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Rubbish! You're pulling my card with all the old guy nice bike stuff. Well, at least I admit that I'm slow... ha! And I know that having deep dish carbon wheels won't get me anywhere any faster, at my level of the sport. Most people I ride with are just like me... competitive cyclists with nice bikes, but are definitely believe bike racing is 90% how you look and 10% how you ride. As long as I look fast...

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Thanks for that WP. I'm going to go change my behavior now.


On a completely different note: I just discovered this thread, and am really stoked. I picked up biking again this year at college and am just embarking on a strip-down, repaint, build-up and upgrade project for the summer. Hoping to do it on the cheap and the smartest I can. And of course, making my bike look super sick.

Expect questions.

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You're going to have about a week of awkwardness then it should be good.


Or you'll be like me and have no 0mph crashes until 6 months in, and then have 3 or 4 in a week.


it wasnt as awkward as i thought it would be. but then again, i did spend literally the entire day today clipped in and riding.


and i ended up going with egg beaters.

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Rubbish! You're pulling my card with all the old guy nice bike stuff. Well, at least I admit that I'm slow... ha! And I know that having deep dish carbon wheels won't get me anywhere any faster, at my level of the sport. Most people I ride with are just like me... competitive cyclists with nice bikes, but are definitely believe bike racing is 90% how you look and 10% how you ride. As long as I look fast...


Joker don't even sweat, let me dig up a little something for you... we're both on the same page.


WHy do old dudes spend so much money on something they rarely use?


True story... in a race last year a guy finished about five minutes or so down on the main group, by himself. The finish was a hilltop one and the gradient averaged 12% for over a mile. A beast for anyone... even a mountain goat. So this guy could have been forgiven for finishing even ten minutes down. However... as he crossed the line his friends were all smiles and making comments about how hard the climb was and this hack has the nerve to say he could have finished with the group if he had better wheels. He was riding some deep dish Zipps which I know weigh very little and are very good wheels. He was riding a carbon Colnago and even had the limited edition chrome Sidi Ergo1 shoes. Obviously, dude drops money on shit that makes no difference. But in his mind he actually thinks that spending more money on lighter wheels will make him a better rider. The racing circuit is full of guys like this and they just happen to be my age or older. They're a mystery to me. I can't figure them out. I wish they understood the concept of a good training program and putting in the time... rain or shine.

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22.5! Nice job chocola. Me and a buddy just did a fun hilly ride up here. Germantown to Skyline. Pretty much all the coffee I drank beforehand just powered me up the climbs although I got a good side ache around 3/4 to the top. Some serious endorphins rushing through my head on the winding descent back into downtown Portland...

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Rubbish... this weather is flippin' ridiculous, and it's supposed to stay like this all week! I got rained on three times yesterday while out on a ride. And that has sapped my motivation to go for a ride today. Sick of the rain and clouds... and it's 55° out right now!! Ugh. Where's my summer sun?

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Yo tell me about it... we headed out when it was sunny today for Marine Drive, by the time we got there a serious downpour started. Got soaked hard... my shoes were carrying what seemed like a pint of rain inside each. Then we got to Troutdale and it was more of the same. By the time we got to Corbett the rain turned to sun, but the sweet tailwind meant a mean headwind coming back to Portland. Half of that ride reminded me of the rain last winter. Of course none of us had fenders so staying perfectly centered behind the wheel in front of you meant a bunch of road grime and rain going into your glasses and eyes... one of the few rides where I was really looking forward to the climbing to start.

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Today's weather was definitely a bummer. I totally thought me and some buddies were going to be able to go for a nice loop around the city, but instead I got a lame cruise to Burnside and back before the shower slicked up the road.

So I was in Bend this past weekend and decided to jib around on my bike, not thinking about the fact that a fixed gear wheel is far less sturdy compared to a BMX wheel. Needless to say, the rim is warped to hell now. Truing it didn't help at all. Been doing some research on what I should get. Looked into the H+Son rim and HOLY HELL those things are whack! Check this out.




Definitely leaning towards a Velocity Deep V. Inexpensive and quality for the money. I know how to true shit up pretty well. Gotta learn how to lace better. I tried lacing a BMX wheel back in the day when I rode but I laced it to a bent rim unknowingly. Complete waste of time.:o

Was super stoked last week. A buddy and I went riding all over. We ended up out at Reed and then got a call to a homie out in NW. Made it to the NW end of Waterfront in about 15 minutes. Gotta get that ride down faster.:cool:

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The only thing that's wack is people that are still linking to that one isolated incident of a guy doing tricks on his rim and then tried to give the 'just riding along' excuse. Atleast that's how I understood it. Anyways, use your head - there's thousands of H+ rims being ridden around with no problems, and definitely enough in Portland as well.



By the way, deep rim =/= strong rim. A wheel's durability is more tied up in the skill of the builder than anything else. If you're already good at truing, you're most of the way there.


IRD makes a better Deep V than Velocity though.

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Sold my IRO yesterday... for way less than I wanted to. Hard to sell it for what I was asking when two other people are selling the same bike with even better parts for over a $100 less. Bummed me out but I need the cash... and right now some cash is better than no cash.


Now I just have to find a buyer for the Look 595 fixed gear project... no one is going to pay top dollar for that. Damn economy...

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