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The Photography Thread


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I can start it off. But I must end with it too. I'll develop.



If I start we can have a SET box to ship in. I can make it a good one. As long as people are careful to open and can repackage it, there should be no problem.


There should be a way of special shipping that has it x-rayed, but in a safer way.







MisP... where'd you come from? You disappeared for a while.

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well, its worth a try, worst comes to worst we lose a few bucks in shipping costs. We should start a list of everyone whose going to be getting this camera so we can figure out how many photos each person gets.



Rage, i'll be getting your and bob's shots tomorrow...hopefully they turned out being developed off the cd and are of high enough quality and not all pixelated or anything...we'll see.



Crazee bob, i no longer have your email address, so if you wanna drop me an email with the address i'll be sending the pictures for you to that would be great.

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ok this is my first time posting here.....and jees all your photos rock...

heres some stuff i took last night.





i piss here when im workin







not really in the same league, just some stuff done with me digi.

oh, and they are all taken in the same toilet...hahahaha

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Guest imported_b0b

ok I've been off 12oz for a while, but now I'm back.


First off: some AMAZING photos have been posted in my absence.


Second off: I have a Kodak disposable flash camera sat here right now and will find a suitable box and post it this week to the first person on the list. If we get a full hand count of who is on the list, we can work out how many photos each. It has 27 photos on it, so if all the regular posters of this thread joined in, it would be roughly 2 photos each (guesstimate). If it gets lost/broken/whatever, oh well better to have tried and failed then not tried at all. Infact I have 4 disposables sat here, so I'll just start it off again. It is more a question of how we go about it. Do we produce one big list with all the names addresses on it that travles with the camera? Or does one (or two) people have a list and when you recieve you email to request the address of the next person? Where possible it would be nice to keep screen names and real names seperate, and I'd prefer the option of emailing for the next address and would be more than happy to organise this.


Thoughts please.


Also hand count of people willing to take a photo and pay a few dollars in postage. I have one person from 12oz who doesn't post here down, me and Rage. Email me or Rage or both of us for further thoughts.


The results will be posted here and stuck up on a lil website somewhere so we can all see what we did.

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Guest imported_b0b

So far we have:





mr chup

steve a



down for the project.


Anyone else? Tyler? Ese? Hyrax? Niso?

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My thoughts:


- No disposible. They are poo.

- I have a 35mm plastic "toy" camera that takes interesting shots. See below.

- My 35mm has cheap-o f-stop settings such as: Cloudy, Partly Cloudy, Some Sun, and Sunny. A.K.A. 6, 8, 11, 16. Very cool.

- Should we use color or B&W?

- Should we vote on film stock and speed too? Kodak, Fuji..?











P.S. This camera cost me .99 cents. Who cares if it gets lost or damaged.












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count me in. I have doubts but I'll give it a shot. I assume the "listmaster" will be sorting addresses so the trips are as short as possible between people. my email is nothingbutfreights@hotmail.com so whoevers collecting the info get at me...



SteveAustin: thanks. the reason its so badass is that fountain is filled with about 3 or 4 boxes of laundry soap, making it foamy as hell. that was on "canabis day" a little while ago...

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Originally posted by Kilo7-

and to the 'listmaster' - you should plan the order so it only

has to cross the border once out and once back.

its going to have to go to various places in the us, various places in canada, and a few spots in uk.







mr chup

steve a






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12oz PhotoFriends...


The deal.


- We go with my 35mm jawn.

- A roll of 36 exposures.

- Most likely Kodak film.

- Suggestions on speed?

- Must vote on color or B&W...

- I'll buy the roll of film and shipping parts.



I need EVERYONE on the list to e-mail me. I can organize where it goes if everyone just gives me your State/Providence and Country. No addresses needed just yet.





So far the list is 10 people. That's at LEAST 3 pictures per person.

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i've become pretty disenchanted with photography lately... i know this is gonna be a thunderstorm in the middle of everyones parade, but whatever...

photography is a joke. everyone and their mother is a photographer. its so fucking easy to shoot a 'good' picture, its pathetic. start with either a very blurry, or very crisp photo, over sturate it, crop it, throw on a border and 'voila' you've got a good photo. its gay as shit. it's a formula that is fool proof. i could walk around the room im in right now, with the camera in my bag, and shoot 20 pictures that would all be 'dope', and i could do it nearly in my sleep. infact, i could hand the camera to an 8 year old with one are, tell him what to shoot and it'd be damn near the same thing. it's all tricks and gimmicks. its geometry. its chopping things into thirds, and playing with a-symetrical balance. its 8/10th's of electric blue, interspersed with billowy white clouds, and a slightly cock eyed strip of richly colored brick, filling out the last 2/10th's and framing the left side. its a joke. and dont even get me started on fish eye lenses....christ, you could shoot a cigarette butt in a mud puddle and make it look high-brow with the simple mouse click combo of 'edit>image>curves'.

now understand, im not slamming anyone in here, i first began thinking all of these things by looking at my own photos. i would shoot a bunch of stuff, scan through them real fast, find the obvious 'winners' do my standard 'edits' and BOOM. admittidly, they would look 'good', but good isnt enough. good is fucking gay. it's so blindingly easy to make 'good' photos, when really all they are is in focus and pushed 3 f-stops. this isnt to say there arent some exceptional photos in here, there are, but as a whole, its becoming so much harder to impress me, and to feel like what im doing is worth my, and the worlds time.

i dont know, maybe im wrong. maybe there are a few of us here that just have the 'eye' for it or something, and my concept of 'easy' is actually just natural ability. i dont know. i just know that i'm lost and frustrated and not content with how i feel about my own stuff. i feel no sense of achievement when i take a good photo, i just think 'oh look, how esy that was'. the only thing stnding between any of us, and mass recognition, is some 64x80 prints and a degree from cooper union. i'd say photography wasn't even art, except i feel the same fucking way about art in general. do something sloppy once, and its bad, do it sloppy 1200 times, and its art.

thats gay.

rafeal was art...not...


blah. sorry, i just had to get that out.

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^ the exact same thing can be said about grafitti.


Ant 8 year old can do it, but the trained eye sees the difference

between what's good and what's simply following the formula.

Once your eyes are trained a bit of the magic is lost. You cant

be fooled into thinking an average photo is good when you know

the mistakes. Same thing about graf.

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I'm not going to disagree.


It just seems that as you understand more about photography, writing

or any other 'art' you have to be a little more discerning in your tastes.

For example... News did a piece in my city years ago with crap paint

and stock caps. The untrained eye would say 'that's sloppy looking'

but the trained eye would say 'wow! what style!'. Strip away the photoshop

and just try to see though to the raw content. That's where you'll find the difference

between average and good.


I've been a firm believer that a good photo should be in a collection of

similar photos to be great. If you can shorot 30 things in the same style

and end up with similar results that fit as a cohesive unit, then you are

a good photographer. The rest might just be luck. Some photos are waiting

to be taken. Some are crafted by the photographer.

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see, i would say the exact opposit.

if you can come up with 30 photos, that are all good for different reasons, then you're a dope photographer. 30 photos that are similar are just 30 variations of the same thing.

i realize that a more 'trained' eye will be more discerning, and there is definitely an ability to take 'next level' photos, maybe what im so frustrated at, is my inability to get there. but see, even if i was to 'figure it out', it would be just that, a riddle, not art.

i could write a book on how to take 'dope' photos, that would be good enough to get you through most levels of any art school photography corriculum. its all shadows, or angles, or colors...its textbook. maybe im just mad because i was expecting something else, and im unhappy with my glimpse behind oz...hell, mybe im just completely fucking wrong... i just know coming across all of this has left me incredibly unmotivated and frustrated.

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