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Faro just so you know there is already a Faro out of New York who has done a lot of work and i beileve is pretty well known, you should look him up.

Thanks for telling me man, im actually digging his shit but like i was thinking earlier of writing it FAERO or someshit i donno...i mean it sucks to hear and all but whatever man..

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i'll exchange with you freak, i write masoe. give me until later tonite though, i am cooking dinner right now. i wont be able to sit down and do it until later on.


ummm, that is, if u respond with a "yes"..... enable your PM's and we'll just PM them.

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Bouncing, I don't like that the "W" shoots in a completely different direction as the other letters. All of the other stand up, while the "W" points towards the left.

I feel like, that if it stood straight, it'd be fine. Or you could point it to the right so it would continue the progression towards the "S", which would make the piece look kinda like it's pointing all towards a certain direction, like an arrow.

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