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Napalm, those shots are real crisp. I like them a lot more than that first race you shot.


Fr8, those first 2 are hot.


WERRD. Got another roll of b&w to finish off, then it's back to colour for a while, maybe get some unexpired slide film to try out.


this was taken by a friend of mine with his canon eos digital rebel xt



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these will prolly get bumped off the page but its prolly better they do... i suck for not posting more often in here... holler to my ppa homies on lock down....


3am a "party" strobe light, two different colored t shirts, toomuch tea, and a very bored tim at 3am...









(pre posted)


(maybe posted?)


fullframe no crop



sorry for lack of bringing the funk

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I'm looking into to buying a vintage polaroid. I'm thinking about going with one from the land series, with the accordian style, you know what I'm talking about. Does anybody know anything about them. I'm also thinking of A Sun 600, and does anybody know anything about the EE series. Basically I just want to make sure I don't throw some mula into an older camera and come up dissapointed.

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Good choice for vintage cameras.


With the fold-out (accordian) style Polaroids you will be using peel-apart Pack Film, i.e. 669 (color) or 664 (B&W). There are more types of film for this style camera, but for right now it's best you look for 669 to start with.


As for a camera... where will you be looking?

I find mine at thrift shops mostly, but you can probably find a few at local camera shops. If you use eBay you always have plenty of options. If I were you i'd go with a 300 series fold-out Polaroid.

That is, if you can chose from a variety of them.

If not, then any 100 - 400 series will do. They all use Pack Film.


The AutoFocus Sun 600's use just basic Polaroid 600 film. The kind that ejects with a whirring sound. This is your typical point and shoot camera. You don't have many options for film.


If you really want to take it a step up, you can look for an SX-70 model. This is a pop-up style Polaroid camera. They were made from the 60's to about the mid 80's or so. They are fun to use and really compact.



The EE series is kind of like an newer version of the fold-out camera.

I have one, but for some reason the shutter is stuck shut. If it was in working order, i'd probably say that it's a kick ass camera.

It seems more durable than the older fold-outs and it takes the same Pack Film.



So, it's really up to you.

If you need any more help, just let us know!

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I hit the jackpot this weekend. I found a portrait lens kit, something that appears to be a macro lens kit, a tripod, a sx70 one step and a 250 and 420 land camera all for the low, low price of $5. Also scored some flash bulbs, beyond expired film that is no doubt...worthless and a Kodak 'polaroid' camera.

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I come with a question to some of the more experienced photographers in here (i'm looking at you, Misp). In August i will be moving to New York to begin my college experience where i will be majoring in photography. I currently am shooting an Olympus OM-1, which i love dearly, but at some point this summer i am planning on picking up a newer slr. Now, i'm personally very happy with how my camera shoots, but i'd like to have a newer camera that has some more of the options. I know i'd be shooting full manual the vast majority of the time, but i'd like a camera that gives me the capability to set some of the shit to automatic, so pretty much any newer camera. So what i'm asking is would some of you mind giving me some of your personal opinions/recommendations/cameras to stay away from/etc. I probably won't be basing my decision solely off of what you guys say, but i'd like to at least have some place to start looking so i don't have to go read the reviews on the thousands of slrs (not digital) out there. Thank you muchly.

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Guest fr8lover

ayo -Rage- or any other polaroid freaks...


i've managed to track down two fold out pack film cameras and i'm wondering which one is the better deal.


- for 18 beans i can be the proud owner of a model 220 in good condition with a hard case, flash, cold clips, instructions...etc


- for 25 american dollars i can have a model 450. case, everything...etc


i'm taking into account whether or not they work, the price, and quality of the cameras. which do you suggest i start with. so far i've only messed around with one step integral type stuff so teach me!


also, where is a cheap place to get batteries and what kind do i get for these cameras. the 220 uses a weird looking 4.5 volt jumpoff and the 450 has two little weird-shaped guys. what are these?



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Chupacabra -- holler at me when you get to NY.. whats pentax got going on for slr's these days?

i love my seriously old spotmatic. maybe check them out, i think firepants has pentax 6x7 that he enjoys..


Fr8lover- i'd say get either of them. they're probably not that much different.

for batteries- the 4.5 volts are pretty easy to get from radio shack, certain camera store will have other voltages. i actually have an extra 4.5 volt. pm if you want..


hopefully later on i'll post some flicks from my new rebelxt..

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Take the 450 Model.

We used a 220 for the first round of the PPA, and it's a good camera, but the 450 is better.

It has a built in electric timer (for exposure developing) and it also have a flip down/up View finder (my personal favorite)


Are the same accessories available for the 450 as you mentioned with the 220?


As for the batteries, as I've stated numerous times, any of the old fold-outs that take the 4.5v (long looking battery, not short and fat) then you can simply modify the battery holder to take a 9v.

If you don't want to do that, Polaraoid.com has a link to some battery resources in their FAQ section.

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I don't know if you got my TXTMSG but i got hooked up with two free passes to eastern state, my teacher told me to go shoot some portraits there.



Quick breakdown of slrs:

You're majoring in photography(where ya going, if you don't mind me asking?) so i'm assuming you're going to do this for a living. It's super expensive at first but if you buy the hot shit it'll last you many years and they'll eventually pay for themselves.

Avoid anything with a plastic body. Unfortunetly nowadays Pentax seems to only make SLRs out of plastic. You will drop your euipment no matter how careful you are and chances are it will break. Olympus doesn't make SLRs anymore, I'm pretty sure they're only digital. I'm not sure how Contax slrs are, but they take Carl Ziess lens which is bonertron. I shoot with a nikon N75(don't buy that camera, it's lame) you get the advantages of nikon lenses but it isn't durable. I'm completely bias so I'm saying shoot nikon cameras you should look into:



Nikon F4 - Hard as nails SLR with the only modern feature of Auto-Focus(which is mediocre) I've used other peoples F4s and am considering picking one up on ebay(they run like $200-$$00 for the body) Only draw back, you bang it around too much chances are you'll set the diopter loose and you'll just be confused as hell trying to frame a shot.



Nikon F5 ($1200 new, anywhere from $800 to $1100 used)- This shouts professional, full manual with some features like apeture priority and shutter priority. This mean bitch has a magnesum alloy body, hammer nails with it, i dare you, it'll still be cool. The best part of the F5, the auto focus is amazing. It'll focus on things before you even thought about focusing on it.



Nikon F100 (body:$900 or so new, anywhere from $400 to $800 used)- not quite professional, not quite prosumer. Most if not all the features of the F5, only for some reason the loose diopter problem of the F4 shows up here. It's also the response to the bitches that complained the F5 was too heavy, so they ditched the build in motor drive.

Apparently the autofocus is slower too.



Nikon F6($2,049. Too New to find used)

There is so much to say about this amazing piece of machinary. Basically imagine everything good every to happen to an SLR and this is it. +++blindingly fast auto focus.


Oh, and it has a KEVLAR SHUTTER. What purpose this serves, I don't really know. But the fact of the matter is it's hella hip. Someone shoots you in the lens, what bullet won't fuck up your film.


This was all very imprompt to and doesn't give that much information but it's a start i guess.

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Originally posted by MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega@May 24 2005, 05:56 PM


I don't know if you got my TXTMSG but i got hooked up with two free passes to eastern state, my teacher told me to go shoot some portraits there.



Yes, I did and you are awesome.



I thought "modeling" wasn't allowed in ESP?

Says so on the site... oh well.

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The thing here is i'm not really sure what price range i'm looking at. It's all dependent on how much cashmoney i can make/save this summer and if my parents will help chip in a bit(or maybe a lot for my birthday in august). I know i'm gonna end up dropping a shitload on body/lens, so i figure i might as well make it nice enough that i'm not going to need to worry about buying a new camera for a few years. God knows i wish i could get that F6, that thing makes my pants weep.

Thanks for the quick breakdown, it gives me somewhere to start, at least with nikons. And fuck the pussies who complain about their camera being too heavy. My lens is a fucking tank and you don't hear me bitching about that.

If you by chance have aim, i'd love to talk with you some more. My screenname is MrScojangles. If not, i shall give you some more info sometime in the near future via 12oz.

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id personally go with a manual focus unless your going to be into photojournalism. Id go with the nikon F3, talk about a nice camera.


But anyway can people give me their thoughts on some images? I dont know if they showed up the last time.










By the way what school are you going to chup? Just wondering cuz i start at RIT next years as a fine art photo major


more images Here

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Originally posted by hot shit@May 24 2005, 07:59 PM

By the way what school are you going to chup?  Just wondering cuz i start at RIT next years as a fine art photo major



A) The last pic (Philly Convention center) is very nice.


B) I plan to go to RIT soon (within the next two years). Report back on how it is...




* Me good spell

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