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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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Hey I'm actually gonna give constructive criticism -




The painting of the girl is allright. Weather the writer did it or it was an art student effort thrown in the trash, it's a decent direction to work in. The graffiti painted on top of it kind of sucks. I don't like it as graffiti, if it was on a subway train I could admire it as a dedicated effort, but on pure style it's not my cup of tea (recognizing the subjectivity of style... or leaving that argument for somewhere else). Notwithstanding the style of the graffiti, in terms of the painting it ADDS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. In fact it takes away. Some would say that this is the case with all graffiti on canvas - I'm a moderate, I'd say that graffiti pieces on canvas only detract from about 99% of the instances in which they're found. But notwithstanding that viewpoint, look at the piece as a painting element - the contrast of paint handling, color, saturation, and most of all line quality ie. the evocative feeling - does nothing with the rest of the painting. It just sits there and looks wrong. The little sketchy cloud up by the chicks head look better, because they fit with the painting of the girl more. Not to say that you shouldn't use clashing elements in art, you just need to get the dischord right and that's trickier than following basic rules of good design and painting to make a harmonious piece of art.

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if your really want to use tape to mask things off, the type of tape your using is very important. go to an art supply store or a house painting store and ask about tapes. there are kinds for paper and or other things that will work better then jsut any old tape yo find laying around.



but also trying to practice are arm control drawing straight lines and perfect circles. sounds silly but is harder then it seems and is good practice for all other art-related pursuits.


I got some tape made for masking off in painting, but I think the grain of the canvas I use is too thick and so the paint goes in between grains, under the tape. and about the hand control, I'm using aerosol to make lines, and on 8x10 I don't think can control can give me clean lines:( . but thanks anyways, i think i'm just going to have to get finer grain canvas.

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aw man... i had to see it for myself.. ya..thats def my character.. and those buidling... i jus pulled up a really old canvas of mine that was posted like 04-05 or some shyt.. looks jus like it..seriously.. im not tryin to start shyt.. i dont even talk on this lame shyt anymore..but thats was so taken from my shyt... hahahaha


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