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What I am against...;-)


Niggers, Wiggers, Chiggers, Mestizos, Kike Jews, Zionists, libtards, Otakus, Weabos, Juggalos, Faggots, Furries, Feminists, Abortionists (but only those that seek to murder white babies), Commies, Anarchists, Antifa, Social Marxists a.k.a "Progressive Libtards", Neocons,


Ineffectual Right Wingers that believe American politics is anything but staged and that retards like Sarah Palin are the answer to the white race's problems (instead of what will work that being full out revolution against the Jewish bastards that have taken over our country).


I am also against ALL religion. To conclude I am also against both Fox News and MSNBC. Both Keith Olbermann and Bill O'reilly are race criminals that "The Day of the Rope" chapter in The Turner Diaries may as well of been written specifically for.


Rachel Maddow is also a sickening disgusting bulldyke and perversion of everything that is good and wholesome about a white aryan woman. I would not be surprised if she had some Jewish ancestry to be such a filthy lowlife as she is.


What I am for... ;-)


White people, White Aryan Resistance, Abortionists (who murder nonwhite babies especially ass ugly niglets before they can grow up and become criminiggers) I am for the Japanese and the Italians our historic allies in the struggle against the New World Order globalist Jewish Marxist cabal created to turn the entire world into a giant communist shithole led by hooknosed kikes who will rule over a race of mongrelized miscegnated mulatto subhuman savages if their goal to destroy the white race becomes complete.


Basically I am for open and united white revolution against the scourge of humanity that of course being the Jewish parasite and the dark hordes of mestizo and nigger animals out there that have been allowed to rob, rape, murder and steal from white aryan people for far too long.


I am also for idiot right wingers who are still drinking the Jewish Marxist Neocon Kool Aid to wake the fuck up already out of their Neocon ignorance and trance and recognize that though the religion of Islam is putrid and that yes Mohammad was a pedophile sack of shit like TexxWhatever that Muslims are not the true enemies of the white race!


The Jews are and they have been manipulating white Christians against brown Muslims for centuries.


What I'm saying is we whites need to unite with the Muslims against our common enemy the Jew and after the Jews are defeated then whites must get the fuck out of Muslim lands and Muslims must get the fuck out of white lands.


Whites who do not see the larger picture that we need the Muslims help to defeat the hooknosed bastards are far stupider than any nigger and probably watch Fox News 24/7.

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What I am against...;-)


Niggers, Wiggers, Chiggers, Mestizos, Kike Jews, Zionists, libtards, Otakus, Weabos, Juggalos, Faggots, Furries, Feminists, Abortionists (but only those that seek to murder white babies), Commies, Anarchists, Antifa, Social Marxists a.k.a "Progressive Libtards", Neocons,


Ineffectual Right Wingers that believe American politics is anything but staged and that retards like Sarah Palin are the answer to the white race's problems (instead of what will work that being full out revolution against the Jewish bastards that have taken over our country).


I am also against ALL religion. To conclude I am also against both Fox News and MSNBC. Both Keith Olbermann and Bill O'reilly are race criminals that "The Day of the Rope" chapter in The Turner Diaries may as well of been written specifically for.


Rachel Maddow is also a sickening disgusting bulldyke and perversion of everything that is good and wholesome about a white aryan woman. I would not be surprised if she had some Jewish ancestry to be such a filthy lowlife as she is.


What I am for... ;-)


White people, White Aryan Resistance, Abortionists (who murder nonwhite babies especially ass ugly niglets before they can grow up and become criminiggers) I am for the Japanese and the Italians our historic allies in the struggle against the New World Order globalist Jewish Marxist cabal created to turn the entire world into a giant communist shithole led by hooknosed kikes who will rule over a race of mongrelized miscegnated mulatto subhuman savages if their goal to destroy the white race becomes complete.


Basically I am for open and united white revolution against the scourge of humanity that of course being the Jewish parasite and the dark hordes of mestizo and nigger animals out there that have been allowed to rob, rape, murder and steal from white aryan people for far too long.


I am also for idiot right wingers who are still drinking the Jewish Marxist Neocon Kool Aid to wake the fuck up already out of their Neocon ignorance and trance and recognize that though the religion of Islam is putrid and that yes Mohammad was a pedophile sack of shit like TexxWhatever that Muslims are not the true enemies of the white race!


The Jews are and they have been manipulating white Christians against brown Muslims for centuries.


What I'm saying is we whites need to unite with the Muslims against our common enemy the Jew and after the Jews are defeated then whites must get the fuck out of Muslim lands and Muslims must get the fuck out of white lands.


Whites who do not see the larger picture that we need the Muslims help to defeat the hooknosed bastards are far stupider than any nigger and probably watch Fox News 24/7.




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"There were very few Jews in Linz. In the course of centuries the Jews who lived there had become Europeanised in external appearance and were so much like other human beings that I even looked upon them as Germans. The reason why I did not then perceive the absurdity of such an illusion was that the only external mark which I recognized as distinguishing them from us was the practice of their strange religion. As I thought that they were persecuted on account of their faith my aversion to hearing remarks against them grew almost into a feeling of abhorrence. I did not in the least suspect that there could be such a thing as a systematic antisemitism. Once, when passing through the inner City, I suddenly encountered a phenomenon in a long caftan and wearing black side-locks. My first thought was: Is this a Jew? They certainly did not have this appearance in Linz. I carefully watched the man stealthily and cautiously but the longer I gazed at the strange countenance and examined it feature by feature, the more the question shaped itself in my brain: Is this a German?"

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