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Sometimes hitching is unavoidable. And sometimes it's preferable, depending on the circumstances. To me there are some things that I take a hard and fast stand about and some that are not all that important. I hitched many a mile back in the 1960's, including a solo trip from Southern California to Whidbey Island, Washington and back when I was seventeen. It was a different world back then. Or maybe I was just a different person, I don't know. I don't think I'd do it now.


I have a friend, Captain Dingo the Airborne Hobo, who spent three days here in Houston trying to thumb a ride back to Arizona. I'd drop him off on I-10 on my way to work, and then he'd call me and I'd pick him up on my way back home and he'd stay the night with us. He was trying to get to a music gig on a certain date, but somehow he got the dates mixed up and he was a week late. (Dingo plays the guitar and sings to make a living.) Finally his brother sent him some money and he took a Greyhound back home. I think I would have just hopped a westbound, but he was trying to get to his gig on time.


Hitch-hiking is dangerous, because you are essentially at the mercy of somebody else when you get in his car. I have been picked up by several women over the years, but mostly I got rides from men. I have encountered enough fucking wierdo wack jobs in the world to make me very reluctant to hitch-hike. I don't want to wind up buried in a shallow grave in the desert, you know? I'm not exaggerating. Hundreds of people just disappear every year in the U.S. And it's not like the FBI is going to be out combing the bushes for you. If you disappear, then you just "disappear." Nobody's going to miss you except your family and close friends.


There was a serial killer here in Houston back in the late 1960's and early '70s named Dean Corll. He had two young teenage accomplices, 14-year-old Elmer Wayne Henley and 15-year-old David Brooks. Henley and Brooks found and enticed victims for Corll for $200 a head. (Google it.) They killed probably upwards of thirty-five or forty boys and young men, many of whom were kids with whom Henley attended school or knew from the neighborhood. Over 200 missing young men from Houston match the profile of the murdered boys. Thirty bodies were found, and originally only 26 were identified. Recenty the 27th was finally identified. There are still two or three in the morgue, still, since 1973. The only reason the bodies were ever found was because Henley and Brooks showed the cops where they were buried. If Henley could have kept the other two witnesses to his killing of Corll (in self defense) quiet, the dead boys might never have been found.


After Henley killed Corll, the other two witnesses (especially the girl) were hysterical. Henley knew he would never be able to conceal what he had been doing--the three of them had been handcuffed to Corll's torture board. The room was filled with evidence of torture and murder.


Corll was a sadist homosexual. He raped and tortured his victims to death in the most horrible fashion you can imagine--his home had a homemade torture chamber, replete with a torture table, handcuffs, and all kinds of torture devices, tools, knives, drills and so on. Corll was way beyond a homosexual torture-killer, he was a serious monster.


"And he looked so normal."




Dean Corll's Air Force photo, 1964. This is what Satan looks like.




Don't let anybody tell you that hitch-hiking is safe. Not every person who stops to give you a ride is a Dean Corll or an Elmer Wayne Henley. But some of them are.

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well..after a few days and a pair of irritated, red, itchy eyes later I have finally read this entire thread.


I don't really post, but i often like to lurk, reading different threads and such. I find it amazing that my generation has such a wealth of information at the click of a mouse (now sorting through all the bullshit is an entirely different story..)


I was born and raised in NM, but just recently returned from attending my first year of college at a private, Catholic university in San Diego, and wow, talk about culture shock. (i'm actually transferring this year)


In these past two semesters of college my world view on just about everything has been somewhat flipped upside down! It may just be that whole "I'm growing up and I wanna change the world phase", but in reality i think it's more than that. I feel like a veil has been lifted from my eyes, and i can finally KINDA see what is really going on outside of my little bubble in new mexico.


reading this thread has really reaffirmed a lot of things that have been on my mind lately. Namely, the fact that i really don't wanna fall into a spiral of meaningless monotony.


Kabar, reading about your experiences, i can easily see why your "world view" (i guess is the best description) is so unique, and what at least i consider, is advanced past how many people think.

I don't wanna speak for you, but i feel that experiences are what enable a person to expand their way of seeing things and thinking.


Listening to older generation's (such as you. sorry hahah) experiences, our way of life today is so simple, and because of it so many are caught up in such trivial things.


anyways. i'm just rambling cause it's late but whatever. thank you for sharing with us anonymous internet names your experiences and thoughts.

email or whatever if you wish.


oh ya, since this is a thread on trainhopping, i cannot see myself ever working to hard to lead the life of a 24/7 tramp, but the idea of a few hundred mile hops across the new mexico desert or colorado in the spring/summer is kinda tempting. but i dont intend to rush anything. safety first ya.



I'd hate to think that I encouraged anybody to do something that would get them in trouble, and even more, I'd hate to think I encouraged anybody to take a risk and then get hurt. The truth is that each of us is responsible for the decisions we make, and the consequences of those decisions. I keep hammering on this message because I came to understand it sort of late in life.


Years later, I had a much better idea of what he was talking about. It isn't just railroads, but life itself. THINK AHEAD. Never be impulsive. What are the consequences of making a particular decision? The possible benefits? The possible detriments? If things don't go as planned, what's Plan B? Always have at least one back-up plan.

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dear train crusty friends:

(you know who you are)

im moving to boston in a few weeks. which will be a lot farther in relation to were ya'll normally dwell, but i'd like to think we could link up again like we did. i had a real blast. honestly. and of course any couch i obtain always will have your names on it.


big E- im going to keep your knife until i get there, and then i'll ship it back to you once im there.

for rapists and what not.

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You can always count on a few things. One thing is that Rapid-T AKA Rapid Transit AKA Ray Tylicki will always be an insufferable asshole. Why is a 47-year-old man "bothering" 20-year-old female college students in Maine? Because he's a fucking idiot, that's why.



Hi Folks:

Here's the latest about Rapid T: He was arrested at the University of South Maine at Gorham Library on 05/01/09.


Disruptive Person: Complaint received that the male subject who has been bothering the library staff and students in the Gorham Library. Officers responded and located the subject. When spoken to the subject grabbed one of the police officers and pulled him forward. The officers wrestled the subject to the ground and had to use pepper spray to subdue the subject in order to handcuff him.


ARREST - Raymond Tylicki 37, a transient for Assault and Failure to Submit to Arrest or Detention. Subject transported to the police station to wash off the pepper spray, then transported to Cumberland County Jail. He was served a Criminal Trespass Notice, which he refused to sign.


Flatcar Frank

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dear train crusty friends:

(you know who you are)

im moving to boston in a few weeks. which will be a lot farther in relation to were ya'll normally dwell, but i'd like to think we could link up again like we did. i had a real blast. honestly. and of course any couch i obtain always will have your names on it.


big E- im going to keep your knife until i get there, and then i'll ship it back to you once im there.

for rapists and what not.


just so you know that knife is mine...


i can almost gurantee ill come to boston before it gets freezing.

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hitching is not a cool compromise for hopping


i agree.

i only do it as a last resort.

like when ive been waiting 5 days and not able to get on a train etc...

or when the bull boots you literally in the middle of nowhere.

that sucked.



im guessing you hitched from where you were to where you were going instead of taking the train?


ill be up there soon baby boy.

then we ride in style...

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I haven't been down there in a couple of weeks myself, but the Glidden was just rebuilt about six months ago or so. Of course, it's possible, but I haven't heard anything. If you get amy solid information let me know.


westbounds are doing what they should be doing.

saw one heading out the normal way 2 nights ago.


not that anyone on here gives a flying fuck.

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have any of you seen the pigs roll on niggas like this?

a heli?

If you ever had the thought " how do assholes get killed hopping" or "who are the retards that blow shit up and make it hot as fuck for everybody?" just watch the rest of that doc, why are retarded assholes always so lucky? at the end of pt1 they both could got merked out or lost legs/etc...



just watch for more stupidity with in the first minute



2:50 hopping with a big ass dog, in a car with no bottom, smart.. People cant get more retarded??? Just keep watching for a minute or so... lets just say nigga is ... LUCKY!!!


**NOTE** my bad if this has been posted mad times 50+ pages


if KaBar hasn't seen this... I can see him covering his eyes, lol..

Thanks so much KaBar for dropping old gems of info on us.. How does this nigga not have 11 tac's under his name???

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Checked out the Hobo Film Festival the other day. It was pretty good, seeing as how I've almost never watched movies about trainhopping. Met some cool people, might go on a short trip sometime soon. (If anyone knows about hopping in BC, get in touch.)


I couldn't handle watching those YouTube clips; what a bunch of idiots.

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wow. this was literally the most interesting thread i've read in a long as time. just came on here cuz i'm checking out freights for the first time in upstate ct to ny tomorrow and this thread opened my mind up to what its about. amazing

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have any of you seen the pigs roll on niggas like this?

a heli?

If you ever had the thought " how do assholes get killed hopping" or "who are the retards that blow shit up and make it hot as fuck for everybody?" just watch the rest of that doc, why are retarded assholes always so lucky? at the end of pt1 they both could got merked out or lost legs/etc...



just watch for more stupidity with in the first minute



2:50 hopping with a big ass dog, in a car with no bottom, smart.. People cant get more retarded??? Just keep watching for a minute or so... lets just say nigga is ... LUCKY!!!


**NOTE** my bad if this has been posted mad times 50+ pages


if KaBar hasn't seen this... I can see him covering his eyes, lol..

Thanks so much KaBar for dropping old gems of info on us.. How does this nigga not have 11 tac's under his name???


Haha This film blew me away! The ending is so sad and comical at the same time!

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