense because they have no punctuation and they are typing in short-hand...

YA so that's my rant...

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Kesa..i fort that sed Resa..

i canrt hardly see it neither seaz..



im likin that Frase..


so..time for my monthly dose of different letter's...on sumthing different.. :P




only quick..and yeah..i hate R's and S's..sooooo bad... :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol:





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Stil - Try to keep your hand still when you are doing the outline...I have a hard time with it too but I'm guessing you're using prisma or sharpie for the black...In that case, try to get another pen for outlining such as MICRONS...That's what I have and they are great...Really skinny lines or the same size lines as a fine sharpie depending on what size you get...But the great thing about them is that if you put marker onto the black, then there is no problem...With sharpies and prismas they bleed like a mad man that just sliced his neck...Also, this has already been said but, the top of the T is a little too big and if the A wasn't slanted to the left it would look better...Last thing is that you should fill the rest of the thing with the blue so the blue dot doesn't look so out of place or random...



MITH - I see how you could mix my K with an R because of the picture but when it is colored it will be much easier to distinguish...Onto your crits...Your 3-D on the TRAIN one needs to be better...I know you can do better so I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it. After looking at them again I see that you seem to have a problem doing 3-D on curves...If so I suggest just drawing a bunch of lines where it curves and then connect the lines to make it come out smoother and less like it did on your piece...If I am wrong then whatever...Anyways...The letters that are not so great are your first A (looks like it is stuck in a box that is way too small for it), your M (everything is fine except for that right side of the left leg being weird and messing up the whole letter), your E (it's fine but it doesn't fit with your style in the least...I bet you already figured that out though because its kinda obvious), your T (the lines both extending in opposite directions off the top bar of it...I suck with T's as well though so I really can't give crits on how to make it better), your R (as you said you suck at R's but I think that your main problem is that you are trying to keep the R as one single bar when really it is made of 2-3 I made this really quick so don't criticise me on the fact that the lines are too wide/skinny in places


Again that is just my thoughts), lastly your I (It all works and looks good until you see the top dot on it...It just seems too squished if you know what I mean, also the 3-D is way off on it)


See that MITH? That's some quality constructive criticism right there...

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war, push ur letters together more and make them block letters rather than bubble letters it brings more structure to them

mith, work on your e's. theres so much you can do with them and urs just doesnt go with the rest of ur letters.




painted sketch. any critz?

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Kesa..i fort that sed Resa..

i canrt hardly see it neither seaz..



im likin that Frase..


so..time for my monthly dose of different letter's...on sumthing different.. :P




only quick..and yeah..i hate R's and S's..sooooo bad... :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol:






so heres my crit your a FAGGOTand i think it should be known, and now, you may bitch away at me...

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