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The Photography Thread


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FirePants. I dig the first one a lot.

Looks like you'd be a lawyer or accountant.


hyrax, hopefully $360 is done and ready to send to you ASAP.

I'm eager to get the PPA back.

I'm guessing you've already talked to ese?




On a side note.. I may have access to a darkroom soon.

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thanks rage..

always a fan of the polaroids with the top ripped off. my ladyfriend's roommate did the animals in the ice.i wish i thought of it because for some reason i have mad put in water and grow animals. enough talking. here's some older photos i like.

most depressing day of the year my ass.













i'll fix that red x tomorrow.

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fr8lover- I dig the concrete pipe & liquor store polaroids. I didn't notice the forehead until the second or third time I scrolled past.


ames- that backboard is pretty neat


I didn't have skool or work today, so I went and explored an abandoned factory complex, painted outside in the sunshine, which i havent done in years, and took picutes of decrepit shit. Rest assured that I wont post them on here though, because there's at least one decrepit-abandoned-building-full-o'-bottles-and-overturned-chairs shot on each of these 81 pages of photos and I'm not contributing to them. Amongst the bottles and chairs and crips thowups, the floors of the factory had giant piles of mossy electrical wire sheaths that are apparently home to many, many rats. Though someone had pilfered the copper wires, there were still walls covered in massive, full-hand-required on/off switches. I'm gonna go back with a wrench and crowbar and fetch a few to bolt randomly around the house. Hope I dont catch fucking hanta virus.

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