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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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god i dont really have to go on ANOTHER tangent justifying my namesake... do i?


savior-tge-philly-10+ years

savior-fh-north jersey-? years(likely just as long if not longer)

initial knowledge of other savior- none

i grew up in the hood in philly, the only graffiti i knew was philadelpia relevant... when i moved OUT of the hood (97ish) i had already been writing my name for some time, and up intil that point (as you know) media access to various forms of graffiti were not as abundent as today...

basically i know of him and i would think he knows of me i have caught at least one of my fr8s(that i can recall) that he had tags on... and on my behalf i dont give a fuck if 100 fucking kids write it (i know its not a very common name) the whole location thing, yada yada yada...blah blah blah...

we both rep legitimite crews he obviously has the fr8 work to back himself up... but im no slouch ive been around a while, and i guess im pretty respected in my city...im kinda low key and modest though (i personally think i suck) and i have just wasted 1 whole minute of your life while you read this garbage.... a minute you will NEVER get back... .... ..... ...... (im trying to stretch it to 2)you dont care about me or my background... (i am starting to weird you out, no?)(<--another one of my goals) well now that ive accomplished what i set out to do... (further your already significant alienation from me) i will zap back to "normal mode...

NO, im not the savior your thinking of, but i AM the savior you now know...and when you get to know me im really not that bad of a guy...(just a little strange is all)... :ballcap:

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