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strangest/craziest thing you seen while bombing...


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Seen dude getting head from this black hooker with a afro down in the train yard. I thought at first it was some dude giving another dude head at first cause i couldnt see too good. I said to my boy "hhaa hey look at this" just too fuck with him. They heard me and the chick with the afro looks over soo fast she was so shook she broke her neck. We couldnt stop laughing, it was a weird ass moment lol..

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Seen dude getting head from this black hooker with a afro down in the train yard... she was so shook she broke her neck..


lol wut ??


I remember cuttin thru a shifty park once and catching a circle of people all in black robes chillin around one of the park tables while one of them was standing on the table staring directly at me n crew as we passed close.


Couldnt see nothing but darkness under the hood on some Lord of the Rings type shit.


Fucking cults.

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ok so it was night and i go in this empty lot, i had to walk over a few houses rooftops to get there, and jump like to stories down i did my thing and when im trying to get out i feel like im stepping in some kind of smelly mud, turns out it was like some kind of flesh, then i left the spot completely freaked out

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lol wut ??


I remember cuttin thru a shifty park once and catching a circle of people all in black robes chillin around one of the park tables while one of them was standing on the table staring directly at me n crew as we passed close.


Couldnt see nothing but darkness under the hood on some Lord of the Rings type shit.


Fucking cults.



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I was going to this spot in the L.A. River called the Slaughter House(90s) on some crack of dawn type shit. This yard is bordered by two hoods, but you can usually see people trying to come up on you. When I get there, there is some young white kid kind of hiding looking real paranoid. He's cool with me telling me that he was tripping on morning glory seeds and that his dad had cops looking for him.. Blah blah blah. He's harmless enough. So I start painting for a while and then decide to look around and see what's up. Across the river on this tossed out couch are three gangsters just chilling, doing whatever. They don't do nothing when they see me, so I get back to painting. Fast. REAL FAST.. I look back over and their gone. I tell dude to get it together and leave when I do cuz those dudes will be here in a few minutes. So I pack up and the kid leaves with me. Just when we are about to leave the river those fools start running after us. So I run across the street through traffic going towards the other hood back into the river hoping those dudes follow. Kid followed me. They followed. We get to the next bridge and the dumb kid stayed in the river and I left it. Two dudes caught him and started fucking him up while the third fell the fuck out chasing me. Always felt bad for that kid.


morning glory is some crazy stuff..


interesting story though, i cant believe i read it all.

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i was painting an abandon factory once and some squatter pops up outta no where. he asks us if we the cops and comes outta his hiding spot. obviously were not, so we go start painting, and this dude comes back 5 mins. later with a can a paint and starts throwin up this red axx hobo graffiti. not only that, he gets a palette to use as a ladder to get up-highs!! i got pics of him somewhere painting....

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craziest shit imember was some dude arguin with this bitch shit gets hecktic dude picks up rock the size of a soda can throws it at bitches face and dips girl is on the fLoor knockedout iwaLk up to her girL had a gash just Like diego sanchez when he got kicked by bj penn i then proceed to dip out never knew what happened to girL

ps:do those seeds reaLLy fuck your shit up so i can try and get me some?.

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i was in an abandoned building doin handys and all of a sudden i saw this guy swingin from a rope i was like wtf


ahhaahhaah fucking hell this made my day

its the random shit thats the funniest by far



I was in this hobo warehouse in northbridge one time with my mates

So we were painting/ exploring and we check out the hobo's rooms

One had writing on the wall saying 'Enter at own risk' So i entered :D

Its pitch black and smells rank so i get some light and there's a box on the floor filled to the brim with human poo haha, luckily the bum wasnt there to throw it at me

Checking out another room and its a pretty tight setup, matress, chairs etc

but we see this baby doll all wrecked with a hole carved where its downstairs is

and this metal tube like bicycle handlebars which is used as a crackpipe and doubles as the dudes dildo lol

also all these k-mart catalouges with the kids section ripped out scattered on the floor

We were so disgusted we trashed the bums rooms and bombed his bed and all their shit haha


Good thing the bums werent there

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The other day I was just walking the tracks in daylight and there was just this hobo sleeping there on this concrete part of a building... at 3 pm. It was kinda funny but its w/e. I also found 3 raccoons in a row each with their skulls bashed in. THAT was some fucked up looking stuff xD.

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one time me and a mate are painting a fraight spot its a fair chill night so we finish up go back to the car and take off but befor we get more then 100 down from the yard we get pulled up by cops.

so where siting ther and the cops walk over bretho my mate whos driving then ask for his drivers licens and my mate realises he left it in the boot witch has a good 50 - 60 tins in it so he walks round and opens the boot to get it and im shiting dacks at this point and his sifting threw the tins looking for his walet with the cops standing nexto him .

finds his wallet the cops check him out then say good night and bail we sit there for abit buged out about what just happend then bail home befor they come back or anthing.

wirdest encounter with hick small town cops ever.

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today i was waiting for the bus bored so i was doin a tag on the bench and this hell big doofy looking guy looks at me and i look at him and i think

oh this dudes gonna try to deck me, instead he sits down and says 'hi'

im like, 'hey,,,'

he says 'how was school?' im like, ok haha

i was halfway through my sentence to ask him do i know you? cos it seemed strange some random coming up to me and chatting

then he just randomly is like "you know all that stuff in Haiti man? the earthquakes? yeah man the world is gonna end."

and then goes on for a while about all natural disasters going on in the world lately like perths hail, melbourne floods, earthquakes in haiti and bali, volcanoes in europe and shit

im like wtf haha but he had some good evidence to back up what he was saying

then he says " my boss was in bali and a earthquake woke him up at 6 o clock" looks at me, and starts laughing spasticly. he goes on to say " anything that shakes you will wake you up" like he just discovered something amazing

he asks me again hows school, im about to answer and he just walks off and gets on his bus

im sitting there shaking my head, so weird..

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Our city was on strike a while back, and garbage wasn't being collected (Along with a lot of other things that were very irritating).

People were dumping garbage in a variety of places, it was quite disgusting.

I was out bombing with two others and we seen a bum sleeping on a pile of garbage and shit, with what looked like rotted food sitting on his chest as if the guy was eating it. (Could have been anything, it was dark).


And I've ran into a couple, probably about 17, having sex in a car. I just left them be, I wouldn't want to be disturbed during that shit myself, just figured leave 'em be.


And then roadkill, abandoned nomad bum spaces, the usual stuff.

Nothing too interesting I've seen -- But I take it as a good thing. The less freaky shit I have to deal with the better, i'm a fuckin' pussy.

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I was walking around catching tags late one night and we see this dude half staggering towards us. He looked like some college kid and was all "dude I'm mad fucked up.". So were like whatever good for you and we keep walking so he's like "you guys wanna smoke some bud?". We were about 16 at the time and not about to pass up a smoke up, so we were like "sure fuck it.". So were following this Dude back to his apt shootin the shit and he's givin us cigarettes and he's fuckin sloshed it's mad funny. So we end up back at his crib and it turns out he's some 40 year old rich dude with a pretty nice house. So he's like "sorry I smoked all my pot but I got

some wine". So were like fuck it well get a little drunk. So then he's like "you mind if I put on a Porno?" so now were like "uhh whatever man ts your crib". So me and my boy start lookin at each other like wtf... So he turns onnthe tv and it's these two dudes blowing eachother so were like fuck this and we just got up and left. Haha it's like the shit your parents warn you

NOT to do.

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