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[edit ] Plunderphonic (album)

In 1989 Oswald released a greatly expanded album version of

Plunderphonics with twenty-five tracks. As on the EP, each

track used material by just one artist. It reworked material by

both popular musicians like The Beatles, and classical works

such as Ludwig van Beethoven 's Symphony No. 7. Like the EP,

it was never offered for sale. A central idea behind the record

was that the fact that all the sounds were " stolen" should be

quite blatant. The packaging listed the sources of the all

samples used, but authorization for them to be used on the

record was neither sought nor given. All undistributed copies of

plunderphonic were destroyed after a threat of legal action

from the Canadian Recording Industry Association on behalf of

several of their clients (notably Michael Jackson, whose song

"Bad " had been chopped into tiny pieces and rearranged as

"Dab") who alleged copyright abuses. Various press statements

by record industry representatives revealed that a particular

item of contention was the album cover art which featured a

transformed image of Michael Jackson derived from his Bad

cover. [2]

[edit ] Later works

Later works by Oswald, such as Plexure , which lasts just twenty

minutes but is claimed to contain around one thousand very

short samples of pop music stitched together, are not strictly

speaking "plunderphonic" according to Oswald's original

conception (he himself used the term

megaplundermorphonemiclonic for Plexure), but the term

"plunderphonic" is used today in a looser sense to indicate any

music completely — or almost completely — made up of

samples. 69 plunderphonics 96 is a compilation of Oswald's

work, including tracks from the original plunderphonic CD.

It is often assumed that "plunderphonics" is a brand name that

Oswald applies exclusively to his recordings [citation needed],

but he has stated several times that he considers the term to

describe a genre of music, with many exponents.

[edit ] Works by other artists

Another important early purveyor of what can be described as

plunderphonics were Negativland (See Negativland's "Fair Use:

The Story of the Letter U and the Numeral 2 "). While Oswald

used easily recognisable and familiar sources, Negativland's

sources were sometimes more obscure. 1983's A Big 10-8

Place, for instance, consists of recordings of people talking on

the radio. Their next album, Escape From Noise, like most of

their later records, also makes extensive use of spoken-word

samples, often to make particular political points. Their most

famous release, "The Letter U and the Numeral 2," featured an

extended rant from radio DJ Casey Kasem and extensively

sampled U2 's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For ",

which resulted in a lawsuit being brought by U2's label , Island


Both Oswald and Negativland made their recordings by cutting

up magnetic tape (or later using digital technology), but several

DJs have also produced plunderphonic works using turntables ;

in fact, "digging" for samples plays a large part in DJ culture .

Christian Marclay is a turntablist who has been using other

people's records as the sole source of his music making since

the late 1970s. He often treats the records in unusual ways, for

example, he has physically cut up a group of records and stuck

them together, making both a visual and aural collage .

Sometimes several spoken-word or lounge music records

bought from thrift stores are mashed together to make a

Marclay track, but his More Encores album cuts up tracks by

the likes of Maria Callas and Louis Armstrong in a way similar to

Oswald's work on Plunderphonics . Marclay's experimental

approach has been taken up by the likes of Roberto Musci &

Giovanni Venosta, Otomo Yoshihide, Philip Jeck and Martin

Tétreault , although in these artist's works the records used are

sometimes heavily disguised and unrecognisable, meaning the

results cannot properly be called plunderphonics. Other DJs

have worked in a more mainstream style: DJ Shadow

(Endtroducing... , for example), The Avalanches (Since I Left

You, for example) and DJ Food (Kaleidoscope , for example)

have all made albums consisting entirely of material plundered

from other records.

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Ideas and theory


· Degrowth

· Culture jamming

· Corporate crime

· Media bias

· Buy Nothing Day

· Alternative culture

· Simple living

· Do it yourself

· Advanced capitalism

· Microgeneration

· Autonomous building

· Cultural Creatives

· Commodity fetishism

· Consumer capitalism

· Cultural hegemony

· Conspicuous consumption

· Ethical consumerism

· Social Democracy

· Progressivism

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· Libertarian Socialism

· Alter-globalization

· Anti-globalization movement

· Environmentalism

· Situationist International

· Diggers

· Postmodernism

· Occupy Wall Street

Popular works

Society of the Spectacle (book)

· Society of the Spectacle (film)

· Evasion

· No Logo

· The Corporation

· Affluenza

· Escape from Affluenza

· The Theory of the Leisure Class

· Fight Club (novel)

· Fight Club (film)

· Steal This Book

· Surplus: Terrorized into Being Consumers

· Profit over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order

· So, What's Your Price?

· What Would Jesus Buy?

Persons and organizations


· Freecycle

· Slavoj Žižek

· Ralph Nader

· Green party

· John Zerzan

· Noam Chomsky

· Ron English

· Naomi Klein

· CrimethInc.

· Thorstein Veblen

· Hugo Chávez

· Abbie Hoffman

· Guy Debord

· Michael Moore

· José Bové

· Michel Foucault

· RTMark

· Rage Against the Machine

· Jello Biafra

· The Yes Men

· Merce & Ruben

· Democracy Now

· Reverend Billy

· Vandana Shiva

· Bill Hicks

· Columnanegra

· Anomie Belle

· Occupy Wall Street

· Thom Yorke

· Kurt Cobain

Related subjects


· Capitalism

· Economic problems

· Left-wing politics

· Sweatshops

· Anti-consumerists

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Culture jamming , coined in 1984, [1][2][3] denotes a tactic

used by many anti-consumerist social movements[4] to disrupt

or subvert mainstream cultural institutions, including corporate

advertising. Guerrilla semiotics and night discourse are

sometimes used synonymously with the term culture

jamming .[5][6]

Culture jamming is often seen as a form of subvertising. Many

culture jams are intended to expose apparently questionable

political assumptions behind commercial culture. Common

tactics include re-figuring logos, fashion statements, and

product images as a means to challenge the idea of "what's

cool" along with assumptions about the personal freedoms of


Culture jamming sometimes entails transforming mass media

to produce ironic or satirical commentary about itself, using the

original medium's communication method. Culture jamming is

usually employed in opposition to a perceived appropriation of

public space, or as a reaction against social conformity .

Prominent examples of culture jamming include the

adulteration of billboard advertising by the BLF and Ron English

and the street parties and protests organised by Reclaim the

Streets . While most culture jamming focuses on subverting or

critiquing political or advertising messages, some practitioners

focus on a more positive, musically inspired form of jamming

that brings together artists, scholars and activists to create new

forms of cultural production that transcend rather than merely

criticize or negate the status quo. [8]

Contents [hide]

1 Origins of the term, etymology and history

1.1 1984 Coinage

1.2 Origins and preceding influences

2 Tactics

3 Criticism

4 List of culture jamming organizations or people

5 See also

6 Notes

7 References

8 External links

[edit ] Origins of the term, etymology and history

[edit] 1984 Coinage

The term was coined in 1984 by the sound collage band

Negativland, with the release of their album JamCon '84 .[1][2]

[3] The phrase "culture jamming" comes from the idea of radio

jamming :[2] that public frequencies can be pirated and

subverted for independent communication, or to disrupt

dominant frequencies.[9] In one of the tracks of the album,

they declared: [2]

As awareness of how the media environment we

occupy affects and directs our inner life grows,

some resist. The skillfully reworked billboard . . .

directs the public viewer to a consideration of

the original corporate strategy. The studio for

the cultural jammer is the world at large.

[edit] Origins and preceding influences

According to Vince Carducci , although the term was coined by

Negativland, culture jamming can be traced as far back as the

1950s. [10] One particularly influential group that was active in

Europe was the Situationist International and was led by Guy

Debord. Their main argument was based on the idea that in the

past humans dealt with life and the consumer market directly.

They argued that this spontaneous way of life was slowly

deteriorating as a direct result of the new "modern" way of life.

Situationists saw everything from television to radio as a threat.

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Tragedy of a real-life Weeds mom: Young mother 'brutally

murdered and dumped in pond after arriving at house for

drug deal'


UPDATED: 07:24 EST, 13 May 2011

Comments (1)


The tale of the suburban mother sucked into the seedy world of

drugs has made millions laugh in the hit Showtime television

comedy Weeds.

But the realities of dabbling in drugs brought a nasty ending for

Krista Dittmeyer when the 20-year-old mother was brutally

murdered in New Hampshire after an alleged drug deal at a


Like the Weeds character Nancy Botwin, her apparent

respectability masked a grim connection to the violent world of

drugs. Police believe she was killed by a gang of men desperate

to steal her stash.

Tragedy: Krista Dittmeyer, 20, left, of Maine, was found

dead after three men allegedly wanted to steal drugs and

money from her. Comparisons have been made to Mary-

Louise Parker, right, in the TV series Weeds

Dittmeyer, of Portland, Maine, was found dead in a pond last

month. Her 14-month-old daughter Aliyah was found alive in

her abandoned car by the Cranmore Mountain ski resort in

New Hampshire.

WEEDS: The mother turned pot dealer

Weeds is a TV comedy starring Mary-Louise Parker and is about

suburban mother Nancy Botwin who becomes a marijuana


Following her husband's unexpected death and financial

problems she finds, Ms Botwin becomes a pot dealer for the


Everyone in the community secretly wants what Ms Botwin is

selling and she has to keep her family life in check and her

business secret.

The mother was robbed of her drugs, hit with a rubber club,

bound with duct tape and drowned or suffocated in a pond,

prosecutors say.

Anthony Papile, 28, Trevor Ferguson, 23, and Michael Petelis, 28,

have all been charged over her murder and robbery, with

authorities believing they wanted to steal drugs and money

from her.

The case has brought up comparisons to the U.S. television

comedy Weeds, starring Mary-Louise Parker (see panel), where

a seemingly respectable suburban mother becomes a drug


Dittmeyer was lured to Petelis' home in Ossipee, New

Hampshire, on April 22 and ambushed by Papile who hit her

on the head with a rubber club as she climbed the stairs,

prosecutors allege.

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Just watched a NatGeo Wild program on this little guy. Right after the one about the little girl with 8 limbs, and the smallest girl in the world. Cool how people spring for surgeries so kids with weird defects can live normally.


Probably the only one that wonders about human evolution, and what will be done if weird shit starts happening to our bodies. I for one wouldn't mind having another pair of eyes. Or an enhanced sense of smell.

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Probably the only one that wonders about human evolution, and what will be done if weird shit starts happening to our bodies. I for one wouldn't mind having another pair of eyes. Or an enhanced sense of smell.


fuck an enhanced sense of smell, you'd be aware of the fact that we're all chillin in a cloud of fart all day

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^the koosh would smell sweeter as well..




The word "twelve" is the largest number with a single-morpheme name in English. Etymology suggests that "twelve" (similar to "eleven") arises from the Germanic compound twalif "two-leftover", so a literal translation would yield "two remaining [after having ten taken]".[1] This compound meaning may have been transparent to speakers of Old English, but the modern form "twelve" is quite opaque. Only the remaining tw- hints that twelve and two are related.


A group of twelve things is called a duodecad. The ordinal adjective is duodenary, twelfth. The adjective referring to a group consisting of twelve things is duodecuple.


The number twelve is often used as a sales unit in trade, and is often referred to as a dozen. Twelve dozen are known as a gross. (Note that there are thirteen items in a baker's dozen.)


Twelve is a sublime number, a number that has a perfect number of divisors, and the sum of its divisors is also a perfect number. Since there is a subset of 12's proper divisors that add up to 12 (all of them but with 4 excluded), 12 is a semiperfect number.



Element Symbol: The atomic symbol for magnesium is Mg. The atomic symbol is the letter or letters used to shorten the name of the element.

Atomic Number: The atomic number of magnesium is 12. The atomic number of an atom is the number of its protons.

Atomic Mass: The atomic mass of magnesium is 24.30. The atomic mass of an atom is the number of its protons and its neutrons combined.

Atomic Structure: Protons: 12

Neutrons: 12.30

Electrons: 12


Physical Properties

Phase: Solid.

Melting Point: 650 degrees Celsius or 1202 degrees Fahrenheit.

Boiling Point: 1091 degrees Celsius or 1994 degrees Fahrenheit.



Uses For Magnesium

Magnesium used to be used in aircraft fuselages, engine parts, and wheels.

Magnesium is now also used in jet-engine parts, rockets and missiles, luggage frames, portable power tools, and cameras and optical instruments.


It is used in thee preparation of malleable cast iron.

It prevents the corrosion of iron and steel.

Magnesium is the seventh most abundant element in the Earth's crust by mass.

Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element in the Earth's crust by molarity.


Magnesium is in group 2, period 3, and block s on the periodic table.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant element in the human body.


Magnesium is also used in pyrotechnics.



The human body has twelve cranial nerves.



The duodenum (from Latin duodecim, "twelve") is the first part of the small intestine, that is about twelve inches (30 cm) long. More precisely, this section of the intestine was measured not in inches but in fingerwidths. In fact, in German the name of the duodenum is Zwölffingerdarm and in Dutch the name is twaalfvingerige darm, both meaning "twelve-finger bowel".



Force 12 on the Beaufort wind force scale corresponds to the maximum wind speed of a hurcane.



The 12th moon of Jupiter is Lysithea.

Lysithea (JX) Discovery Date 1938, Discoverer S. Nicholson, Orbital Period (days) 259.22, Radius (km) 12



There are twelve ' Jyotirlingas' (epitome of God Shiva) in Hindu Shaivism. The shaivites (orthodox devotees of God Shiva) treat them with great respect and these are visited by almost every pious Hindu at least once in a lifetime. The number 12 is very important in many religions, mainly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and also found in some older religions and belief systems.



Fragment of a Hellenistic relief (1st century BC–1st century AD) depicting the Twelve Olympians carrying their attributes in procession; from left to right, Hestia (scepter), Hermes (winged cap and staff), Aphrodite (veiled), Ares (helmet and spear), Demeter (scepter and wheat sheaf), Hephaestus (staff), Hera (scepter), Poseidon (trident), Athena (owl and helmet), Zeus (thunderbolt and staff), Artemis (bow and quiver), and Apollo (cithara) (from the Walters Art Museum)



The chief Norse god, Odin, had 12 sons.



Several sets of twelve cities are identified in history as a dodecapolis, the most familiar being the Etruscan League.


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In the King Arthur Legend, Arthur is said to have subdued 12 rebel princes and to have won 12 great battles against Saxon invaders.



The importance of 12 in Judaism and Christianity can be found in the Bible. The biblical Jacob had 12 sons, who were the progenitors of the Twelve Tribes of.



New Testament describes twelve apostles of Jesus; when Judas Iscariot was disgraced, a meeting was held (Acts) to add Matthias to complete the number twelve once more.



Today, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.



There are 12 days of Christmas. The song Twelve Days of Christmas came from the traditional practice of extending Yuletide celebrations over the twelve days from Christmas day to the eve of Epiphany; the period of thirteen days including Epiphany is sometimes known as Christmastide. Thus Twelfth Night is another name for the twelfth day of Christmas or January 5 (the eve of Epiphany). Similarly, Eastern Orthodoxy observes 12 Great Feasts.



In Hinduism, the sun god Surya has 12 names.



Also, there are 12 Petals in Anahata(Heart Chakra.)



The Twelve Labors of Hercules




Most calendar systems have twelve months in a year.



The Western zodiac has twelve signs, as does the Chinese zodiac.



The Chinese use a 12 year cycle for time-reckoning called Earthly Branches.

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There are twenty-four hours in a day in all, with twelve hours for a half a day. The hours are numbered from one to twelve for both the ante meridiem (a.m.) half of the day and the post meridiem (p.m.) half of the day. 12:00 after a.m. and before p.m. (in the middle of the day) is midday or noon, and 12:00 after p.m. and before a.m. (in the middle of the night) is midnight. A new day is considered to start with the stroke of midnight. The basic units of time (60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours) can all perfectly divide by twelve.




The jersey number 12 has been retired by several North American sports teams in honor of past playing greats (or, in one case, a team's fans):



The number of function keys on most PC keyboards (F1 through F12)

Look down.


Schoolhouse Rock! portrayed an alien child using base-twelve arithmetic in the short "Little Twelvetoes"




Paradise Lost, an epic poem by John Milton is divided into twelve books.



Twelve is the number of pitch classes in an octave, not counting the duplicated (octave) pitch. Also, the total number of major keys, (not counting enharmonic equivalents) and the total number of minor keys (also not counting equivalents). This applies only to twelve tone equal temperament, the most common tuning used today in western influenced music.



allegedly, Majestic 12 is a secret committee, allegedly set up by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to cover up future extraterrestrial contact.



Twelve people have walked on Earth's moon



There are 12 ounces in a troy pound (used for precious metals)



In the former British currency system, there were twelve pence in a shilling.vv




There are 12 steps to AA. The 13th step is used to describe the efforts of an old timer who tries to seduce a newcomer or someone with less than a year of sobriety. This is when a person trying to recover from their addiction is most vulnerable, and is most easily influenced and manipulated. The most prolific 13th Stepper in AA history may have been Bill Wilson himself, whose philandering is now legendary within AA.



12 Monkeys is a 1995 science fiction film directed by Terry Gilliam, inspired by Chris Marker's 1962 short film La jetée, and starring Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, and Brad Pitt, with Christopher Plummer and David Morse in supporting roles.


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• In the movie Jeepers Creepers the creature gets to feed every 23 years for 23 days.


• There were 23 members in the music group The Beatles. They each had 23 letters in their names. They released 23 albums together, each containing 23 songs. They all died at the age of 23. Also, they would eat 23 meals a day.


• The date that the Titanic sank, 4/15/1912, 4+1+5+1+9+1+2=23.


• The date the Twin Towers were hit, 9/11/2001, 9+11+2+1=23.


• It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body


• The tilt of Earth’s axis is roughly 23 degrees.


• A human baby receives 23 chromosomes from each parent.


• The 23rd letter of the English alphabet is W. On a QWERTY keyboard, W lies directly below the two and three.


• December 23, 2012 is the day the classic Mayans said the world would end.


• Five (2+3) is an immensely significant number in all ancient and some modern rites and rituals.


• The average head of human hair can support 23 tons of weight.


• 2/3=0.666 (The Devil’s number)


Remember 5 and 8 are also supposedly "holy numbers": 2+3=5 (Going into the Law of Fives which states that all things happen in Fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of Five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5). Also 2 to the 3rd power is eight.

Many people have gone crazy because of an obsession with the number 23. Here's a few reasons why:


1. 23 is the most commonly cited prime number and the only prime number that consists of two consecutive prime numbers.


2. Two divided by three makes 0.666 recurring


3. The Hiroshima bomb was dropped at 8.15am - 8+15= 23.


4. Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was published in 1859 - 1+8+5+9 = 23.


5. The Sept. 11th attacks: 9+11+2+0+0+1 add up to 23.


6. Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the start of human life. The nuclei of cells in human bodies have 46 chromosomes made out of 23 pairs. Egg and sperm cells in humans have 23 chromosomes which fuse and divide to create an embryo.


7. Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times.


8. Kurt Cobain was born in 1967 and died in 1994 - 1+9+6+7= 23, 1+9+9+4 = 23.


9. The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters


10. The first morse code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23. In telegraphers code 23 means "break the line"


11. "W" is the 23rd letter of the alphabet. It has two points down and three points up. Half of W is V, which is the roman numeral for 5.


12. The "W" on your keyboard is right between the 2 and 3.


13. E is the fifth letter of the alphabet, and also the most commonly used in the English language. Half of W is V, which is the roman numeral for 5.


14. The average human physical biorhythm is 23 days.


15. The Titanic sank on 4/15/1912; 4+1+5+1+9+1+2=23.


16. The tilt of Earth’s axis is roughly 23 degrees.


17. The pattern of DNA shows irregular connections at every 23rd section


18. Humans have 23 vertebra running down the main part of their spines


19. Blood circulates the body on average every 23 seconds


20. The average circumference of a human head in inches is 23


21. The Harmonic Convergence occurs every 23,000 years.


22. Geosynchronous orbit occurs at 23,000 miles above Earth’s surface


23. 23 Annunaki aided in the seeding of life on this planet.


24. April 19th as in 4-19... 4 + 19 = 23. April 19 is the date the Battle of Lexington, Waco, and the Oklahoma City Bombing.


25. Asteroid researchers measuring the rotation periods of asteroids reported that none were found with periods of less than 2.3 hours. A rotation period of less than 2.3 hours would cause them to be torn apart.


26. B.C.E the politically correct term meaning "Before Common Era", or more to the point, before the supposed birth of Christ B, C, E: the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th letters of the alphabet


27. The most frequent numbers in the Book of Revelations are 4 (the powerful beasts), 7(seven seals, seven churches, etc.), and 12 (12 apostles, etc.). 4+7+12=23


28. I Corinthians 15:56, Paul said "The sting of death [23] is sin and the strength of sin [13] is the law [10]."


29. The address of the Freemasons lodge in Stafford, England is 23 Jaol Rd. In New York it is on 23rd street.


30. There are 2,300 stones comprising the Great Pyramid


31. There are exactly 23 characters, numbers and letters on the face of all U.S. coins


32. On December 23, 1805 the Federal Reserve Act passed in congress.

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