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listen to the riddem listen to da beat aaaaaadeeaaooo


cause i'm a rasta iiin the jungle aaarmy from now till infinity.





heeeeeeaaads hiiigh killem wit de knowwww sumthin sumthin natty boy blowww







we borderline mafia me an bounty killaa




uh..... i was gonna start. a.th..forg..t



oh yea..




geurilla black---compton

sister nancy- bam bam remix

??????-bam bam.its a dude version after sister nancy..

????-early danchall bam bam...i wann say lady red

toots and the maytals-bam bam ..original rocksteady



its a bitch tracking remixes to the original..i wonder if ub40 covered it








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To the growing list of organizations that are fed up with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and its legion of hateful bullies, add the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL apparently got wise to PETA's latest anti-semitic stunt, a traveling installation called "Holocaust on Your Plate," which tries (feebly) to draw parallels between 1940s Nazi death-camp prisoners and livestock in modern farms.


The exclamation point is a new PETA website, MassKilling.com, that Israel National News says "features further explicit comparisons of Jews murdered by Nazis to chickens eaten for food."


On Monday, the ADL issued a public denunciation of PETA, declaring that its "Holocaust" project is "outrageous, offensive, and taking chutzpah to new heights." ADL National Director Abraham Foxman writes: "The uniqueness of human life is the moral underpinning for those who resisted the hatred of Nazis and others ready to commit genocide even today." ADL's website also features a new report on anti-semitism in the animal rights movement.


Mr. Foxman has hit the nail on the head. As a matter of policy, PETA and other animal rights groups do not respect "the uniqueness of human life." PETA president Ingrid Newkirk spelled it out in her now-famous barb: "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They're all mammals." It's this twisted worldview that leads PETA to oppose medical research with animals, even when it leads to treatments and cures for human diseases.

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Ok... What do you say to people who accuse you of hating women?


In what way? A bad way a loving way? I don't really say I dislike women. I write the most sexiest records out. I think I write

more exotic records. I think I write more outspoken than the average rapper. I think I'm not scared to say anything I want. You have girls that sing about guys ain't paying their bills and men are this and men are that and I write about women who want to go out for free, they don't want to pay for the dinner, they try to get over, they wanna leave... I write a lot of songs about my impressions from a man's point of view. If you want to say you got to take a woman out to a fancy restaurant, I write songs about hey I'm not taking you to a fancy restaurant, I wanna take you to McDonald's. I think people hate the kind of humorous way of me saying that. I'm not a glamorous guy so I'm not gonna write about living a life of champagne -


...bling bling...


All the singers are singing I wanna take you to the Bahamas and drink pina coladas. I be saying stuff that's kind of more real. I wanna go make some peanut butter and jelly. I'll write a song about girl why don't you grab a peanut butter sandwich. I think people get mad because I make more direct records. I'm not against women. I'm not against men. I just write about me telling my side of how I would say something. Like sometimes you ain't got to go out. I mean the world is a place where it feels like a woman has to go out everywhere in society, you have to buy her and cook her a meal and stuff.

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orthopedic thread eschelons, astronmers and philosophers try to mess with god, my stress is odd, tangle with octupus and mangle trendy sushi lovers that attend neo yoga classes at the ymca. nigga please, give me the cheese with extra mold, sike i'm just playin, brainwaves fluctuate, planetary revolutions circumnavigate like like electrons around protons and neutrons, travelling like cells down 2 lane busy streets stuck in traffic, observing buildings and people, hopin not to crash like evil kaneival, green goblins and angels excavate the mind and thought patterns, escaping in dreams and reality and setting up shop in arizona, just outside of sedona, getting psychic readings from white women, is it a delusion or a state of psychosis? pop a breath mint for your severe case of halatosis, so i can kiss you, dismiss you, grab a tissue and dry your eyes, my relatives don't mix like dicks and dykes, stayin up late watchin dick van dyke on nick at night, bitch im right shut the fuck up dont argue with me, comin over to my house with an attitude, no im not mad at you but you seem mad at me, i wanted to show you the door and tell you to get out like martin lawerence, or martin payne, whatever his name is, fuck my math teacher

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