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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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got it why... joe cool huh? :haha:

it'll probably come your way during the upcoming week, ill give ya a heads up... i want hail up in that piece though aight? matter of fact i want to get all the bats up in my passaround book... who else will get down for the underground book session via usps, "free matter for the blind" old school 12oz stees..... :ballcap:

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Originally posted by LaCosaNostra+Dec 2 2004, 10:35 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (LaCosaNostra - Dec 2 2004, 10:35 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-cracksmoka@Dec 2 2004, 07:33 PM

i am SO glad you deleted my picture that day glik...

So it WAS you!?! :burn:



before my horribly disfiguring accident yes, no it wasnt...? yes it was me... my girl took it so that is why it was on some feminine mannerism gay-looking shit... she was beig girlfriendlyish when she was takin it tryin to get me to smile and shit... and i was like "NO HOE! im gangsta! i dont smile fo no bitches!!! then she made a comment about merkin somebody and it got me all giddy and shit... im SO thorough... :nope:

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a son walks up to his father...

-dad, whats the difference between potential and actual?

-well son heres what you do... go ask your mother your brother and your sister if they would fuck brad pitt for a million dollars... then come back...

(the son walks away to ask the rest of his family his ?'s)

-...well son what they say?

- well pop, mom said she would do it, sis didnt even hesitate, she said of course she'd do it. And bobby had to think about it for a second but he said he would too... but i dont get how that answers my question...

-well son, POTENTIALLY were sittin on $3 million dollars, but ACTUALLY were livin with 2 whores and a fagott.........


this is a joke i posted in the offensive jokes thread, I thought it was funny anyway... somethin for yall to read... sorry to all our gay and bi bats no offense....

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Learn to spell, we're Faggots, not fagotts. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.


Oh man, y'all have no fucking idea of how awkward changing for gym class is for me. I'll be there changing, trying not to look around (which is difficult) too much when the piercing scream of the Special Ed gym teacher rings through the locker room and I find 2 mostly naked kids with down syndrome 18" away from my face.


The coaches are actually the most mature, sensible adults in the school [if you discount Skeletor, the woman who bears a striking resemblance to a snapping turtle]. You can't even start to dislike a guy who wears sweatpants to work every day and plays hair metal in the weight room. How can you fuck with the faculty advisor for the GSA? For real, the coaches are pretty cool and this is coming from someone who absolutely hates phys ed.


The actual gym class is really crappy. I am not athletic. I do not play sports, I do not watch sports, and I could really give a rat's ass about the Basket-brawl. Hence, the 20 minute lecture on sportsmanship was somewhat lost on me, but a welcome diversion from actual movement.


How do you play basketball with a 5 foot tall mongoloid? What does an almost-blind (20-1000 vision) kid do when we're playing tennis? How does someone in a wheelchair play badmintion? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Originally posted by Nekro@Dec 2 2004, 10:04 PM

Learn to spell, we're Faggots, not fagotts. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.


Oh man, y'all have no fucking idea of how awkward changing for gym class is for me. I'll be there changing, trying not to look around (which is difficult) too much when the piercing scream of the Special Ed gym teacher rings through the locker room and I find 2 mostly naked kids with down syndrome 18" away from my face.


The coaches are actually the most mature, sensible adults in the school [if you discount Skeletor, the woman who bears a striking resemblance to a snapping turtle]. You can't even start to dislike a guy who wears sweatpants to work every day and plays hair metal in the weight room. How can you fuck with the faculty advisor for the GSA? For real, the coaches are pretty cool and this is coming from someone who absolutely hates phys ed.


The actual gym class is really crappy. I am not athletic. I do not play sports, I do not watch sports, and I could really give a rat's ass about the Basket-brawl. Hence, the 20 minute lecture on sportsmanship was somewhat lost on me, but a welcome diversion from actual movement.


How do you play basketball with a 5 foot tall mongoloid? What does an almost-blind (20-1000 vision) kid do when we're playing tennis? How does someone in a wheelchair play badmintion? Inquiring minds want to know.


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i was just looking on myspace, at a friend of a friends list of friends. and... they all suck.


and it gave me a great idea for a novel i'm going to write. i've always wanted to try to write something. now i have a topic. maybe it'll be a short story tho. writing a novel seems like a very daunting task.


ok well the idea is this.


there's a serial killer killing all these random people. but he always leaves his trademark at the murder scene. i'm not sure what his trademark is yet... we'll get back to that. sometimes the killer kills a whole group of friends. sometimes its just one random person. but the Feds know it's the same killer, because of his trademark at the scene.


so the feds are trying to figure out the killers pattern. and the main FBI guy is... no wait... i want the main character to be a chick. yeah, an FBI chick. Agent Gatita.


so by day, Agent Gatita is a Fed. but by night, she's a horny cybersex addict.


one night, while Agent Gatita is having an erotic chat with a dude she met on myspace, she realizes something!


oh wait... i have to get back to the killer's trademark now or that won't make any sense...




shit i really haven't thought this through...


ok wait, everytime the killer merks someone, he carves the words, "COOL NEW PEOPLE" into their flesh. that's his trademark.


ok so back to agent gatita fingerblasting herself...


you see, agent gataita always thought that the "COOL NEW PEOPLE" thing rang a bell. but she couldn't really figure it out.


then, she's cybering it up with this myspace dude. and it hits her. it's staring her right in the fucking face. "COOL NEW PEOPLE"


the killer is trying to merk all the people on someones friends list!


i'm not sure why yet.


maybe the killer invited some chick to be on his friend list and she denied and he decided to merk all of her loved ones as revenge.


and then agent gatita catches the bad guy.


i'm not sure how yet.


and then she tells everyone that she owed it all to masturbating on the internet.








what do you guys think? i know it's a little rough arounf the edges but i think it has real potential.


*any names of persons in this story existing in real life are purely coincidental.

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i dont know when i decided it was a good idea to come home after school and sleep for three hours, before i had to go to bed for the night.


i hafta be up in a little less then four hours for school (orientation at a hospital we're volunteering at, which isnt voluntary by any means), and i'm bouncing off the walls.


I updated my myspace page with two exciting new banners. Go look! now.!

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Originally posted by iquit@Dec 3 2004, 12:36 AM

i was just looking on myspace, at a friend of a friends list of friends. and... they all suck.


and it gave me a great idea for a novel i'm going to write. i've always wanted to try to write something. now i have a topic. maybe it'll be a short story tho. writing a novel seems like a very daunting task.


ok well the idea is this.


there's a serial killer killing all these random people. but he always leaves his trademark at the murder scene. i'm not sure what his trademark is yet... we'll get back to that. sometimes the killer kills a whole group of friends. sometimes its just one random person. but the Feds know it's the same killer, because of his trademark at the scene.


so the feds are trying to figure out the killers pattern. and the main FBI guy is... no wait... i want the main character to be a chick. yeah, an FBI chick. Agent Gatita.


so by day, Agent Gatita is a Fed. but by night, she's a horny cybersex addict.


one night, while Agent Gatita is having an erotic chat with a dude she met on myspace, she realizes something!


oh wait... i have to get back to the killer's trademark now or that won't make any sense...




shit i really haven't thought this through...


ok wait, everytime the killer merks someone, he carves the words, "COOL NEW PEOPLE" into their flesh. that's his trademark.


ok so back to agent gatita fingerblasting herself...


you see, agent gataita always thought that the "COOL NEW PEOPLE" thing rang a bell. but she couldn't really figure it out.


then, she's cybering it up with this myspace dude. and it hits her. it's staring her right in the fucking face. "COOL NEW PEOPLE"


the killer is trying to merk all the people on someones friends list!


i'm not sure why yet.


maybe the killer invited some chick to be on his friend list and she denied and he decided to merk all of her loved ones as revenge.


and then agent gatita catches the bad guy.


i'm not sure how yet.


and then she tells everyone that she owed it all to masturbating on the internet.








what do you guys think? i know it's a little rough arounf the edges but i think it has real potential.


*any names of persons in this story existing in real life are purely coincidental.



It's alright but it lacks substance. Have you cosidered working masturbation into the script? A lot of people think films are handled by lawyers and production companies these days, the fact of the matter is the entire modern film industry is built on masturbation. You might want to consider that.



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