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expired film isn't all that bad


if you are buying it from online or a decent camera store chances are they've kept it in a fridge so you probably have a good six months after it expires before there is any noticable difference. A friend of mine gave me a couple rolls of 120 portra that was 3 years old and I just metered for 320ISO instead of the correct 400ISO and they came out just fine. If its pretty old just set the ISO in your camera maybe one stop lower.



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Originally posted by GnomeToys@Dec 3 2004, 09:28 PM


onesec if you ever want digi help hit me on AIM GnomeToys and I'll be glad to oblige. I really like some of your 35mm shots, so I'm interested to see what you'll produce with the digicam given the whole unlimited film thing.



you've been on my buddy list for ages, but you never signed on....hiddenshovel is mine, we used to talk....and i wanted to axe you some shit hahahha, axe, but you never on.

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i am no longer accepting "nice" "cool" or "awesome photos" as good responses. From now I'm going to try and be professional or helpful or whatever. If you like a photo don't say, "shit is hot man"(i'm guilty of this) if you don't have too much knowledge on photography or art just say why you like it.



Your use of line is impressive, I'm normally against long "hallway"( i know it's not a hallway...) shots just because they've been killed but all the support beams forming various shapes, mostly triangles, sets it apart. At first it bothered me that the beams in the forefront were cut off preventing the whole triangle shape from being visable but since you can see all the others it isn't needed and i am really feeling it. Did you print these yourself? If so, You should maybe try to burn the background in just a hair because you're losing a lot of detail. It might not be needed just because of the amount in the rest of the photo. Also try burning the two beams closest to get more detail like previously mentioned. If you didn't print these yourself then try doing a little photoshopping. From what I've seen this is your first post? If so it's very impressive.


Everyone else> Are you against photoshopping your pictures? I'm totally for it, before doing tons of printing myself I was against it because i thought it was cheating but it is literally a digital darkroom and I'm totally for it now.

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Originally posted by MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega@Dec 4 2004, 09:48 PM


Everyone else> Are you against photoshopping your pictures? I'm totally for it, before doing tons of printing myself I was against it because i thought it was cheating but it is literally a digital darkroom and I'm totally for it now.

personally i have always been against it because i think that what flick you take is the picture, not what you go back an fix. To me changing your picture is the same as when George Lucas went back and changed his Star Wars movies, thats not how they were originally.


I think that lighting and darkening are different stories though, if thats what you are talkin about, then no, i dont think its wrong, but if not, then I do. For example, when my friend would paint, he would flick it, then go back and fix parts that werent filled in all the way and things like that, which is totally stupid. But if thats not what you are talkin about, then sorry...

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Originally posted by onesecondple+Dec 5 2004, 04:23 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (onesecondple - Dec 5 2004, 04:23 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega@Dec 4 2004, 09:48 PM


Everyone else> Are you against photoshopping your pictures? I'm totally for it, before doing tons of printing myself I was against it because i thought it was cheating but it is literally a digital darkroom and I'm totally for it now.


I think that lighting and darkening are different stories though, if thats what you are talkin about, then no, i dont think its wrong, but if not, then I do. For example, when my friend would paint, he would flick it, then go back and fix parts that werent filled in all the way and things like that, which is totally stupid. But if thats not what you are talkin about, then sorry...



sorry, i should have been more specific, burning and dodging and curving and shit in photoshop, not editing something into them, that i am totally against.


i liked your george lucas analogy

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i have read the manual a little, reading the manual on my slr minolta helped a lot, and i run both cameras in full manual mode, whic i think is the best way to learn, but im just workin at its



-rage- you shoot anyting besides poloroid?

gnometoys, nice camera,,,,,,, and i like the second flick

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