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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

haha, yo man. im gonna jack that tool set from you if i ever make it out there.


hahaha, im gonna be deadly dangerous with that tool set hesh, all blue lycra skinsuit with a big park "P" on the chest and a big red cape, wielding hedset presses of flames and chain whips. hahaha, but seriously, i bought that set to start my own little repair shop in my garage for extra dough, or maybe all my dough now, i just quit the bike shop that i work at, the owner is a shadey dude. i'm pretty bummed on the whole deal, life goes on and theres other bike shops.

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thats dope man. thers some guys here that do that same deal. they flyerd (sp) bikes all over town w/ their number and whatnot. they do good work and are pretty cheap. they've been busy to. good luck.

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Sorry to hear the bad news Boxcar...


The start was a bit squirlly, let me tell ya. I had two guys in front of me have a hard time getting clipped in while the front of the pack was hammering from the get go. Needless to say, I had to pound the pedals to catch up. For the first ten miles it was like riding on a rubber-band. Fast and slow... fast and slow. Hard on the legs. A steady 25-28 miles an hour was the pace on the straights. By the time we got to the first set of hills the pace slowed a little but the pack was nervous... you could just tell. I was towards the back of the pack and trying to make my way to at least the middle so I could stay with the pack over the hill. Because hills are my weakest point. I reached my destination just as the hill really got going up. About half way up a guy from Lakeside Bicycles got a flat and stopped dead in his tracks, instead of easing his way over to the side. The pack freaked and guess who rammed him... yours truly. I was then rammed by two others. This ofcourse was not good. Nothing broken and nothing wrong. Except the pack was steady leaving me behind. By the time I got my shit together and got back on the bike... I was looking at the last guy of the leading pack, about 100 yards up hill. I tried to hammer it up but wound up wasting energy and eventually falling even further behind. By the time I got to the end of the first lap I was working in an echelon with four other guys trying to catch the lead group. Keeping a steady 30 miles an hour wasn't doing us any good. They stayed just ahead of us for the rest of the race. We never caught them. I felt like shit because of my position but at the same time we were passing up the stragglers who fell off the lead group. And that was a good boost for morale. By the time we got about a quarter mile from the finish all five of us had just sat up and started chatting. We knew it was over and we were basically last, so why bother killing ourselves any longer. 42 miles of fast as shit... for me... racing. And most importantly, I had fun. I finished and had fun. That's all I wanted to do.


This was my first big race so I feel damn good about it. I don't know if I would have done any better had I not hit the flat guy, but I don't really care. It's the first race of the season and I still have a lot to learn. So why bother wondering with the "What if's...".

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joker, congratulations! it sounds to me that you did quite well despite the odds of an almost complete catastrophy. i think cinnamon said it earlier, but the first race of the season doesnt matter, and this being your first serious race stresses that point even further. from your description it sounds as though you did fairly well and most importantly alowed you to get a bearing on were you stand as a true competitor in the pack. this sounds as though it was a great learning experience and a good way to gauge what work you need to put in to your training for the rest of the season.in my first race the summer, and it will be my first ever, my only goal is to finnish. to finnish and to come away with what i need to know to compete for the rest of the season at my best. congratulations joker, youve done the stonecutters proud :)

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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

you know what? im sure your group of 4 or 5 trying to catch up with the pack did more work then the pack itself.


no didout. that's the cutter way homies. nice job joker. you the man. :)

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Thanks for all the kind words my fellow cutters! Dibs you're right, first race of the season so I have no worries. And you're right Cinnamon. When I was in the pack I was pedalling, of course, but there wasn't any real huge effort. I was just kind of being sucked away with the speed of the group. It was only when the rubber-band action would happen that I'd have to really hammer down to get back with the pack. But being in a group of five guys who are steady rolling at 30mph rotating pulls and keeping that going for 31 miles... yeah, I'd say we put in some work. Even if we didn't catch 'em.

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your all fucking posers. (except joker). You think your all down with track bikes because in 1998 there was a big boom in track bikes. And all you losers with your X-games mentality need to get them because you think your so tuff. It's the same thought process that makes short guys buy monster trucks.




You are all losers talking about your toy ass bikes. Who the fuck cares about your dumb ass material possesions.


this whole post about messenger this, and my boyfriend that is so fucking gay...


the whole track bike thing is a trend in the last few years and you are all are like a flock of sheep. Now go buy your reload bag with stars on it, go to thompsons square, love park, the wall, one post, or wherever the fuck you live and celebrate being a loser...

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Say What!!???


Originally posted by TEARZ

joker are you racing cat3?


I've done two Cat3 races and I was dropped after 25 miles in both of them. Same course. I can only hold a steady 32-35mph for so long. It was like they were stringing me along for fun or something. No... I'm a Cat4. Still learning.

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Re: posers


Originally posted by Nigger Art

your all fucking posers. (except joker). You think your all down with track bikes because in 1998 there was a big boom in track bikes. And all you losers with your X-games mentality need to get them because you think your so tuff. It's the same thought process that makes short guys buy monster trucks.




You are all losers talking about your toy ass bikes. Who the fuck cares about your dumb ass material possesions.


this whole post about messenger this, and my boyfriend that is so fucking gay...


the whole track bike thing is a trend in the last few years and you are all are like a flock of sheep. Now go buy your reload bag with stars on it, go to thompsons square, love park, the wall, one post, or wherever the fuck you live and celebrate being a loser...



dude you make me mad!!! ive put a sold 11 hours a week for the past 3 weeks in a row and your going to call me a poser..... im sure all you do is sit on your 30 pounds over weight fat ass. smoke your self to death and eat fast food all the time...fuck off!!

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Re: Re: posers


Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804



dude you make me mad!!! ive put a sold 11 hours a week for the past 3 weeks in a row and your going to call me a poser..... im sure all you do is sit on your 30 pounds over weight fat ass. smoke your self to death and eat fast food all the time...fuck off!!



How did you guess. I am fat, I smoke, and I do eat fast food. You are on target, I could care less...


go put on your spandectemy and dry hump your top tube...

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ive never ridden cyclocross so i don't know how hard it really is on the components. but as far as 105 shit goes, if i were to buy a new bike for work i'd get 105 n it, its not worth trashing dura ace. its all trickle down anyhow.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

ive never ridden cyclocross so i don't know how hard it really is on the components. but as far as 105 shit goes, if i were to buy a new bike for work i'd get 105 n it, its not worth trashing dura ace. its all trickle down anyhow.



Yeah man those will work fine.. and cyclocross does take a huge beating on the bike and components... but it's all worth it

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Guest emothug

Re: Re: posers


Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804



dude you make me mad!!! ive put a sold 11 hours a week for the past 3 weeks in a row and your going to call me a poser..... im sure all you do is sit on your 30 pounds over weight fat ass. smoke your self to death and eat fast food all the time...fuck off!!

Dont even try it .......fucker
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