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  • 2 months later...

I know very little about illustrator but I do know how to use the pen tool. Add to that a few tricks and tips from Beardo and I know all I need to know to do what I need to do. I'm not a designer, I don't front to be one... I use the program to, hopefully, one day release a book of digital drawings.


Kinda drunk... ignore me.

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  • 4 weeks later...


the internet changes the color a little bit, but its close enough, i guess.



too crowded. too tight to the edges. whats all that jazz going on towards the bottom. if its not necessary to the concept of the project then you dont need it.


the title at the top could be smaller..let the center image speak louder than the rest.

the billboard could be smaller..i see the theme your trying to get accross but i think you could get a better font/s.


my two cents.

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Anybody wanna give me some live trace pointers?


Such as:


For color, whats the best amount of colors to use in terms of 0-100+ for the layers.


Also, using pixel blur effectivly, etc.



I've been using Photoshop for years, I'm just getting to know Illustrator.



*One more question:


After using live trace, how do I add on to the image more? Does it have something to do with expand?


I've tried using the paintbrush and the pen tool but no luck.

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too crowded. too tight to the edges. whats all that jazz going on towards the bottom. if its not necessary to the concept of the project then you dont need it.


the title at the top could be smaller..let the center image speak louder than the rest.

the billboard could be smaller..i see the theme your trying to get accross but i think you could get a better font/s.


my two cents.


i appreciate your two cents. i chose the font for the sign because it's the closest thing to road sign font i could find. i played around with different sizes for the sign and headline. i don't know, i think it's balanced the way it is. the dates are important so i don't think i could get away with making it any smaller.


thanks for the input.



do you have any work on here?

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Anybody wanna give me some live trace pointers?


Such as:


For color, whats the best amount of colors to use in terms of 0-100+ for the layers.


Also, using pixel blur effectivly, etc.



I've been using Photoshop for years, I'm just getting to know Illustrator.



*One more question:


After using live trace, how do I add on to the image more? Does it have something to do with expand?


I've tried using the paintbrush and the pen tool but no luck.


you should just go in a trace shapes individually. livetrace is kind of like the posterize of illustrator. it takes a lot more time but the end result is way better. plus there is way less anchor points and the file is a fraction of the size.


as far as editing already livetraced images, you can expand the image, select the paths and edit with the pencil tool.


i hope that helped.

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i appreciate your two cents. i chose the font for the sign because it's the closest thing to road sign font i could find. i played around with different sizes for the sign and headline. i don't know, i think it's balanced the way it is. the dates are important so i don't think i could get away with making it any smaller.


thanks for the input.



do you have any work on here?


you can see some of my work here..


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...




a project im working on for my company..re designing curicullum..


its fucking hard as hell to design for and education company,while keeping it age appropiate ,cool,clean,mordern and still you..

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  • 2 months later...

Great drawing guys, I'm jealous I'm not at your level yet. I just got illustrator installed, I wanted to get familiar with the program what everyone is talking about. I very familiar with photoshop but when I jump on illustrator it looks simple but the tools are completely complicated it seems. At least for me. Can some give me helpful tips on how to trace a drawing I did, and also do light shading?

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Great drawing guys, I'm jealous I'm not at your level yet. I just got illustrator installed, I wanted to get familiar with the program what everyone is talking about. I very familiar with photoshop but when I jump on illustrator it looks simple but the tools are completely complicated it seems. At least for me. Can some give me helpful tips on how to trace a drawing I did, and also do light shading?


just takes time to get used to.


to trace an image:


1 make sure the image is selected (there'll be a line around it the colour of the layer its on)

2 object>live trace>tracing options, and pick one of the defaults, such as 'technical drawing' or 'colour 16'

3 check the preview box. this will show you how the default setting you picked is going to affect your chosen image

4 tweak the settings ('path fitting','minimum area' etc) till you're satisfied with the result


and its done.


not sure what you mean by light shading, but once its traced and still selected, click on 'expand'. this ungroups all the vectors (lines) and then you can fill them in using live paint.

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just takes time to get used to.


to trace an image:


1 make sure the image is selected (there'll be a line around it the colour of the layer its on)

2 object>live trace>tracing options, and pick one of the defaults, such as 'technical drawing' or 'colour 16'

3 check the preview box. this will show you how the default setting you picked is going to affect your chosen image

4 tweak the settings ('path fitting','minimum area' etc) till you're satisfied with the result


and its done.


not sure what you mean by light shading, but once its traced and still selected, click on 'expand'. this ungroups all the vectors (lines) and then you can fill them in using live paint.

Wow, it's looks digitally altered into perfection. Props!

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