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We went to the nothwest mostly because we were thinking about moving up there (to Portland) after she finishes school (in a year). Since we had never been to that part of the country, we decided that we should check it out. My dad payed for the trip as a wedding present, so it worked out to our advantage. The other reason that we went is we knew it would be cool up there ... we needed a little break from the 100 degree Texas weather. We went to Vancouver instead of Portland because she really wanted to go to Canada and I really wanted to see a lot of freights (I was to it was a big freight city).


By the way, the EMP, in Seattle, has a cool little graffiti exhibit in the hip-hop section. There was a DONDI sketch and a bunch of old graffiti "artifacts." And since they have those headset tour things, they got LADY PINK to narrarate (sp?). Cool shit. I'll post some pictures soon.

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single speed race report


I came down with a cold Friday. Come Saturday, it was a full on phlem doggie, sore throat, back breaker. I didn't feel all that bad Saturday morning, so I went ahead and set to upping my gear ratio. I had a 14 sitting on the hub as a spacer, so I switched things around and voila I had the magic gear without a chain tensioner. Took it for a spin around the neighborhood and decided that 42 x 14 was probably going to be a little much for the woods. I think I went through every bike part I have ever had at least twice. Finally I found a 16 tooth cog. I was hoping to find a 17 or 18, but no such luck. Put it all back on there (including the chain tensioner) and really loaded the tension up on the tensioner. Took it for another spin and decided 16 would have to do. Ended up feeling pretty lousy Saturday night, but since I had spent so much time messing with my bike I decided...fuggit I'm racing.


So, Sunday morning we pull in, get registered and changed with about 5 minutes to spare. The short ride to the start had to suffice for a warmup. Single speed race starts have got to be one of the funniest things to watch. The starter sounded the gun and then all of us in slow motion try to start going. After a few revolutions we're all up to speed and right together except for the two guys who went with an easier gear combination. After about a hundred yards or so, I decided to take the front. I rode in front for a little while when another guy broke out for the front. It was almost like a rode race. We had a pace line going and everyone was right on someone else's wheel (we were on a gravel road heading towards the woods). We got about 80 yards from the singletrack when I decided I wanted the front spot back. I swung out to the left, stood up and hammered it. Passed the three guys that were in front of me, hit the singletrack and was headed into the woods in first. At the first drop in the woods my chain fell off. I had it tensioned so high that I thought I broke it. After a few minutes inspection I figured out it wasn't broken, so I set the chain and took off after everyone. Pretty boring after this. I slowly picked off riders while trying to catch back up to the lead three. I tried making up time everywhere. I'd stand and hammer coming out of the corners, long stretches and anywhere else I thought I could get a little more speed, but I was never able to catch back up with them. Finished the race and found out one guy had flats, so he dropped out. This ended up putting me in 3rd place. I think I ended up finishing 3 minutes back...damn that chain. I feel like complete shit today, but damnit...I have to say it was worth it.

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Nice, Steve.

I rode ten miles this weekend ... I suck. I gotta get back into my routine real soon, or I'm gonna turn into a fat wuss. I'll be in D.C. in a couple of weeks (July 2 - 8 ... brother-in-law is getting married on the 7th). If anybody is up that way, we can hang out. I'll have to rent a bike though. Are there a lot of freights there? I love benching in other cities.

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yeah steve!

i am now officially carless. no more luxury of having the back up car when it's raining, or if i'm not feeling so good, or got up late, or if i'm just being lazy. it's all bike. it's quite a step, every day at least 20 miles whether i want to or not. i just checked the weather and there are suposed to be severe t-storms with extremely high winds just in time for my ride home from work. perfect. no public transit out here in the sticks. all bike for several months until i can afford that vw gti with rims and a bike rack. yes indeedy.

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ct's rolling hills rule... just did about 20 miles and im beat down. awesome climbs to dope ridgeline flats, to blistering fast and scary downhills... i also went surfing this morning and caught a few very nice waves - great day!!!!!!!

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hollywood shoes and pedals=hollywood money for THE LAW.


surprised at how quick acceleration is with the chenge.


steady clockin...

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riding home in a thunderstorm and it's steamy foggy aftermath on the fixed gear was a dope experience. beautiful, and it was the first time i had taken the fixie out in a while; such fun. i was spinning out down a hill in the woods on my way home and i almost crashed into two mucka-ass wild turkeys. i had to sprint up another hill because those motherfuckers chased me.

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See Mr. Law... I told you so.


Okay all you MTB guys out there... I've got a question for you. I recently have been given the opportunity to buy a brand new bike, never ridden from a trade show. The asking price is $600. I know the XTR groupset is at least worth that but I'm more confused about the other stuff. When I used to ride a mountain bike I had a simple Cannondale with Manitou shocks on the front. That was about six years ago. So I'm lost now as to what is good and what isn't. And I'm curious what I'm getting for my money. So yeah, XTR cranks, derailuers and brake levers. Ritchey bars and stem. I think Ritchey rims. I can't remember if the hubs are Ritchey or XTR. The forks are Rock Shox SID. The frame is hardtail and it's a Haro. I don't remember which model. It has a slight bend in the top tube and the color is orange... if that means anything. I wanna say the name was the Eclipse or Escape... but I could be wrong. I've looked online and found an Escape but not in that freaky orange color it's in. I know that it had rapid fire shifters, which I remember not liking on my old mountain bike so I had them changed to that Gripshift stuff and I really liked that. I don't think it had disc brakes but I could be wrong. My wife was upstairs when I was looking at it with my friend and if she knew I was buying another bike... it would have been a wierd rest of the evening. So I glanced over it and remebered what I could then got the hell back upstairs. Anyway, if any of you MTB guys could shed some light on what I'm buying and if it's worth the money, that would be cool. Does Haro have a good rep in mountain bikes? How does the Rock Shox SID rate? And XTR is the highest, right? So that's not something I would need to upgrade. Okay... I'll shut up now.

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it sunds like a good deal from wht you describe, xtr = dura ace. sid is rock shox top of the line cross cuntry fork, haro makes decent bikes. how old is this bike? is it a 8 or 9 speed drivetrain? look into it more, but from the sunds of it, it souns like your getting quite a deal. good luck with it.

i just got home from a local road crit, i am feinding to get out there! must get a road or cyclocross bike....NOW!

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Joker... like you said, XTR is worth it all by itself. All of my bikes have Ritchey WCS on it and its the shit. Super light weight and tuff. I also run the Ritchey OCR wheelset and haven't had any problems. Nice, smooth, light weight and no dish to boot. I don't know a whole lot about Haro. From what I hear they're pretty decent. Maybe a little heavy, but nothing outta control. I hear those Sid forks are a little flexy, but it is the top of line race shit, so should be alright. For $600 bucks it sounds like a hell of a deal.


If you get any more details let me know.


BTW: Don't race when your sick. Its a really bad idea. I was at home yesterday with a temperature of 102. Hopefully I'll be recovered enough to race this weekend.

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Joker, it sounds like a deal to me. The shock alone is worth almost $600. Haro makes decent bikes. They are more well known for their BMX stuff. If it's a trade show demo, that could be the reason that you can't find that particular color on-line. Sometimes they make one-offs for trade shows, or they decide to change the color when it goes into production. I say go for it.


I'm sick too.

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ive been getting in some killer rides the past week. i miss the nghtlife of philly, but being at my parents house sure makes it easy to eat healthy and ride up hills everyday.

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^^^hahah...yeah i got the old ivy on the balls back in 7th grade it's painfull


well cinnamon has kind of a girlfriend now. and my riding is taking the toll.. but i do have the triathlon this weekend...and work is killing me too.. im a camp councler at a camp and my group is all rising kindergardeners it's complete hell

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Thanks for dropping knowledge fellas! I get the feeling that it'll be well worth the money and a little cross training never hurt anyone. I even broke it to the wife and she was pretty cool with it. She felt that at that price... how could she not be. More tv time for her.


Ivy balls, hunh? Sounds extremely uncomfortable. And if you're not careful... the shorts you're riding in will keep that shit coming. Make sure to clean them bad boys after a days ride.

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as cliche as it may sound, i wiped w/ poison ivy when i was a cub scout many years ago. hell hath no fury like "ivy anus"...

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

as cliche as it may sound, i wiped w/ poison ivy when i was a cub scout many years ago. hell hath no fury like "ivy anus"...


this had me laughing, oh brother, you and tearz. tearz,you need to invest in this stuff called tecnu.(i think thats how its spelled) it gets rid of stuff like poison ivy. people here use it to get rid of poison oak, wich we have an overabundance of, its best to use it right away, before actual itching starts, but even when used late, it helps nuetralize the oils. you should be able to get it at any camping store, or most drug store type places. goodluck tearz!

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Word on the Technu. It's really too hot to be wearing pants in Texas right now, and there is poison ivy all over on of the yards I go to. As a result, I keep getting it all over my legs. Wash with Technu after you've been exposed, and your chances of a break-out are greatly reduced.


Still sick. Ugh.

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I'm pretty sure I just sold my Giant nrs1 frame, so I'm gonna have some cash set aside for a respectable cross bike. I shouldn't be buying another bike, but damnit....I really need a cross bike.


still coughing up lung candy as well. I'm really stoked about this Sunday's race.


I hear washing up with the blue dawn after possible exposure really helps get rid of the oil, so you don't break out later. I feel for you guys. I've never really been all that allergic to the stuff.

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the thing w/ poison anything is that you have about 6-8 hours before the oils get deep into your skin and cause a reaction. if you THINK you've been exposed hop in the shower and wash w/ dish soap. the soap cuts the oil and your good to go, its an old landscaping/hippie camping trick. and if you already have the shit in rash form, scrath the living shit out of it, untill it's open and oozing. then wash it with dish soap. be careful not to spread the ooze, becase further outbreaks wil follow.

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well triathlons are fun


i was the only one in my age group (18-19) which wasn't a suprise but it was a .33 mile swimm, 1.2 mile run, 13.5 mile roadbike, and a 2.2 mile run. i felt really strong fitness wise i don't think i could of really gone any harder but i think i could of gone longer the race only took me an hour and 13 minutes. i finished 15th over all out of 100ish racers (about 40 of which were over weight middle aged men) I was only 6 min. off the leaders and i know i was one if not the fastest on the bike. so i just have to work on my running in swimming. i had fun and it's something different and i think i'll do more.. but cycling is my first love

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thats pretty cool cinnamon. seriously though, fuck running. i ahte running more than anything in this world - well, i hate the wind alot as well. anyway, swimming is cool, and it gives you a insano workout really quick.

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thank you for that technu tip. oh boy, i ran like a motherfucker to the store (on bicycle of course) and snatched that stuff up (got 2 bottles) and it's the only thing allowing me to keep the faith right now. but hesh, you'll be glad to know that i've encorporated your dish soap techniques to my shower routine. i'm still hurtin dudes, but i think i'm past the worst.

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