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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by Uncle Milton

My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard, and they're like... you wanna trade cards? Darn right.. i wanna trade cards! I'll trade you... but not for my charizard



and as Dave Chappelle said last night in concert, "When are we Americans gonna realize that 15 is old enough. if you are 15, you should know if you wanna get pissed on or not."



btw, Dave in person is too fucking hilarious! :lol</span>

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dude, it was fucking dope. one of the cats that's on Chappelles Show opened up, (don't recall his name at the moment) and dude was stoned out of his mind and funny as hell. right after the show, me and my girl met up with one of my boys and saw dodgeball, also very funny, in deto's humble opinion. went to some other dudes house and got blitzed off of a huka, (sp?) then went to my boys apartment (we were out of town for the concert) and deto got laid and went to sleep at about 7:30 in the morning. all in all a very good night. oh and my boy, is a true fucking homie. (big ups to my boy Gabe!) when we got to his house at about 3:30 this morning, he pulled me aside, gave me the keys to his apartment and told me he was gonna go chill with his other friends, just not to make a mess...;)

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Originally posted by Milton

Your boy Milton is on straight herb status. I thought the bats should be first to know...








So last night at 4 in the morning I decide

Im going to watch that last Samurai for the

second time. It was awesome, now I'm kinda

sleepy and I wish I had sonar.

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Originally posted by Pfffffffffft

execpt iquit...he was the mastermind behind this......



Yeah man, great job on not jocking iquit :rolleyes:.


I don't know what crawled up your ass and died.


Also, the KnightBats are awesome. I don't know why. I mean... it's not like we fight crime or anything. And we would suck at fighting crime anyway. I'd be poking at people with long sticks picked from the ground, iquit would make intimidating sounds from the reverb of his belly and Glik0 would be ascertaining mathematic probabilities of us getting stomped. While we got stomped. And Deto would be fixing his nails.

Yeah. No. We'd better stay an internet forum e-crew. Its alridy *so* blingz lolz.

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so last night me and a few friends went to another friends birthday party, and some random chick gave me a lap dance outside on the gazzel(sp?) and i start making out with her, lifting her skirt and giving my buddy's a show, when her boyfriend walks out and starts talking shit to me, my boy Luke stood up and knocked him on his ass, she got up from my lap and attended to her fallen boyfriend and they left. all in all a goodnight. <span style='color:888888'> i am so surprised how many byrds do blow! damn, me and my boys had all the bitches on lock last night....</span>

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Originally posted by DETO

so last night me and a few friends went to another friends birthday party, and some random chick gave me a lap dance outside on the gazzel(sp?) and i start making out with her, lifting her skirt and giving my buddy's a show, when her boyfriend walks out and starts talking shit to me, my boy Luke stood up and knocked him on his ass, she got up from my lap and attended to her fallen boyfriend and they left. all in all a goodnight. <span style='color:888888'> i am so surprised how many byrds do blow! damn, me and my boys had all the bitches on lock last night....</span>






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