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My dad every so often molecoats guns. And i was going through my stash of stainers and found i was low. Well i found this stuff called MOLY RESIN liquid that stains metal and is used to coat gun finishes when backed at 300 degrees or something. It is a black semi gloss, but its too light and not opaque at all by itself. Its pretty thin too, so i added a bit to my pen ink mix. And when i tested the stuff by itself it left i pretty clean ghost. Kinda looked like the Ink/Paint mix Asdf posted. So i definetly am testing this bad boy out and hopefully get some buff pics.

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naw dude but seriously. That kid seemed really full of it, and thought he was a wizard on stuff. WHen i saw the junobo vid where he dissed it, i just had enough. But once i saw the vid where he went back and said that was a mistake and it is actually a good product. It made me realize that he accepts he is toyish but he is learning slowly on his own. Me and the kid are straight now, so no beef towards him. I'd rather deal with him on youtube than these newbie kids who are still asking how Kiwi's work and The 'GK' formula. Im no king, just i use common sense and the search bar to help myself out.

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Figure it out yourself, kid. Don't just go rushing into experimenting with shit though, look it up. I just looked up hydrogen peroxide and considering the stuff that you might put in a marker, it's a pretty stupid idea to do anything with hydrogen peroxide. It could easily blow up in your face if you mix it with some stuff.


And coke...I doubt anything good will come from it.


Remember, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are your friend.



Similar to hydrogen peroxide, "the works" toilet bowl cleaner works wonders on metal boxes/doors etc.:p

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