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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Dude, dont hate because Im super punk rock. And Im only allowing jerry to give people the pix of me passed out if I look cute. If I look ugly in my pass out pix, none will be shown.

And gliks, photoshop me and gooch together with a bottle of jager. We already discussed how we would like to be embarassed.


Its pretty hilarious that we took like 1-2 shots of jager together and then just fucking hit the pillow case. Apparently I threw up on the floor but no one saw cept jerry and my friends. Hahah. Oops.

Im not drinking for a lonnnnng longgggg 5 days. I kid, I really gota stop going on suicide missions though.



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hmmm... it looks like your s and e go together, and your i and h go together. i think thats because the thickness of the bars are the same on the s and e and the same on the i and h.

you posted some stuff here before, right? hot improvements.


i just realized i've never posted a sketch or anything. i'll take a picture of a sketch i'm working on and post it in a minute...

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yeah, your new shit looks alot better. cleaner, etc...



heres the sketch i'm working on. i owe someone on our board a postcard and it has been lost in the mail 2 times already. the USPS sucks.

i ripped a random page out of my book. the characters were done, like 2 years ago and i did the rest this week. obviously, its not done, but yeah. i'm calling it, "i ran out of room (draw smaller)" here:





i hope she doesn't see this....

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Whew lotta puking going on at that party... haha....

and suicide missions aren't a good idea gats.

Last time I did that I blacked out doing a bunch of crazy shit... .among which was threatening to stab a sausage with my headphone jack. I guess it was entertaining for my brother and roomate but I can't remember a damn thing.

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what's up bats? how has everyone been? i haven't been on around too much, last week quest came to do something to our phone because our main line wasn't working and now they fucked up the phone line even more and can't get on the internet. it will be up for like an hour and go down for a day, FUCK QUEST. but other than that everything is going a-o-k.




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