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Good stuff Joker, glad to see the return of the race reports. Looks like the guys who came in 1st and 2nd are both friends of mine... both are TT/climber type dudes, and one is nearly all the way there for a cat 2 upgrade.


re: turning. Am I doing something wrong? When I'm sandwiched in the middle of the pack in a crit, I usually look at the guy in front of me to see if he's coasting or pedaling, and then do the same myself. That way I can keep the gaps closed, because otherwise if they're pedaling and I'm coasting (or vice versa), there's going to be some distance change up.

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no i remember that, i think its more a matter of the last time they were put on no grease was applied and im sure a TON of sand/dirt/grit is in there locking them up. that and my multi tool is falling apart and a good 2 inches of applying pressure on them is just the plastic body of the tool flexing. never buying park tool again.


im going to the lbs tomorrow to get the pedal off, get laughed at and try to get my money back for this tool.

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Ralphie's bike kinda reminds me of mine when I very first got it.

it looks nothing like this anymore,but for a comparison.

You have a lot nicer frame and components though.


yes hipster fixie blah blafuck. I dont own a car and it gets me around.

(no green tires anymore,clips on pedals now)

Ready for hate.


anyone who talks shit on your bike(or any bike really) is a moron. that bike looks classy as fuck. i love lime green!

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no i remember that, i think its more a matter of the last time they were put on no grease was applied and im sure a TON of sand/dirt/grit is in there locking them up. that and my multi tool is falling apart and a good 2 inches of applying pressure on them is just the plastic body of the tool flexing. never buying park tool again.


im going to the lbs tomorrow to get the pedal off, get laughed at and try to get my money back for this tool.


It's not the tool's fault, small multi-tools like that aren't meant for high-torque jobs like putting on/removing pedals, especially if they aren't greased. It can apply too much torque to the wrong parts of the body of the tool.


Don't talk down on Park because you don't have the right tool for the job, they make quality shit. Just buy an L allen wrench and actually get some torque on there...

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ahahahahaha those cats! wtf?!



and regarding the park tool, i was asked what id be using it for when i bought it and i said removing pedals, adjusting cockpit components and thats about it. and they said it would be fine, i wish they would have just given me one of those triangle star looking things.

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Yeah That pic is from right after I had put it together.

The seats no longer standing at attention.


Well, all aesthetic considerations aside... do you have straps on your pedals? If not, put some on there so you don't hit a guy coming down a hill with a red light in the middle and not be able to stop in time.


Put the drop bars the right way because anyone who knows anything about bikes is giving you the stink eye when they see that... and yeah, the saddle, you're good on that sounds like.


I dunno. I'm not gonna lie, when I was new to fixed gears I had a bike not that far away from the homemade Rusto paint job of this one. I guess everyone starts somewhere.

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Rubbish... re: turning - it's not that you're doing anything wrong because you're really just following the pack and doing what needs to be done from keeping you and others from going down. I think I was more referring to guys in the top three to five positions who were braking before the turn and then again in the turn. What they should be doing is not touching the brakes at all. This keeps the speed up and gaps the weaker, more scared riders (i.e. cat 3 newbies). Maybe this is my BMX racing background coming through, and if you think about it, Robbie McEwen is known for coming out of no where in the final turn of any sprint finish. I'll be you money that it's because he doesn't touch the brakes in that final turn and gains about ten spots because of it. It's definitely a "no fear" mentality but once you do it enough you can't be stopped.

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Tonights race... hooo-weee, those juniors are fast! One from Bissell, a few from Hot Tubes and some other kid who is currently riding unattached. It was impressive to watch them chase down a break that was more than a minute up the road, by themselves. The four of them just kept taking pulls and not asking for any help. Into the massive headwind, even. That was by far the fastest race I've been in this season. I wish I had my Powertap working so I could see the averages. Was definitely fun...

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Well, all aesthetic considerations aside... do you have straps on your pedals? If not, put some on there so you don't hit a guy coming down a hill with a red light in the middle and not be able to stop in time.


Put the drop bars the right way because anyone who knows anything about bikes is giving you the stink eye when they see that... and yeah, the saddle, you're good on that sounds like.


I dunno. I'm not gonna lie, when I was new to fixed gears I had a bike not that far away from the homemade Rusto paint job of this one. I guess everyone starts somewhere.


like i said when i posted it its not all together... and the bars are just in there. like i just stuck them in there and left them they arent staying like that. i didnt even notice until i took the picture and i knew someone would say something but its all gooood. im not even riding that bike right now. i just felt like posting a flick.

i wouldnt say im new to fixed gears. ive just never owned one and felt like making myself something. im pretty ok with it. homemade rusto paintjob and all. haha.

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