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Originally posted by THE LAW



homeboy's whining that other people who write their name on things ride the same kind of bike as him!!!!!!!!!


does anyone else find this utterly pathetic?


christ, get some perspective and get over it.




now let's get back to the problem of balancing that 30 pack on the handlebars.



hmmmmmm...what a conundrum.



I can call people a poser if I want? No whining involved, just calling people out. Your whining about a 30 pack. Get a freight bike and you can carry a keg.


Dave stoler is a punk. Wins his bike then suddenly he is an Italian?? Talk about a Poser. No wonder everyone in here is claiming cutter.


If you are so "cutter" then go race the little 500 which happens every year still....


Barry Muzzin is a real star.....


Ted Danson riding a serotta for team 7-11, sprinting against Kevin Costner In the hell of the west (which was a big time real race)!!!


How insane is that?



but no, you guys like the poser dave stoller.....


why am i not suprised

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Originally posted by THE LAW

no matter how many times it's been attempted, somehow THE LAW never remembers that balancing a 30 pack on the handlebars is asking for trouble.


now back to something that makes sence. NA should have been ignored from the get go. LAW im gonna have to get one of those big collapsable wire baskets you mount on your handle bars and send it to you, no more alcohol casualties. you can just toss the 30 pack in the basket.:)

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Man, all those old cycling movies are good. Some of them were a little dumb, but whatever. I guess anybody that like Quicksilver is a poser too, because Kevin Bacon's bike was only a part-time fixed gear. brakes, no brakes, there's the brakes again ... hahaha that movie is great ... I think I'll watch it again tonight.

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Originally posted by alkaline

Collapsable basket?! It's all about the stolen milk crate a la E.T. You'll be flying home with that beer in no time.

YES! thats an approach thats easier on the pocket book,word to E.T. a crate and some zip ties, all set.

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here you go


General Bicycling Movies (non-racing)


BMX Bandits (1983. Nicole Kidman.)

Three adventurous Aussie teens put their BMX skills to the test when they witness a crime and are pursued by the criminals.


Quicksilver (1986. Kevin Bacon, Rudy Ramos, Larry Fishburne, Louie Anderson)

A young stockbroker loses all, then quits his job to become a city bicycle messenger.


Rush It (1977)

Bike messengers fall in love.


Bicycling Movies (racing)


American Flyers (1985. Kevin Costner Rae Dawn Chong. Written by Steve Tesich)

Two competitive brothers train for a grueling three-day bicycle race in Colorado while tangling with personal drama, including the specter that one of them may have inherited dad's tendency for cerebral aneurysms ad is sure to drop dead during a bike race soon. Written by bike movie specialist Steve Tesich ("Breaking Away") with a lot of the usual cliches (the last bike ride, battling brothers, eventual understanding), which are gracefully overridden by fine bike-racing photography. Interesting performances, especially Chong as a patient girlfriend and Amos as the trainer.


Breaking Away (1979. Dennis Quaid. Written by Steve Tesich. 1 Oscar Award and 4 other Nominations)

A light-hearted coming-of-age drama about a high school graduate's addiction to bicycle racing, whose dreams are tested against the realities of a crucial race. An honest, open look at present Americana with tremendous insight into the minds of average youth; shot on location at Indiana University. Great bike-racing photography. The actors give exceptional performances. Basis for television series.



Rad (1986)

Teenage drama revolving around BMX racing and such dilemmas as: can the good guys beat the bad guys, who's got the fastest bike, must you cheat to win, and should our hero miss his SAT tests to compete in "the big race". Directed by stunt-expert Hal Needham.


Ten Speed (1976)

Two advertising executives compete in a 400-mile bicycle race from San Francisco to Malibu.


2 Seconds

A champion mountain bike racer named Laurie (Charlotte Laurier) hesitates at the start gate, and the two seconds lost cost her the race--and her place on the team. Forced into retirement, she meets Lorenzo (Dino Tavarone), a cantankerous Italian bike shop owner and former champion himself. Their mutual love and appreciation of cycling draw them together in spite of initial clashes. One night, they decide to face each other in a peculiar duel. Lorenzo shows Laurie how every victory is relative and that -- speaking of relativity -- speed is not the only way to bring time to a halt. 100 min. In French with English Subtitles.

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dearest nigger art...

i think al put it best when he says the majority of the kids that REGULARLY post on this forum, affectionately known as stonecutters have a tendency to be somewhat well connected with their bikes, whether they be fulltime couriers or racers, everyone here puts in a lot of time on their bikes... and tho i do agree that alot of kids are taking the fixie route, remember what you and i know... fixies ruin your knees, it is like a kid going to get tattooed and not ready for the lifelong commitment of it. riding a fixie does take committment alot of committment. they will pay to play.

as for new jacks on bikes bikes have always been a part of alot of peoples lives from the age of four until 15 my bike and i were inseperable. and i would wager a bet that everyone riding a bike today had spent alot of time on bikes as kids riding around the driveway hanging out at the dead end bike are an integral part of childhood, so if they get back on one whenthey are 23 morepower to becoming a kid again.

as for fashion it will always plague any scene you get involved in the professional piercer scene was for yrs about being yourself and lately it is about being GQ, the tattoo scene was a bunch of beer drinking slobs, and now everyone and their mom is a greaser, every sxe kid is a mod who broke his edge and every business man waswearing those power blue gap shirts forever. you cant say anything about it. a largepercentage of humanity is sheepish and will follow the trends... if you want to do something steal their bikes... take their hair grease burn an armani... posting on some forum of kids who are relatively tight in terms of internet friends will not get you anywhere... do something rise up...


shit you mention gold teeth i want some so what if vice had a photo shoot with them in it... so what if rza wore em i am white and i have cavities... ill go to india and get them cheaper than american made carcinogenic fake bridges... jigga what?

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well boxcar is sxe so i guess i am fucked...

sxe has admittedly been a crutch as much as graffiti and my bikes... so if i am a bastard for keeping pure and needing a label for it i am as bad as an anarchist a black panther a track bike rider a roman catholic all those are labels all are crutches we cant all be as strong as you nigger art.

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Originally posted by boxcarwilly

well boxcar is sxe so i guess i am fucked...

sxe has admittedly been a crutch as much as graffiti and my bikes... so if i am a bastard for keeping pure and needing a label for it i am as bad as an anarchist a black panther a track bike rider a roman catholic all those are labels all are crutches we cant all be as strong as you nigger art.


at least anarchists, a black panther, a track bike rider, and a roman catholic all do something.


what (by definition) does a straight edge person do?


Don't say looks at his shoes or goes to see boy sets fire...

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you cant say allthose people do something the people who title themselves aroman catholic would mostlikely support war... Jesus' main teaching was the Sermon on the Mount... turn theother cheek...


anarchists usually sit around and argue age old philosophical questions... which isnt really doing anything


like anything there is portions of people that title themselves and do something and then there is the vast majority that say something and sit on their ass.


if i hadnt been straightedge mywhole life id probably be dead i know my self. and so i have done something... sxe led me to prayer, to anarchy, and even influences alarge portion of my art... not cheesy x's everywhere butinterpretations of a chemical free life... so sxe kids do dothings if they believe in it: selfimprovement.

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Originally posted by CIPHER_one


Just ride slowly.






wrong answer...not that it isn't a good idea, but it's just not gonna happen. who here can forget that alcohol and riding make for some hilarious bad decision making.

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Originally posted by boxcarwilly

you cant say allthose people do something the people who title themselves aroman catholic would mostlikely support war... Jesus' main teaching was the Sermon on the Mount... turn theother cheek...


anarchists usually sit around and argue age old philosophical questions... which isnt really doing anything


like anything there is portions of people that title themselves and do something and then there is the vast majority that say something and sit on their ass.


if i hadnt been straightedge mywhole life id probably be dead i know my self. and so i have done something... sxe led me to prayer, to anarchy, and even influences alarge portion of my art... not cheesy x's everywhere butinterpretations of a chemical free life... so sxe kids do dothings if they believe in it: selfimprovement.



theoretically you could have found those things without being SXE. to be SXE all you have to do is abstain from substances. Which actually isn't doing anything. People all over the world have done that their whole life. Are they SXE too? Or are they just ordinary. Like you, ordinary...


me, I am extraordinary.

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Guest BROWNer

anyone remember that kastsystem post where he molded a concrete

median? i smashed into one of those straight on while drunk trying to

cross a 6 lane highway once. good times.

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i would like to thank NA for bringing up RAD. tha movie was such a huge part of my life when i was a youngin. its the whole reason why i bought a mongoose. what was the guys name, black bart? or something?

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