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The Photography Thread


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damn seeking... you looked behind the curtain? We told you not to go there.


I think you're just hitting the frustrated phase know as a 'plateau'.

Maybe you and fun subject matter instead of dealing with the

'thirds' and shot composition. I will once again take it back to the graffiti

comparison just because this is one of the few places where that works.

Look at joker. Look at the stuff he used to do. Look at what he does now.

He clearly got the outline>fill>outline>highlight concept down, and now

he's pushed way beyond that. Maybe you need to step back and forget

about all the textbook photograph techniques and let yourself make

some interesting mistakes and try to develop those directions.


and why'd you look behind the curtain?

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I know im not one to give advise....but i think do what makes you happy.

If you enjoy taking pictures of say a toilet ( in my case) then do it. Dont take things so seriously, just enjoy yourself.


If all else fails, take pics of naked ladies performing lewd acts, might bring you back to loving photography!

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I've gone through the exact same thing Seeking. I'm gonna have to agree with Kilo and say its a plateau. There is a formula for everything and you're right in saying that its easy (when you have the talent or eye). I think art minded people in general have that eye. Talk to some of your friends that don't have a spec of it in their blood and perhaps you'll hear something refreshing. I agree that you could "teach" these people how to do it as well....and I'm sure the majority would be able to take some nice pics. Maybe that's just good teaching? I also think that I could do the same thing with photoshop in regards to blah photos. Of course, knowing me...I can attribute that to my cockiness in being proficient in PS. So anyway...back to the plateau comment. There are certain images that are in style now...and there are biters in photography as well. This is the one thing that changes the style and direction of things. This is why painters quit painting religous scenes and rubenesque women. This is also why in a few years time...we'll probably be laughing at our high contrast, gritty, no tonal value having photos. The end result of this thought is to challenge yourself to do something better that doesn't incorporate all those things. Some of those techniques should probably always be observed...(rule of thirds) and some are just styles.

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Guest Pilau Hands

I've thought about it myself from time to time...so here mine is for what it's worth...


To me, a lot of photo is about documentation. That photo of ese's is great, but why? It's a big ball of light, some smoke, a building with interesting shadows...what's so special about it. That's what I love about photography sometimes. It's not so much about you, as it is about being there, wherever you are, and that exact point in time. Walking down the street everyday there are millions of things you could shoot that would be beautiful. But a photo is what you make a personal choice to look at harder than everything else for a second. It stands out to you for whatever reason, and maybe there isn't a whole lot that goes into that, cropping, contrast, whatever. What I'm interested in is that personal choice. A picture of a wrinkly old man may be fantastic on its own, but you're still reading into it. You're looking at it and for a split second you imagine what he's seen, where he's been. I was mulling it over when it comes to International photography. I've seen photo books of children from Tibet, locals near Angkor Wat, Bushmen in Africa, and as a westerner, I loved them and thought they were fantastic...which they were. Great colors when it applied, great contrasts in b/w ... but visually, it's foreign. We don't see it everyday therefore it's special. I thought, how many times have I seen a photo I loved and loved it only because of the subject matter not the actual print or physical effort it took to produce that work. You could take a disposable to Costa Rica and Americans would eat it up. It's a bias we have I just have to deal with.


It is in a sense really easy to make a great photo. It's all mathematics and formula. Have depth, contrast, etc etc. So I've realized the same thing you have...except in the end i still love it. In our visual culture, i like capturing seconds and putting them down on paper. Maybe instead of concentrating on how easy it is to shoot a thousand things that the art world would like, just concentrate on one. What is photography to you, why do you take pictures at all? Just take one shot, and think about why you're choosing that one instead of an infinite number of others.

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i was looking forward to your comments.


i agree with you, and also kilo, but i also dont think its quite that simple. its not just a plateau that i'm at, its one that photography (and art as a whole) seems to be at. its like graphic design. there are 15 trillion good designers, and 11 great ones. its so rare that i see a photo and go 'oh shit, that's ill'... they all just seem so...contrived. im sure alot of that is what i'm putting on it, but i can see it very clearly none the less. i also know if i can find a way to push myself, and to look at things from a completely different perspective, and take pictures of new things, i would begin to enjoy it again, im just having difficulties finding that. in graffiti, there have always been people that i could draw inspiration from. not necesrily style, but people like joker, or revok, or ecb, or whoever, that were constantly breaking new ground, and proving that it could be done. photography doesnt have that luxury....not only is it much older and thus has seen most of its major reniscenses, but its also bound by the physical characteristics of our world....

i really didnt start all of this to complain, or to bring people down, or even to find answers, i brought it up because this is the 'photography' i've doing these last couple months...theory of photography....and if anyone could relate to it, or benefit from it, it would be you guys.


alot of what im dealing with, ultimitely, comes down to my completely unrealistic approach to things, and the speed with which i get bored of things. i dont like doing the same thing twice. if anyone is familiar with the little stickers i do, i never draw the same image over again. they're all one shot deals. ive never painted the same piece twice (simple letters excluded).... ive yet to accept that 'famous' artists will somtimes spend two years making 2 dozen versions of the same painting, before finally completing the one that we wind up knowing...to me that is just unaceptable, but at the same time, who the fuck am i?


blah...food for thought

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^ ADD ?


Do you think you've done all you can do with photography?

That there isn't an original idea left in you? Well if that's the case

then put it down and never look back, but I dont think that's the case.


Sure things look formulatic and a little contrived but that's just in how

YOU are seeing them. You see the thirds, the colour levels and all the

technical elements. People might not know that when they take the pics

but it seems like your not interested in pictures as a whole anymore.

Is it like you need to break it down into elements to really appreciate it?


Well I'm sure I'm not going to change your mind in any of this,

but I do recommend switching up your process and finding something new.


Or have a gallery show and listen to all the little punks either rip your shit up

or talk like it's the best shit ever done. that would change the perspectives quick fast.

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i should also admit to a complete obsession with over analyzing things.

anytime im doing anything, im trying to figure out how something works, or why it is the way it is. it's not like a freaky obsession, just an extreme desire to understand things.

i wrote a book a couple years ago breaking down modern art and modern culture. it was more of a big magazine with alot of pictures, than a book really, but still....one of these days i need to finish it. its pretty dope.

but thats all whatever.



seeking/bored with a job

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1,2,3 & 5, if technicaly done better, would be 'good'. not saying as photo's they arent good, but you know what i mean.


pilau, you must have posted that just when i did, cause i didnt see it till just now.


and as ive agreed with the others, i too will agree with you, it is about capturing that moment in time. i guess im just frustrated with the lack of angles, and lack of different ways to capture those moments.

and i should say that what i'm talking about with all of this, is mostly 'landscape' or 'still' images. photographing anything that conveys a feeling of 'life' or is an action shot, something depending on capturing that split second in time, is a whole different ballgame, and is not at all subject to the same scrutiny.


i dont know. im tired, im hungry, im warm.

im listening to eminem.

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see, after talking my way through all of that, i realize its not photography im sick of, it's 'art fag' photography of inanimate objects and surfaces. i need to start taking pictures of inanimate objects and surfaces with people on them.


there, all better now.

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Originally posted by seeking

sorry my love for photography goes a bit deeper than the bulb setting and a set of tail lights. trust me, i wish i could just not care...

haha, i love long exposures of cars, but the truth is i completely see what you're getting at.



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Originally posted by seeking

just fuck off.

sorry my love for photography goes a bit deeper than the bulb setting and a set of tail lights. trust me, i wish i could just not care.... god forbid someone try and spark up a dialogue...




seeking/not a morning person


no need to tell me to fuck off, and no need to take the piss out of what i do. I never said i was the best photographer in the world. Im happy taking the photos i take.

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Originally posted by thewillyman



hey pmb i was looking at this photo and i thought that maybe if you adjusted the aperture and shutterspeed on your camera this photo wouldnt suck as much. Now, the photo lacks any real depth and the composure is all wrong. maybe if you step back from the subject a little you will actually be able to see what is going on. i'd suggest you use a minolta 1400 with 26 exposure film. wind it on manually and develop it in the dark room on your own. make sure you dont let any light get to the film because maybe thats why its mostly dark. overexposed. and you should go back at a more suitalbe time of day to take the picture. I'd also suggest some documentation and a little bit better composure. But i mean obvoiusly you're a beginner so keep at it son.


you got beef with this guy or what? people do take silhouette photos you know

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