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Anyone know anything about Macs?


This is kinda a dumb question, but let me go on. I have a mac g4 tower (mirror cd drive look) dual proc 728 or whatever some odd ram blah. Well, its always been loud, the fan has always been like a fuckin jet plane right outside my window. I asked this friend of mine whose an ex mac tech and he said that these comps were just all made loud as hell for some reason. Well, I used it in my friends room, and now I just hooked it back up at home and its QUIET. Its barely making ANY noise. Theres only a slight hum, like a normal computer. That scares me.... could the fan be broken or did I reach enlightenment and therefore my computer joined me in the silence meditation towards nirvana?


Uhm. Yah. So, whats up?

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Dearest Christina,


I am by know means a computer expert. as a matter of fact, i really don't know anything about computers outside of the computer programs that i use.


but i do know this...


when i am hot i turn on a fan.


when i am cold, i turn off the fan!


and since we've all watched the matrix, we know that machines are jealous of people so they copy us.





always and forever,


The Grey Goose, AKA, The Balding Eagle

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