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LOL imagine opening the car door and bumping the car next to you and coming back and "THANKS ASSHOLE" is etched into your windshield...


Well, you'd probably be pretty pissed if it happened to you but if you were with who it happened to you'd laugh your fucking ass off.


hahaha gotta remember that one for next time it happens to me :P

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interesting, i didn't even know etch came in different colors.


what do you all use to get inks out of your skin?

i've been just using this goof off paint remover but it burns like a bitch and my hands are all raw.


Whoa, man. Dont pour paint thinner on your hands.


If paint is on your hands, use hot water, soap and try to gently scrub it off with something.


If its ink, then Im not really sure, I just wash it with soap and hot water, and then It just somehow goes away on its own...

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do you know what kind of paint i could use that has a high heat tolerance that i could paint the base of an old fashioned coffee carafe? i was thinking the high heat rustoleum but it specifically says not to paint stuff that would be exposed to an open flame.......this is what i would be painting.






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buy soap with sand in it to get paint/ink of your hands, washin ur hands in paint thinner will probly give you some type of cancer..


got some illadel ink from bs thats been sittin around forever cus it fades bad with sunlight lol. any ideas for adding permenance to it? leather dye?

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