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Was supposed to race today but the format for points if stupid... and basically the course is a circle. Tomorrows race is more wicked so I'll save my legs for that. My team mate is riding crazy strong right now so I'll bury myself for him in the hopes we can get a win.


Recently had an MRI to figure out what the issue is with my knee. Too much medical mumbo-jumbo to know what the results mean but I definitely understood the "findings" part. I'll know more on Thursday. Just hoping that whatever it is, it doesn't mess with 'cross!!


Oh c'mon Joker! Points races are fun - at least on the track. In a crit with a field of 40+, hell, I guess I'll see in a couple hours.

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seriously? you can fucking fly on a beachcruiser if you have the handlebars at an angle you can comfortably stand up on. the gear ratios combined with the width of the bars, tons of speed if you need it.


Maybe going down a hill.


40lb bike + low gear ratio + upright position + big ass balloon tires with shit tons of rolling resistance + typically novice rider who doesn't know much about riding bikes = nary a moment above 20mph.


There's a reason 'cruiser' is in the title.

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Whats up with the completely rigid niner a page back? As in, where would you ride a completely rigid 29er?


Anybody know a builder who makes steel road frames cheaper than everybody else, but with the same quality? I'm finally in the market to get my touring on, but im not paying $1500 for a De Colnagcinelli.

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i ride a fully rigid 26er, they are faster overall then a bike with suspension. no pedal bob like youd get with a fs and even hardtails have a bit of bob from the fork. about the only mountain biking that cant be done on a rigid is downhill and endurance. as long as your fairly young and dont have back/ankle/knee/wrist problems you can pull off a rigid.


and rubbish, get out of the racing mindset. to someone who doesnt race, 18mph is fast as fuck. especially on a sidewalk.

if you find the right cruiser thats got thin tubing and no "addons" you can easily get one thats fairly light. obviously not by race standards, but light enough to easily put it on a bike rack with no effort.

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You could ride a rigid 29er anywhere that's CX bike friendly... which I guess means anywhere not too rooty or technical.


Check eBay for old touring bikes. There hasn't exactly been much technological advancement of touring frames in the last 25 years... people still prefer classic lugged steel over anything else. There's also the Surly Long Haul Trucker for like right under a grand I believe, but still, touring bikes are meant to go through hell and hence, used ones with plenty of life left aren't hard to find.

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Whats up with the completely rigid niner a page back? As in, where would you ride a completely rigid 29er?


Anybody know a builder who makes steel road frames cheaper than everybody else, but with the same quality? I'm finally in the market to get my touring on, but im not paying $1500 for a De Colnagcinelli.


One of the dudes I ride with rides a full rigid Surly Karate Monkey, albeit with a carbon fork. Pretty sick set up, and our local trails can get pretty rough (for cross country).

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I'm not looking for a true cargo/touring bicycle with the raked out fork quill stem and an abundance of cargo racks. Im just looking for a solid light steel frame for modern parts. Im kinda disappointed in Indyfab for charging 1900 for a crown jewel frame. I want a real modern road bike for 70-140+ mile rides, but I dont want something that looks out of place on family rides to the coffee shop. Nomsayin? The perfect 1 bike stable for the overly self concious victim of cycling elitism.


That said... built up six13's are fucking cheap.

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So I am going to have to hold off on the Gary Fisher for awhile....found out I may be out of a job due to my glorious career as a graffiti vandal. Background check for a full on hire came through and they weren't feeling the multiple charges....


So anyway, I finished my flip/flop build instead. Retail therapy style.



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I'm not looking for a true cargo/touring bicycle with the raked out fork quill stem and an abundance of cargo racks. Im just looking for a solid light steel frame for modern parts. Im kinda disappointed in Indyfab for charging 1900 for a crown jewel frame. I want a real modern road bike for 70-140+ mile rides, but I dont want something that looks out of place on family rides to the coffee shop. Nomsayin? The perfect 1 bike stable for the overly self concious victim of cycling elitism.


That said... built up six13's are fucking cheap.


Word. I'm sure you could pick up a plenty nice old steel Italian road bike in the 500-600 dollar region with nice parts if you're patient. What do you ride, like a 56? This looks pretty nice: http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Hendries-Road-Bike-Campy-Columbus-22-1-4-56cm-/380244894298?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Road_Bikes&hash=item58885ca25a#ht_500wt_947


Joker, I ended up sneaking my way into 4th place in the race today. Points race format ended up workign out in my favor because all I did was win a prime/points lap and then get boxed in/roll in with the group for the last lap sprint :D

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Nice one, Rubbish!


Racing today. A little 2 mile long circuit race with seven turns and only about 30ft of elevation. Should be fairly simple but very fast. I hope I can stay toward the front the whole race because all those turns are going to kill me if I'm toward the back.

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So I am going to have to hold off on the Gary Fisher for awhile....found out I may be out of a job due to my glorious career as a graffiti vandal. Background check for a full on hire came through and they weren't feeling the multiple charges....


So anyway, I finished my flip/flop build instead. Retail therapy style.




try and explain to them that it was your past and you are on a different path in life now. lookin to be professional. and move on. jus sayin

also sory never got back to you on that marriage advice tip

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Ralphie's bike kinda reminds me of mine when I very first got it.

it looks nothing like this anymore,but for a comparison.

You have a lot nicer frame and components though.


yes hipster fixie blah blafuck. I dont own a car and it gets me around.

(no green tires anymore,clips on pedals now)

Ready for hate.

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Boxcar....that thing looks clean. I realize the green tires and white seat will not last too long as far as staying clean, I end up swapping out for black. Anyone who hates on a bicycle doesn't really understand...


Commuted on the single speed today, im surprised at the speed....my regular 18 speed is under maintenance, when its back up and running I will commute on that, save the single for round town.

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Ralphie's bike kinda reminds me of mine when I very first got it.

it looks nothing like this anymore,but for a comparison.

You have a lot nicer frame and components though.


yes hipster fixie blah blafuck. I dont own a car and it gets me around.

(no green tires anymore,clips on pedals now)

Ready for hate.


Damn...I just neggd you by accident man. Fuck im a dick..goddamn web browser on the phone, ikm workin with ball park franks for fingers too.


I will get you back x2....can someone help me out and give box some ecred.


Sorry dude.

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Yesterdays race... I said seven turns but it was actually eleven. Eight of those turn were sharp and on very small roads. There was even a super-sharp S turn and the pavement was maybe ten feet wide. Thankfully, there was only about 40 riders racing in my category yesterday so there were no accidents... plenty of close-calls, but no accidents.


Before I go into the race itself I just want to put it out there that if you race bikes in a field of other racers... learn to turn at speed. Please don't brake in the turn. Please look where you want to go in the turn and not straight ahead or at the guy in front of you. If you've ever ridden a motorcycle you know what I mean. I could have smacked about twenty people yesterday for nearly causing other folks to go down for not knowing how to take a turn at speed.


Like any typical circuit race the pace was fast from the beginning. On the second lap a rider made a solo break for it and got up the road about ten seconds. Due to most of the filed having poor turning skills I found my way to the front pretty quickly and made it my mission to bring dude back. Job done... gruppo compacto. Several attacks make their way up the road but none stick. With three teams in the filed who have five or more guys there was definitely some tactics going on. I stayed near the front for safety but also to be ready for the break that sticks. With seven laps to go, on the long straight away, I was boxed in on the right and the same rider who made the first attack goes up the left. My teammate is right behind him as well as two others. They immediately get a good gap. With three of the guys in the break having plenty of teammates in the field... lost of blocking was going on to keep anyone from bridging up. I chased down three attacks from the same guy (Rubbish, a Gentle Lovers guy) who could have bridged up if he knew how to take a turn. Within two laps the break was easily over a minute up the road. The rest of us were now racing for fourth. I continued to chase down attack after attack until finally I had nothing left. I tried to sit at the back and just recover to the end but it's kind of hard to recover on a eleven turn course. I finished last but with so many getting dropped I finished 21st. My teammate finished third. Job done. The sun was out, not a cloud in the sky and the temps were in the 80s... definitely a good day racing.

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