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i did my first 11 mile bike ride the other day i drank plenty of water along the way and took breaks every 2.5 miles just so i wouldnt over exert myself. i wasnt as sore as the first time i hopped on the bike but im lookin forward to doing it again to help improve my cardio

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i did my first 11 mile bike ride the other day i drank plenty of water along the way and took breaks every 2.5 miles just so i wouldnt over exert myself. i wasnt as sore as the first time i hopped on the bike but im lookin forward to doing it again to help improve my cardio

That is not really a lot of miles for a bike, but you have to start somewhere. Pretty soon you will look back on those little 11 miles and laugh. Also the key is to drink before you get thirsty not after. Also hydration does not start the day of the activity you wish to participate in.

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value is what you make of it, having a great bike that just sits in the basement because it doesn't fit perfectly VS having a piece by someone i've admired for years in my office...


i'd ask 6-700 had i sold it. but probably wouldn't get more than $550, based on the availability of monocogs.


i'm glad you're happy. if you ever get into terrible shape and wanna ride up here let me know.



Okay... then maybe you came out on top. LOL!!


Raced it last night, and it was the first time riding it as well. Definitely interesting riding a bike that has shocks on the front. I can only imagine what it feels like to ride a full suspension bike... must be a slow, slow ride. Ha! MTB's just seem to ride much slower but it makes sense. Wasn't ready for that.


So I did the SS short track race here in town last night. There was about 50 or so racers in that category. From the word "GO" I quickly learned you cannot sprint and expect to go fast with front shocks. I wasn't going backwards but it was really "mushy" having shocks on the front. Just not used to it. The first lap I made up about fifteen places half way through the first lap. I was super comfortable on the bike and really comfortable in the ruts, grooves and over the jumps... must be the years and years of BMXing. Just as I was exiting the motocross track section the rear wheel slipped on the left side of the dropout and the tire was rubbing on the chainstay. I pulled over, corrected it and started tearing it up again. I immediately passed a bunch of people and then went into a sharp 90° turn grabbing some brake, doing a little drifting through the turn when the wheel slipped again. Corrected it and took off. I basically did this for four laps about three or more times each lap. It definitely got annoying but I was having so much fun when the bike was rolling that it just didn't matter. The part that really killed me was the organizer purposely made a lot of deep puddle/muddy sections. This bothered me because I'm not one of those guys who likes being muddy/dirty. Which will make riding/racing a MTB interesting.


I think there are a few changes I'll make but it's going to take some time to save up the cash to make those changes. However, great bike, super fun...

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i'm worried about that slipping--are the chain tensioners loose or is something fucked up? i'm gonna feel bad if something is broken.


and the offer stands for the rigid fork if you want it (i'll be in your town in 2 weekends) if the soft front doesn't work for you. i should have just brought it down w/ the bike. oh well.

glad you're enjoying it.

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Tonight's race... 1/2/3's at the car track circuit. 26mph average for 40 miles in a murderous wind with a spike in temperature. Mostly cross and headwinds throughout. Fun fun fun. A developmental/pro squad showed up with ~10 guys and just drilled it hard from the beginning, forming an early break. I think the field was like 70 people. A lot of guys dropping and pulling off to go home throughout. Out of the people that finished, I was somewhere in the middle. Great training though... I just ate a giant burrito and now I'm ready to sleep 12 hours.

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Some good stories tonight...


I take it that is an older front fork/shock that doesnt lock out...dont most front suspension mtb give u ability to lock out? (Im suire even then the ride is much different then regular)


Also turns out i cant swoop up that gary fisher...getting laid off in august, too many expenses.

Having tons of fun riding the kilo TT i built...seems so much faster, im guessing its the responsiveness of the single speed, not used to it yet.

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Fist 666... yeah, I talked to an old team mate who has the exact same bike and he said something about adjusting the tension plates and really clamping the skewer down. I'm going to work on it this weekend. Nothing is broken!! All is good. I might take you up on those forks, though.


Rubbish... Tonight was definitely hard. I tried a few times to get into a chase group but that wind killed me each time. I did not make any friends during those attempts. My legs are mega-tired after longs hours this weekend and then Monday's suffer-fest. I'm not racing tonight... just going to go up and cheer fools on.

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so, on the 4th i was going down interstate heading to the waterfront. like right after passing the kaiser and the adidas complex this couple on separate bikes comes out of nowhere. there were no cars coming our way. they didnt say "on your left" or give any precaution to the fact that they were passing at a high speed. they passed inside the bike lane, which is normally fine if you let people know you are there. then once they get, almost, in front of me they start pushing back into the right of the bike lane. they forced me into the curb and on my next down pedal... BAM! flew and landed completely 100% on my chin. fractured my shit in 2 places. had surgery on monday and shit is fucked for sure. my only thing i hope people will take from this is to let people mashing down hills on fixed gears know you are there. yeah, technically you should have a break, but if people just abide by the courtesy rules of the road everything works out. also, unless you are racing or training for racing, shouldn't you give like a bike length of space before cutting back in front of someone? 6-8 weeks of recovery time and all i can think about is getting back on my bike. the doctors said that the way i landed, a helmet wouldn't have helped because i literally landed right on the bottom of my chin. they said that, which is true for a lot of cyclists, that the muscles surrounding my spine saved my life because they have a larger diameter than my spine and they cushioned a lot of the wreck force that could have made it so i didnt walk out of there. so fuck those people that cut me off. they were a late 20's early 30's couple riding on some silver "vintage" looking 10 speeds, girl was blonde. they had to have swooped onto interstate at that light before you start heading down the hill. see anyone matching this description and ask where they were on the 4th. my buddy waved 'em down and they slowed down but once they saw i was hurt they dipped. have 'em PM me or something. haha. can't stay mad though, everyone does stupid shit.


^and bump petacchi

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the idea was to go fast down hill. i've hit that hill many times. oh well, i'm not stressed on it. just would have been nice for them to stop or something. wasn't trying to get them in trouble. that not how i do. anyway, i got a plate in my jaw and my shits banded shut for the next couple of weeks. hopefully the nerve in my chin gets better though because it always being numb is hella weird. haha. drugs are good though, definitely been keeping my mind off the constant shifting of my teeth. fuckin brutal.

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sorry to hear about your injuries, but thats what you get for using the wrong equipment.


Dude, fuck that. Even if he may be in the wrong for bombing hills brakeless, you don't crash someone out, let them lie there on the ground with a broken face and then just take off like nothing happened. That's about as good as a hit-and-run, and shit should not fly.

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no worries man. i just want to ride my bike!!! seems like all of my friends have been having shitty luck this summer. one homie got hit in front of the doug fir and was out for a month, another homie wrecked in some gravel before he went to LA, and now i'm out for a good while. i'm still stoked on the new setup thats been arriving at the shop. B)

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Dude, fuck that. Even if he may be in the wrong for bombing hills brakeless, you don't crash someone out, let them lie there on the ground with a broken face and then just take off like nothing happened. That's about as good as a hit-and-run, and shit should not fly.


i agree with you.


my point was more that if he had free wheel he might not be in that position.

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Ugh. 93 degree day and I got dropped like a hot turd on the hill curcuit weekly race. I think it's time to re-evaluate my "training plans" (which are pretty much non existent besides racing and an occasional long ride), take a little time off and then restore whatever fitness I had by restarting base miles period/weight training and gearing up for cyclocross.


But hey, cyclocrossers have it lucky. Unlike roadies, they get to do base miles in the hot summer sun, and then when you actually go out and do CX practice you have the time of your life running around the park in spandex with your buddies and scaring away children as you come up riding hot in a train of 20, dismount, run up a bunch of stairs and then remount and sprint downhill.

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That is not really a lot of miles for a bike, but you have to start somewhere. Pretty soon you will look back on those little 11 miles and laugh. Also the key is to drink before you get thirsty not after. Also hydration does not start the day of the activity you wish to participate in.



yea thats what a friend told me. im sure alot of you can can easily do 40-50 mi. i just gotta keep riding.

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my first ride on a road bike i ended up doing about 75 miles wth a LONG lunch break halfway through. and then i "bonked" at the end and did the last 10 miles at like 11mph, shit suuuuuucked.


but it warmed me up to the idea of putting in decent mileage. you know, kinda like learning to swim by diving into the ocean off a pier. (thats not how i learned to swim though)

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Yeah, there are a lot of people in this town who feel entitled because they ride a bike. If you weren't going the speed they were going then you weren't good enough for them to care about. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people here who think that way, just because they ride a bike everyday. Which is shit. I ride a bike everyday but I'm not a complete ass. Chin up, no pun intended, and know that one day they'll get theirs. If all goes accordingly, they're tragically hip 1970's road bikes will get stolen.


Rubbish... I rode up to Tabor to watch the race but after a few laps had to dip. Why are there so many mosquitoes there? Definitely looked like a hard race. That second lap it looked like dudes were sprinting up the steep section... my legs hurt just watching it go down. I rode an Active Recovery ride that day and then did some five minute hill intervals today. Taking the next two days off. Hoping I can get the new SS MTB sorted before Monday nights STXC race!!

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Man , Mt. Tabor is a mosquitoes trap like no one's business. I mean, it's bad enough everywhere else in Portland at this point in the summer, but something about the elevation of Tabor attracts them in swarms and they bite through your lycra.


Tabor is a funny race in that even though it's a hill circuit, people race it like a crit by accelerating in the exact same areas every lap. You're spot on, there's always a mad dash from the last uphill section to the corner to turn downhill. People vying for position coming into the descent? I dunno. I find myself still blessed in that I can make up 5-10 positions on the descent just by good cornering and good looking out for slipstreams. And there's nothing I like more than taking that bottom corner at max speed with full commitment/no braking. But yesterday I did not have the fitness at all to race it and my body is obviously trying to yell 'stop pushing me or I'm going to make you into a weak, overtrained shit!'

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