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the NEW sketch thread


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my son hass been staying at my mums for a bit and my wife wanted me to make a welcome home banner, so just sketched these out gonna laminate them. (yes the W is upside down, was just how I folded the paper)







LEWC (lower case L, upside down W)

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bump yearz and indica...the whole thread really deserves a bump for that matter.


finished sadik exchange...i failed on some of the effects and left some of the details unfinished. also IamwaK...




Damn Man.... Sick With The Blends!!! :scrambled: I'm Still Tryna Figure Out How You Did Em.

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Find a mirror and find the _____, pHuck F-A-C-E.


Does heaven have a gable roof? Where is the secret gadget, is it in the bible. The amount of gadfly surrounding the useless is astonishing. BHO II TAGGED OBL. Off to meet the G, who OD'd. If I need the Ga I would've called the Georgians, they got all the goods on Gallium. Way to much chatter at the moment. The gabardine is being switched to hemp, 420 or we lock it all up and call it slavery. This is the gabbiness of the essence of the lesson to A-Z, nothing but vibrating air. Tender is the young mind, to know of Gabon. Send them back to the mother land, this time, bring no whips. The Botswana peeps can perhaps relate. Gaborone, the Icon Lex, even needed you, so much was made up, yet so little is now cherished. The days of gadding are to the horsepower, the feet lead sedentary states. Like learning, yet the ambulatory stage has us zombied. If the gaffer could please stop, and find your inner light, the ease would be like the old gaffer, walking happily to his last outing. Wow, so beyond based, this is spiritually scripted. Can pick apart the picture like Neo-gods. This is the beginning, like Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin would've said in 1961. Say what up to Binny for me. Wow, the gage on that was like me saying you should copy a dictionary and become ambidextrous. But let me not gaggle, I'm putting the word of god/man on the table. In utter inner simplex comple simplicity. Corruption Is Totally You. Hiding with Team ACRO. Hidden sounds gaily mixed in. The gayety of government to minds that cannot self governance mentally is the death of all beings. In the end competucation and collabucation where the issue. Education rested at the library or in the internet. Like lagniappe though, it is of little value at the end end all. Thomas Gage would've ticked off Laden like he did the colonials prior the American Revolution. The Gaelic and Africa, wow, thank you MTsarion. But yet the Gael claim separateness. Slaved up for their gnostic ways. But don't let the reaper catch you with his gaff, but wait, were not fishing. He/she is though. So lost, stop trying to find any reason in this, find yourself. The gadolinium is running out, Gd got got by the GED'd. So hidden, so cryptic. They see me, I see them. We are like cheap light bubbles, THE LIGHT BULB CONSPIRACY. Cheap, what is there really that you gain.

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