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Some more toy shit for y'all to laugh at:














Crits? I'll get some better paper, and some markers and stuff soon.


ur rigt i did have a laugh:haha:kdden on just work on ur letter structure more and develope ur

stlye it will look betta soon (a hope):innocent:

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anyway.. (can't find edit button) ...got me a book that i can do just rough sketches in - i'm including all the pages, not just putting in just polished shit so you can see how i'm thinkin... love highlighters








i'd like crits on the second throw and the other stuff too.. thanks

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Coons, the character that you drew looks just like a Space Monkey. IE. the teeth, the left eye, looks like Dalek's Nose, the long thin arms. Just way to simular. Work on it some more. If you were copyin off off of the mouse, I have the feeling that it would have looked more like the mouse than the Space Monkey!

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Vose: E and O on that first one straight rock shit.


It all looks good 'cept for the last one... work on that.


the last one blows



all the others are pretty hottness


ty for the comments, yeah the last one blows, tbh i'm not really interested in pieces for the moment.. is that a problem? i just wanna get up everywhere. i saw a woman dropped £40 at the anti-nazi gig in central london today, i think i'm gonna buy some paint.

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