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can someone school me on herpes?

vinyl junkie

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I got schooled.

I got a "rash" like 3 or 4 times over the last two years on my lower stomach. I thought maybe I was just allergic to my belt buckle or something. Which is weird though cause I've been wearing dickies belts since I was a young tweenager. Then I thought maybe just this particular belt buckle has high levels of recycled radioactive waste in it (yeah I know I think about some weird shit).

Yah no I thought that shit only showed up on your genitals and lips. But when seeks said lower stomach I was like :eek: .

I told my girlfriend we shouldn't do it anymore. Great my girlfriend is breaking up with me now. Fucking wonderful life. At least she said she hasn't had any rashes. She thinks I'm using this as an excuse to break up with her? I don't want to use herpes for anything! She's very on the jealous side....

The most fucked up part is I wasn't even fucking anybody two years ago.

Fuck herpes...


Can I be banned from posting on 12oz for possibly having herpes?

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Originally posted by KYU

what the fuck cold sores are a form of herpes?? :shook:

not always. you can get cold sores for various reasons. cold sores, however, are a symptom of herpes. do you get them frequently? it could very possibly also be genetics that causes them. get checked out.
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cold sores are one form of herpes...

according to what i've read, 80% to 90% of the american population corries some type of herpes...

apparently, after having a full blood test and turning up negative for any type of herpes is rather rare... i'm rather stoked on this...


me=clean as a mutha fucka...


and bump to spread pictures of a stupid bitch...

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from vice



This one's simple: Don't fuck anyone with sores on their genitalia, not even with a condom. Most of the time, the sores are down around the bottom so a condom isn't going to do shit. Oh, you fucked someone with sores and now your area hurts? OK, relax, that means you have herpes, but it's not such a big deal. Everyone has herpes. Back in the 70s you had oral herpes (which you have if you've ever had so much as a canker) and genital herpes (the horrible one that made you part of a "community"). Today, "herpes simplex A" and "herpes simplex B" don't mean shit. You get people with oral herpes (simplex A) that have painful sores on their genitalia twice a month (wasn't that only simplex B?). You see, everyone is so into eating pussy and sucking cock these days that there is no longer any difference between "oral" and "genital." Today it makes more sense to say H1 or H2 or, um, H10. You have H1 if you have a genital outbreak and never see it again, and you have H10 if you get outbreaks, like, six times a year. It's totally contingent on your immune system. Doctors don't know shit. The only way you know which kind of H you have is by how many outbreaks you have. Fuck the blood tests. And no matter how bad your outbreaks are now, they are going to be half as bad next year and half as bad the year after that. If you had six this year, you'll have three the next, and 1.5 the next, and 0.75 the next, and so on. That's not so bad, is it? Also, it's only contagious when you have sores, so if you don't, you don't have to tell anyone (sure, doctors talk about "asymptomatic carriers," but doctors are all idiots who have no idea what they're talking about). Unlike with AIDS, plenty of people marry people with H10 herpes and never, ever get it. People with sores don't want to fuck anyways—they're in pain. Besides, they say it's incurable and blah blah blah, but they said that about venereal warts back in the early 90s, and now all you have to do is take some over-the-counter pills for warts and they're gone.


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Look at these dumb motherfuckers!






The vast majority -- 93% -- believed their current or most recent partner didn't have an STD, yet about one in three had never discussed it with their partner.



About one-half -- 53% -- said their partner had been tested.



Almost three out of five people -- 57% -- did not know that hepatitis A can be sexually transmitted.



Two out of five -- 44% -- did not know that hepatitis B can be sexually transmitted.



Nearly 97% knew that HIV can be sexually transmitted, yet hepatitis B can be 100 times more contagious than HIV.



Over one-half -- 60% -- had not been vaccinated or were unsure whether they had been vaccinated against either hepatitis A or B.



Nearly one out of three people -- 28% -- did not know that someone can have hepatitis A or B and not know it.






They should fail you out of life if you don't pass sex ed....






The symptoms of genital herpes can affect any of the following places on the body:


* Penis

* Scrotum

* Vulva

* Vagina

* Anus

* Urethra

* Thighs

* Buttocks



I don't see stomach on here....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm.... Well I got tested for everything under the sun and it all came back negative. Then again the army could just be saying that to maintain troop strength which they are losing at a tremendous rate. They've even issued stop loss and activated the IRR.

They could be performing secret experiments on me....



I've been sick though for about a week now. What's wrong with me?

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