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i dont remember who responded after you asked how to do that... but they basically had the right idea... ive done a million sequences (spellcheck) before of sporting activities no one cares to see... but there are several ways to do it... that one of me was done pretty much the way (insert user name here) described... although my aquarium threw off a few of the exposures so some of it was a lil more trickey than described.. i like doing it by using the square select tool copy and pasting and then using the dropshadow and effects to kinda make it look like photo collage or something.. doing them with snowboard stuff would be so fun.. but yea.. holler at me on the aim if you want more info or something...

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Alright, Equipment time.


So I want a new camera, I don't need one but eventually I will and I need it to be a work horse so I'm looking at the Nikon F5.


In addition, I want a medium format camera, really bad. I'm thinking a mamiya system but I'm not sure which. I can get a digital back for the mamiya so that puts off buying a digital SLR.


Both would be bought used.


The main reason for the post:


Should I take out more student loans to buy these cameras?

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where the hell did the edit button go?


I have done close to nothing this week, I had a lighting exam monday skipped my 4x5 class this morning because i finished the assignment two weeks ago and had a business class. The only thing I did was worked briefly on a self portrait for composition:



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i've totally considered the holga to be very played out in the past couple months but I really starting to embrace it.


I'm currently in chicago visiting the better half and shot a 120 role of the beautiful university of chicago campus that'll hopefuly be posted by Wednesday.


35mm in holgas/medium format cameras is hot, keep up the good work.

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