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work on your chars before you let them destroy everything else in your picture


edit: the A's are wack




now i dont wanna beef with you...and i eally appreciate your opinion...yeah..the A's are wack..


but i looked through your posts..and i didnt see one sketch from you..


would you kindly post one up ? ;)

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can anyone give me tips on how I should do the 3D on this? I sorta did it as if it was shadow on a bubble letter which was a mistake, any general advice is apperciated, oh and i know certin parts of the letter structure are bit off




well your 3d/drop shadow is all over the place keep it going one direction. for starters make it go down. You can also imagine a dot some where on the page and make the lines of the 3d go in that direction.

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cola, the throw is looking nice, but if youre gonna have 'holes' in the bottom parts of ZEK, you should make a gap in the S too, make the letter more the same





a gap and a knob on the S, since it just looks slightly out of place cuz the other three letters are so similar.

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dude thats mad gay. stop or get banned like coke did...

________________________________________(no beef)__



:lol: :rolleyes:

yea and edoggg thanx the only problem with the s is the knob faces left while others face right

ill work on it tho

felt go paint that throw is really nice

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Hey newbs, you don't need to ask these people for help. We will just tell you things you already know when you look at your own shit. What you should do is look at graffiti and then.... look at more of it. And then when your all tired and shit and your like fuck this graff shit its 3 in the morning... look at some more shit. Because, you have to find what you like about graffiti. Not just a piece... you have to find out WHY you like that piece. What makes each letter tight and what makes makes it flow the next letter. I think graffiti has to do more with observation than anything else.


Then when your off puking cause of all the graffiti in your eyes, close your eyes and try to visualize your own dopeness. Think of a word and try to picture how that word should look chances are you will see something for a second that is good but you don't think you will ever draw it. Now that your done puking you come back to the work station and get a lined paper book. I say lined because it helps keep your shit in order. Don't just try to do pieces.. its like breaking before you can crawl. You have to realize you suck and your going to for a long time. Just stick to tags and bubble letters and stuff. Tag every letter in the alphabet and see which ones are the easiest to draw for you. Bomb that notebook super hard with every page black with tags and bullshit all over it. Then throw it away. You don't need to look at it anymore anything that you wrote that you liked is still in your head. Then look at sicking amounts of graff again. Get another notebook and fill it again... in the process of doing this technique over and over and looking at graff you will coincidently get better at drawing. Until I stopped asking people for help and tried to help myself did I really start getting better.


This is just a crazy rant by a bored sick person on painkillers but there is actually a lot of truth in that monster of text up there. You don't have to agree with me either this is just what has worked for me in the past. I can only hope it will help someone too. Good for you if you actually read that though it was like the epitome of 5 minutes ago in my head...





This is very true, graff is more observation for a new jack then anything else, its the only way i Got better, I think that was the biggest transitional step for to see why that piece is dope and hwy you like it, break each piece down WHY its dope not just oh rime did it it looks dope just cause. ANALYZE it. It helps alot becuase you can then look at your own work and see whats wrong with your own work, you can see yourself. Its important to analyze simpler work, just cause something is simple doesn mean its not dope. Kuma, A lot of toronto heads. Raels, King157, CAUSR (some styles of causr's not alll), REGAL the list goes on and on, look at simple work and work your way up.

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