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This is the problem with Lionel (you know, past the fact that nothing looks real, it all looks like toys) tropicana does not have 1200 series mini ridge cars, they just dont.


Cryo trans never had a mini ridge mechanical reefer. Its all wrong. They should pay a little more attention to detail (or any for that matter)


You think they were going off of these and just updated it with the newer paint?



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i like lionel but they should make the cars more precise... i dont' know why they made the bnsf ice cicle with ridges thats fucked... i looked at the numbers and door name for the cryo by lionel and they match so at least that is right... another thing about lionel is they are to expensive...

can't wait for the great train expo to come through town next month if you havn't been your missing out... best weekend of the year for a rail fan

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some obvious shit missing like the reflectors and graffiti..but its now packed up stored and on to the next project. this was the first time i used a lighter to create bulges which was pretty cool. i think KO said it before, subtile weathering is much more difficult. comments welcomed.















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some obvious shit missing like the reflectors and graffiti..but its now packed up stored and on to the next project. this was the first time i used a lighter to create bulges which was pretty cool. i think KO said it before, subtile weathering is much more difficult. comments welcomed.







bulged the sides with a disposable lighter?

that's how to do it?


looks real real


weathering washes look good, oils?

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KO - thanks, yeah the bulges were done with a lighter and the hard end of a painbrush.

various washes, but mostly acrylic and black really thin. oils yes, but only stippled on lightly for rust accent and on the top rail to replicate the rust in the proto. the overall look was achieved by several dullcote and acrylic washes.


i have one of them WFEs too. no longer looks like that tho ;)

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Does anyone have any software suggestions for planning a layout? Im really weary of starting this thing fully, both for time, and for money sakes, and would really like to plan it before I do anything, so I dont have to do much backtracking. Any suggestions welcome.


the Atlas website used to have a freeware app called right track or RTS. its actually not that bad once you get the hang of it. a google search for "atlas right track freeware" should yeild a link right to the download.


there is also a free trial of an app called Cadrail9 - somewhere. i cant remember where i got it tho. i have not used it yet since im not at the layout stage. again, google should get it for you.


your bench work looks great so far. interested in your progress - keep us posted.


I'm still tihnking of extending the closest section all the way to the wall on the left, then going a few feet down there, so its a huge S


IMO - you should definitly extend it. for 2 reasons. 1 if you plan to have continiously running trains, the more space the better. running full length trains on tight curves is NOT the business. 2 i have learned, the hard way, not to start off and then decide to extend it later. i started a 4X8 and then decided i wanted to make it bigger befoe i even finished

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Load Limit - you might look at these things called "fiddle tracks"


it's a british concept, but a majority of the layouts over there are "point-to-point," which is the type of layout you described. I'm kinda fuzzy on it but its a way to save space and transfer trains from location to location, if i'm not mistaken. trains move form location to location in your layout on these platforms called "cassettes."


Again, I'm not 100%. But model railroader always has layout plans in it and they also publish books of layout plans, both of which you might be interested in, for inspiration if nothing else.


I agree that a working mainline is an awesome improvement though and is fun for just plain ol' running trains, which i love. It can also be good for simulating through trains with higher clearance levels (that your road switchers must then yield to) like TOFC (for older-themed layouts) or intermodal/automobile/produce traffic for modern layouts.


For advanced operation like that i'd suggest a DCC (digital control command) system.. it's modern and way fun. Model railroader has done a tone of stuff about installing decoders in older locomotives and newer engines come DCC ready with pre-installed decoders, most of the time.

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ll what kinda benchwork did u go with l or t girder? i say extend extend extend, the bigger the better but do avoid anything deeper then say 2 or 3 feet depending on how tall u r the area i build my yard is over 6feet deep and is a nightmare if something ever jumps the rails, i dont no about u but i like long trains but like u mentions ur doing a shortline but a shortline may still see long trains either throught trains or interchange trains can run, if u dont mind having the same train pass throught the same scene twice u could had a reverse loop or 2, also id suggest building some kind of stagging area trust me its worth it if ur going for realistic operation, finally i say fuck dcc, yea i mean its great n all mad trains running in every direction but unless ur real big on the sound factory of dcc i say stay away because u can do the same with dc and block wiring, if u have dcc ur ganna have 2 clean clean clean ur tracks cause any little bit of dirt on ur track or wheels even will cause problems, the power wont travel right throught ur track 2 the wheels 2 the decoder and setting will seem to be not working or wont do what u tell it and then u think ur shits broke, decoders fryed, ect. but its just u didnt clean ur tracks 12 times a week

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i like lionel but they should make the cars more precise... i dont' know why they made the bnsf ice cicle with ridges thats fucked... i looked at the numbers and door name for the cryo by lionel and they match so at least that is right... another thing about lionel is they are to expensive...

can't wait for the great train expo to come through town next month if you havn't been your missing out... best weekend of the year for a rail fan


u talkin about greenberg

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