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The Photography Thread


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everyone knows what taking a photo from ground level looks like


everyone knows what putting a camera on a tripod and pointing it some moving lights looks like


everyone (on this board anyway) knows what blurry, poorly exposed photos of train yards look like.


everyone who has in one point of their life walked past a post card stand knows what a photo of a sunset looks like



does anyone get my point here?

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everyone knows what taking a photo from ground level looks like


everyone knows what putting a camera on a tripod and pointing it some moving lights looks like


everyone (on this board anyway) knows what blurry, poorly exposed photos of train yards look like.


everyone who has in one point of their life walked past a post card stand knows what a photo of a sunset looks like



does anyone get my point here?


you want to break free from the mold?



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Hopefully this Photo is up to your standards. Its a photo of some dirt, a rock, and a footprint on it. My camera accidently went off. Hopefully its Deep enough for you guys.Bunch of winers.


i kind of wish the footprint was a little more prominent in the photo...;)




its a graffiti forum, of course there are going to be a shit-ton of train pictures on here. especially since tracks produce some of the best repetition you will find anywhere. of course some people need to try a bit harder with their flicks and not post the same shit as everyone else does. but train flicks are still dope imo.

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naw i know people who ride single speeds with bull horns.

and plus the crank looks big so i thought it would have been a single speed


hmm, it must just be a fixie thing around here then. i dont think i have ever seen any bike, geared or single speed with bull horns unless it was a fixie.



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